[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 0 points 1 day ago


Be sure to check out the "catch up" feature. Best thing I've seen in any social media client I think.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/mastodon@lemmy.world

I had no prior knowledge of what these #mastodon app numbers were but found myself pretty surprised at

* Mastodon's dominance (~34% counting web and apps) ... compared with
* How little market share "celebrated" iOS (ivory & icecubes) and web apps (elk, phanpy) have (4.3% total, 0.7% for elk+phanpy)
* But all that (and the other listed items) are only ~50% with the rest consisting of "thousands" more!

Genuinely sad to see elk and phanpy not get more love.




Doing some "cold-call" business/professional emailing recently, And I feel the specter of #AI

I can't see my emails seeming genuine or real or human.

Formal digital text seems even less human or trust worthy than it did in previously.

The urge to have a phone call is stronger than ever for me (as a millennial that *never* picks up).

For me, this is new, and I only noticed now and I'm a little disturbed at how AI silently altered my world view despite not really using it



Something I've found disappointing in the "AI conversation" around me ...

... there hasn't been enough honest introspection about how this whole thing feels and likely will feel.

Like, there's something disturbing in AI's first "success" being "art" and "music".

There's something disturbing about how we were never going to be able to help ourselves & are compelled to make things like LLMs, but can still be frightened by its implications.

anger v hype leaves all that out


submitted 1 month ago by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Iceshrimp: A #csharp fediverse platform

Was just told (by @Subversivo ) about this: https://iceshrimp.dev/iceshrimp/iceshrimp.net

#Iceshrimp are rewriting the whole thing (a JS/Node #misskey / #firefish fork) in C# with Blazor for the frontend.

Cool to see. Should handle the performance issues that have plagued the *key forks and maybe provide a new general branch of fediverse platform.

What lang/stack isn't represented on the fediverse now? C++, Kotlin?


[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 5 points 1 month ago

@Zagorath @Teppichbrand

And to really get it you have to have been a vulnerable commuter (cyclist etc) in an encounter with a car where they've clearly just not seen you and will kill you if you're not constantly on the look out for such things.

Despite being well informed about such things I was still shocked my "first time" as I watched a car just turn into me like I wasn't there while the driver was looking elsewhere.

cars were already a problem. Weaponising them with tech hype is toxic.

[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 5 points 1 month ago


Lemmy federates pretty well with mastodon. From mastodon you can follow a community as you would any person/user.

There are two major problems though.

  1. everything in that community comes through as a flat firehose, including comments. There's structuring into posts with comments inside.
  2. Mastodon doesn't understand the type of object lemmy sends over ActivityPub, and so simply provides a title and a link to the original post.

Also, you can just follow lemmy users on mastodon.

submitted 1 month ago by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

UI differences are a big factor in the success/failure of decentralised federation of diverse platforms and content

And this seems a good example: bridged #mastodon posts onto #BlueSky which has a lower character limit than Mastodon.

So, just like #lemmy posts on mastodon, you don't get the full content of the post (which ends with an abrupt ellipsis here) and have to take a link to the original platform.

However powerful the underlying protocols, this isn't far from screenshots.


[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 6 points 1 month ago

@technology @caseynewton

That search/SEO is broken seems to be part of the game plan here.

It's probably like Russia burning Moscow against Napoleon and a hell of a privilege Google enjoy with their monopoly.

I've seen people opt for chatGPT/AI precisely because it's clean, simple and spam free, because it isn't Google Search.

And as @caseynewton said ... the web is now in managed decline.

For those of us who like it, it's up to us to build what we need for ourselves. Big tech has moved on


Google's play on Search, Ads and AI feels obvious to me.

* They know search is broken.
* And that people use AI in part because it takes the ads and SEO crap out.
* IE, AI is now what Google was in 2000. A simple window onto the internet.
* Ads/SEO profits will fall with AI.
* But Google will then just insert shit into AI "answers" for money.
* Ads managed + up-to-date AI will be their new mote and golden goose.


See @caseynewton 's blog post: https://mastodon.social/@caseynewton/112442253435702607

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

The fediverse won’t succeed at putting up a #Stackoverflow substitute and that’s a problem?

Just an impression: All the pieces seem to be there. But what’s required is a team, with devs, PMs and coordinators, dedicated to making a particular place in the #fediverse .

That’s resources and decently sized financial and organisational demands, especially to get a critical mass of users.

Is the fediverse up to that challenge? If not, is it an issue worth addressing?


[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 4 points 1 month ago

@weirdwriter @ajsadauskas @lemmyreader

Yes, forum platforms too (incl #nodebb of course).

I do get the (very vague) impression discourse is focusing on integrating well with masto to a good extent and so might not integrate too well with the other Reddit/forum platforms. If true, that might be a good enough reason to start with another base. OTOH, it’s a familiar platform to many devs so adapting it for stackoverflow like use could go well right?

[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 8 points 1 month ago


AFAIU, two platforms other than mastodon (lemmy and discourse) have issues federating because at least one of them is trying federate well with mastodon (for obvious reasons). The mastodon quirk causing issues is, AFAIU, the way it kinda mangles articles and pages (long form formats in ActivityPub), which are appropriate for forums and link-aggregators like lemmy and discourse. So someone hints been done to work well with mastodon’s mangling, which hurts lemmy-discourse interop

submitted 1 month ago by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Nice demonstration of why mastodon's dominance is problematic

See the conversions here:

AFAICT, mastodon's decisions, which are arguably problematic (on which see: https://lemmy.ml/post/14973403) are literally trickling down to other platforms and infecting how they federate with each other as they dance around mastodon's quirks in different ways.

It seems like masto is ruining "the standard" with its gravity.

#fediverse #mastodon

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Reflecting on the firefish/calckey "moment"

which was about a year ago now, I can't help but suspect it was a small event with wider implications on the dominance of #mastodon in the #fediverse

I think it was the last chance to direct the twitter migration energy into discovering new/different fedi platforms.

And it was blown, with alt-social in a weird steady/waiting state that's smaller I suspect, than what many hoped for.

#firefish #calckey

cntd: https://hachyderm.io/@maegul/112358202238795371


[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 10 points 2 months ago

@Loukas @fediverse

Comparatively, it's definitely a lot more into shitposting vibes, for sure.

I think their biggest problem right now is they don't have good community self-organising features (nor masto, but the boost culture corrects for that IMO), so those who want more serious sub-cultures aren't getting much footing (and may never).

Feeds are interesting but not very fruitful IMO and hashtags are new, so it's a bit flat community-wise there, and many users are "wait & see" I suspect.

[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 6 points 2 months ago

@anderseknert @fediverse

Fair (kinda the simple explanation why I'm anti-threads-federation).

While I'm no BlueSky-stan, the idea/promise of the system is a hybrid, which I think is generally worthwhile (especially while things like twitter and threads *dominate*) but also interesting.

How hybridised it becomes (and can become) is the question though with *big* outstanding questions.

submitted 2 months ago by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

People are actually on BlueSky

There's now a decent measurement of #bluesky user numbers (https://bskycharts.edavis.dev/edavis.dev/bskycharts.edavis.dev/bsky_users_total.html) ...

They've got about 1.6M MAUs ...
& 0.8M Weekly unique users & 0.340M Daily.

That's not nothing!

Roughly double mastodon and 60% more than the whole fediverse (by MAUs, see fedidb.org).

Bluesky is quite "international" with large Japanese and Brazilian popltns, and there's real attrition happening IMO.

Still, let the protocol wars begin I suppose?


submitted 2 months ago by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Plugins for fediverse platforms.

Where is this up to? Is anyone thinking along these lines?

I've seen @db0 espouse such (eg https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/comment/8581651) (sorry for the tag if annoying).

I've certainly thought of it myself ... because it's a pretty obvious idea for an ecosystem aiming for richness and sustainability.

Seems a perfect fit for reusable moderation tooling too, rather than each new platforms having that trouble.

This is essentially #bluesky 's idea it seems.


submitted 3 months ago by maegul@hachyderm.io to c/moviesandtv@lemm.ee

The "No CGI" dynamic around films is odd and reveals, IMO, that mainstream anti-tech sentiment in capitalism only flies as a consumer's affectation.

I didn't know about this apart from the usual under-appreciation and under-paying of VFX staff.

But then the "No CGI is just invisible CGI" series (https://www.youtube.com/@TheMovieRabbitHole/videos) and this clip about the Barbie behind the scenes *hiding the bluescreen by filling it in* (https://youtu.be/fPNpFqXraKE?si=yYu569bY8d41DZ2f&t=509) ... reveals a profession is being smothered.


[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 9 points 4 months ago

@andybalaam @learningrustandlemmy

This is an inception level of fediverse layers … I’m just rolling with it!

[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 4 points 5 months ago


Yea for sure. I’m not enough of YouTuber to use an account and comment though.

Plus I get the feeling that the astrophysics community kinda bounced off of the fediverse. But definitely worth a try.

[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 4 points 5 months ago

It's probably (very) naive of me, but I hadn't quite thought that the whole thing is a grift against everyone.

Ads, data tracking, *and* tricking you into ignoring the economy/industry that actually matters in the name of "evolution" and "breaking things".

Can't help but see some (stretched) resonance with the #fediverse. Is this just some tech idea that needs to convince all of us that it's the good new thing? What if at its core there's something wrong and it fails us?


[-] maegul@hachyderm.io 7 points 5 months ago


Great line in there from Tim about how everyone is now viewed as an Uber driver and how its hard to justify being paid more than one.

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