[-] magic_lobster_party@kbin.run 9 points 8 hours ago

It’s not that funny.

Docker is like a virtual machine, but you only run one specific program in it. About exactly what the meme describes.

GNU’s Not Unix Isn’t Much Pretty

[-] magic_lobster_party@kbin.run 4 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

That’s fair enough. The common misconception is that waterfall is great for space missions, when in reality NASA is doing agile.

I agree that not everybody is NASA, so what works for them doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.

NASA also successfully flew a helicopter on Mars first try.

It’s barely waterfall planning either. Often there’s no planning, at least no coordinated one.

Currently at my current workplace we lack coordinated planning between teams. It seems like everybody is working in their own directions and it can take months until we get feedback from other teams. Mostly a product management problem.

I think the latest one is at least fascinating for how bad it is.

It’s a super hero movie that forgot it’s supposed to be super hero movie. It’s not until the last 5 minutes it makes the grand realization it’s actually supposed to be a super hero movie, so it rushes through the super hero part as fast as possible just to get that done.

[-] magic_lobster_party@kbin.run 46 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The author is also hyping up waterfall too much. Agile was created because waterfall has its shortcomings (e.g. the team realizes too late that what they’re building isn’t what the customer wants).

But I also think it also represents how poorly implemented these ideas are. People say they do agile/kanban/scrum, but in reality they do some freak version of these.

[-] magic_lobster_party@kbin.run 34 points 1 day ago

If 0.999… < 1, then that must mean there’s an infinite amount of real numbers between 0.999… and 1. Can you name a single one of these?

[-] magic_lobster_party@kbin.run 214 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I think this is a bit disingenuous. There’s no customer interaction in these panels.

So waterfall would be:

Customer says they want to go to Mars.

You spend years building a rocket capable of going to Mars, draining all the company budget in the process.

Customer then clarifies they actually meant they wanted to go to Mars, Pennsylvania, USA - not the planet!

[-] magic_lobster_party@kbin.run 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Fantastic Four has only had one movie reboot. Two if you count the unreleased one from the 90s.

[-] magic_lobster_party@kbin.run 64 points 2 days ago

7 by 7 matrix isn’t the optimal packing. The square shown is slightly smaller than 7 by 7.

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