[-] maniii@lemmy.world 14 points 1 week ago

Some meetings are for:

  • Project Planning

  • Roadmaps

  • Brainstorming

  • Project-Milestone-Task breakdowns

  • Issue-Triage work

  • Budgetary allocations

  • Priority item tracking

There are many many important meetings to have and to get done. The worst meeting you can have is a status-update call where you mark off items on a checklist. This can be done by automation and status-tracker boards.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 19 points 1 week ago

Actual Indian here, please DO NOT live the way Indians live in India. The worst unplanned urban sprawl and urban density and squatting and squalor and slums :-(

If you are referring to the Ancient Civilization of local produce and local distribution and local Kingdom Tithes to the Empire while living in villages and the concentrating political, commercial and military power in the major cities. Education "institutes" in deep forest with no "fees" but labor for classes. Since that type of Civilization did once exist and thrived before being wiped out by repeated invasions and conquerors. Most definitely there were social and technology issues, but the slow pace of development did not destroy the landscape.

Medicine, Technology, Transportation, Global Trade need tempering with ecological ethical and sustainable standards of implementation, research and development.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 10 points 1 week ago

Not-an-American, but what I heard was that BOTH DNC and RNC do not choose the more "popular" candidate. The parties choose the candidate that their "donors" actually want. In RNC I think they straight-up just rig the process and push their choice.

But in the case of the DNC I believe the DNC "promises" to choose the candidate that is the most popular. BUT DNC "donors" have what is known as "super-delegates" or some bullshit ( Extra Votes for Money ? ) Soooooo Hillary went around ALL the states "buying" up all the super-delegate votes........ so in-effect Bernie lost even before the voting had even started! And on top of all that I think that so many candidates ran at the same time that it split most of Bernies votes down the middle which might have been the strategy engineered by DWS and the DNC.

Those are not the only problems with the DNC..... I believe that Hillary and DWS and DNC ran political ads PROMOTING Drumpf because he would be "easier" for Hillary to beat. So effectively the DNC and Hillary were campaigning for Drumpf! !!!!

I think 'Murica has a lot more serious problems and a lot more roadblocks but breaking the fundamentals of democracy by rigging votes and installing puppets seems almost comical and farcical if it wasnt so damaging and dangerous.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 13 points 3 weeks ago

I read somewhere that Berkshire Hathaway HFT algorithm was to blame for the "glitch".

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

Clintons are the "NEW-Money" in politics. Bill was governor and Hillary was a lawyer getting kickbacks from Bill and vice-versa. Nothing illegal but it was all "gray-area". People hated this type of double-dealing. Just barely-legal but completely unethical and morally-bankrupt. Then Bill got caught lying with his pants down.

Hillary never understood peoples sentiments that the Clintons smooched on the system and tax-dollars yet they still got away with it.

This is a problem of character meets long-term actions and tendencies.

Hillary never got "her turn" because dirty politicians are not loved. She forgot that hard-work pays off when you are clean. And she forgot to campaign in Michigan and other places instead wanted to take a break.

Hindsight 20/20. If she and Bill had come clean, told the voters that they wont be doing the old runaround and clean up the system and take responsibility and have Bill "SHUT THE EFF UP YOU PERVY IDIOT". There might have been a chance that Hillary could have garnered sympathies as a hardworking housewife with a screwloose husband.

Dems snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and all that.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 17 points 1 month ago

A Database that stores a List of Armed and Dangerous Pregnant women. All Pregnant women are given high-power Full-Auto weapon-of-choice and a License to Stand-their-Ground. Also another Database of Not Pregnant persons and who are also Armed and Dangerous but they can go buy their own weapons.

That way it is fair and equal to everybody and no one has to feel left out :-D

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

When people play no-win games it is better to never play.

If you want relationships you work on your social skills.

If you want to go bear-hunting, well you go after bears.

If you want peace of mind just ignore these type of games.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 10 points 2 months ago

Compared to barrels of crude oil, I am sure a SINGLE Block of Aluminium can be reused more than 1000X times with no environment damage.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

Is that the same chick from Fargate? She always funny.

[-] maniii@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

Jon Stewart isnt Republican but Republican voters fully understand and agree with many of his viewpoints.

It is possible to have reasonable conversations and discussions with people regardless of their political views.

The question becomes what does the Democratic Party have to do enough to convince people to trust and vote for them ?

A simple example would be the multiple rigging of the Democratic nominee against Bernie Sanders, while RNC does exactly the same kinds of rigging, DNC tried to make themselves seem holier-than-thou and did the exact same things as the RNC.

Guess why so many voters don't truly believe in elections and "hate"-vote for Drumpf ???

Have good policies and reasonable expectations while keeping almost as many election campaign promises as possible. RNC delivered on their promises by strutting out strawman shit like "Build-the-Wall" ... their real purpose was to defund the support networks for immigrants.

Where is the Dream-Act that guarantees citizenship after Military service ??? If the DNC can't even do their most basic levels of campaign promises, everything sucks and Drumpf wins.

"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing"

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