
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Thank you! I fortunately don’t have to work with animal products as much but the knife knowledge is always great to revisit

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I’ll definitely hydrate better. I might just try doing a good sip every top of the hour to make sure I get enough during my shift. Guess I need to do more stretches throughout the day though

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I read your advice this morning and caught myself in bad posture several times today. Bending knees and feet apart were comfortable while doing all my prep work. I think I still need to work on my knife technique so I get a good use of my shoulders instead of depending on my wrist alone. I do always sharpen my knife though because nothing’s more frustrating than a dull knife. Thank you so much for this!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I unfortunately had a surgery a few years ago and I recently got bursitis on my right foot. The only relief was wearing the orthotics so I thought I’d benefit a lot from wearing them while standing long hours. I’ll look into better posture, dynamic stretching, and more you’ve mentioned below. Thank you!!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

As much as I’d love to have some soy sauce eggs, I unfortunately don’t consume eggs anymore. I’ll keep in mind to increase my protein though! That means more tofu soup in the morning :D

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I’d love some Darn tough socks too but they’re made of wool and I’m an ethical vegan so it’s pretty much out of the picture. I saw that they only had a few selections for synthetic socks 🥹


I started working in a fast food kitchen 2 weeks ago and it’s physically stressful so far. I do a lot of meal prep which includes a lot of chopping, carrying, and cleaning. Being on my feet for ~7 hours a day is slowly taking a toll on me and I really want to take preventive measures for long term problems that come with it. My right thumb is numb as I type down this post at 1am because I somehow woke up before 4:30am.

For a little background, this is my first official job where I’m being paid actual money for my work. As per usual, I can’t quit because of finances and I like my coworkers and managers so far. I just want my body to cope with it better and I’m not sure how I should go with it. I was pretty sedentary before I started working. I wear comfortable non-slip shoes with orthotics to better support my arch. I also bought a muscle rolling stick to help massage my feet and leg muscles after work. I think the compression socks I recently got isn’t doing much so I’m going to invest in some Bombas socks soon. What else can I do to prevent breaking my body doing this job?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

It was more fun than expected! We spent 4 hours straight just figuring things out because the colors were just that confusing. Nice pun btw lol


It took us three days with breaks in between but we finally finished this giant puzzle. Never underestimate how difficult a thousand pieces could be. It was a really nice offline activity to spend with my partner ♡


Husband and I just wanted to make some cake so we had fun decorating it. intentional misspelling btw

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

People value different types of relationships in their own unique ways. Some people value friendships over romance and that’s fine. Maybe it’s tiring to see people looking for romance but if that’s what they need to feel fulfilled, so be it. It doesn’t have to matter to you for it to be valid. Same way that someone can see this post and say “so what?”

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I know this is overused and cliché but it gets better eventually. I had a very similar family situation and I knew that it wouldn’t get better until I move out so I essentially masked and became what they wanted me to be. I particularly have a narcissistic mom and she often projected onto me so I just had to perform to satisfy her delusions. Being two people at once is exhausting but you eventually compromise with yourself and bear with it until you can get into a situation to stop pretending.

There will always be a niche online community with your specific interests. The people you will meet online will stay as long as you make an effort to keep in touch. Even the low maintenance relationships are valuable. Maybe shoot a message to one of your old friends and see where that goes. Wouldn’t hurt to say hi every now and then.

Life is what you make it out to be, given whatever resources you have. Granted it’s not always going to be good and a lot of times it will hurt. Learning to accept that pain and sitting with it for a little helps a whole lot. There’s only so much that you can control. You can try to make your learning joyful again; try to reignite or find the passion in new knowledge. You can try and lessen your impact on the climate by eating less animal products and choosing plant-based options more.

Antidepressants aren’t meant to be a magic happy pill. Start with the small things. Maybe a good depression room cleaning and rearranging things around. A walk in the park. Less time on the screen. Sitting with your emotions. Venting and crying it out.

Yesterday, I would’ve agreed with and just wallowed with you but things got better today. You’re not alone. I believe that you can pick yourself up again one step at a time.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Posted something about keeping consistency. So many people commented great advice. People are so kind around here c:

[–] 17 points 1 year ago

The lack of unwanted rage bait posts and karma farmers has improved my mood by a lot. I gotta be honest though, I’m still scrolling through Apollo and giving myself my last dopamine hits before July 1st. Won’t miss that place

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Doing great! Binged 7 episodes of Lost with my husband today after watching Mike’s Mic’s Appropriately Unhinged Recap of Lost S1. Had to get back to it after taking a break from the intense stories


I'm really bad at sticking to things. Every time I try to do something slow and good for me, I do it for a month or two tops and I just revert back into the habits that are bad for me.

For example, I did weightlifting for 2-3 months and I had a lot of fun doing it but I just slowly lost interest and stopped. I did daily journaling and meditation and it gave me a lot of peace and clarity but it only took one mental breakdown for me to quit. I read books daily for a month but I eventually got sucked back into consuming mostly digital media.

I know that all of the former activities were good for me and I genuinely enjoyed doing all of them but I just eventually get sucked back into my old bad habits. How do you break away from that?

For some additional information: I get therapy every 2 weeks and I'm not on any medication. Clinically diagnosed with depression and anxiety


Recently, I decided to delete Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok from my phone. It was a conscious choice I had to make after experiencing an anxious meltdown last week. Reddit wasn't any better for me, and we all know where that place is headed. I haven't deleted my accounts yet, but prioritizing the loss of easy access to those sites was important.

As usual, I feel better now. A lot of the content on those platforms brings me hateful and unpleasant feelings. It's addicting, like a mess you just can't seem to take your eyes off of. I had to be honest with myself and accept the truth that profit-driven social media has a net-negative impact on my life.

I'm glad I'm here now. I'll never stop repeating this until it becomes untrue (hopefully not), but I enjoy being here. I don't see this place as an alternative to anywhere else. It's helping me break the habit of skipping long paragraphs of text and only relying on article titles at face value. The nuance present in several discussions feels more human.

Anyway, enough about me. How have your experiences been with other social media platforms? How do they compare to Beehaw?

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