[-] markstos@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

DDoSing cost the attacker some time and resources so there has to something in it for them.

Random servers on the internet are subject to lots of drive-by vuln scans and brute force login attempts, but not DDoS, which are most costly to execute.

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

Wasn’t the tablet already an eReader?

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

In the end, did this help identify some infected cooling towers?

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

There is no garden here, only chiggers.

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

How did the friends like it?

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I need more photos of the ebike to help identify it.

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

Google: trust us, we can’t see your VPN traffic. Most users: No.

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

There are a lot ZOMG posts about just-built keebs. That’s a moment worth celebrating, but I was curious which designs people actually stick with.

I’m enjoying seeing the differences and similarities in what people are posting.

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

This looks similar to the Corne V4, which supports 4 additional interior keys.

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

Now that you’ve been using this for awhile, how is your typing speed? Or is your preference for it more about comfort and enjoyment?

[-] markstos@lemmy.world 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

After starting with an Ergodox, I've been using a 42-key Corne keyboard for the last few years.

I love it. My current board is the Boardsource Unicorne.

I'm experimenting the cocot46plus as a "unibody Corne with trackball" for cases when an all-in-one keyboard and pointing device might be more useful, but plan to keep using a Corne a daily driver.

I pair it with MT3 keycaps and Cherry MX2A Browns.

After some practice, my typing speed increased to about 85 wpm on the board vs 65 wpm on my more traditional Happy Keyboard Lite 2 60% keyboard.

I use the markstos layout


If you have been using an ergonomic mechanical keyboard for more than year, let us know which keyboard it is, and whether you plan to keep to keep using it for at least another year or if there's another keyboard you are considering trying instead.

submitted 1 week ago by markstos@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have a Logitech C920 and am looking to upgrade. Something suitable for streaming.

Some annoyances with the Logitech: sometimes autofocus fails and poor reproduction of blacks. Ex: Lack of detail when a black cat is on screen.

I already have a nice mic-- the webcam doesn't need one.


To open a file relative to the current one in Helix, you can to the do the following with 24.3:

:o <C-r>%<C-w>

Here, the Control-R allows you to select a register and the special register "%" contains the current file path and inserts into the command line, while the final Control-w chops off the last part of the file name leaving with you current directory.

This is like :o %:h from Vim/Neovim


I'm looking for a simple sendmail replacement to receive local mail, such as from cron and service failures and forward it to on to a real SMTP server.

I have used msmtpd successfully but thought I'd ask if folks have other solutions they like.


And then I moved colon and semicolon to layers and re-assigned that outer pinky key to my rarely used AltGr key.

submitted 4 months ago by markstos@lemmy.world to c/running@lemmy.world
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