[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 6 points 5 months ago

Even if you use ai to spit out word salad product descriptions, aren't you going to at least manually review it to make sure it got the name right?

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 4 points 5 months ago

I didn't say anyone owed anyone anything. I was saying one level of frustration was understandable, one was not. Anyhow, my case happened twenty years ago when creative commons barely existed.

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 20 points 5 months ago

"Love using kids as political pawns"

Are you a republican?

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 24 points 5 months ago

This guys entire account is statements like this but also statements like defeat christofacists. Randomly over and over. Maybe they are trying to make a point, poorly, or maybe they are mentally challenged? The world may never know.

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 6 points 5 months ago

They finally achieved their original goal and most people just aren't paying attention anymore. They don't care anymore. I mentioned to my brother a month ago that I was going to start masking again in crowd scenarios and he just said, "What, why? Covid is over".

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 15 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Moms for Liberty isn't a real grassroots organization anyways, which might explain all the scandals from it's hypocritical members. They're being funded by the Heritage Foundation and others to push an anti-LGBTQ agenda. They had early success when no one was paying attention to them, but they largely got wrecked in the last elections and this year they'll do even worse. After that the funding will dry up and they'll be completely forgotten, but in a few years another group with a similar name will pop up being funded by the same ghouls.

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 5 points 5 months ago

They can be purplish in some growth stages but on the whole they are a deep red, a crimson. Unless my eyes are just broken.


[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 15 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I bet none of the children of the people who wrote this law will end up working in a factory though. I think in every single story I've read about teenagers getting maimed or killed in a factory they were a migrant from Latin America. The same people Republicans demonize on a daily basis. It's disgusting.

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 13 points 5 months ago

Just bypass the states entirely and send the money directly to the qualifying families. Federal programs shouldn't need a rubber stamp from backwater states anyways. These assholes are virtue signaling while kids go hungry.

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 5 points 5 months ago

It's shedding advertisers and losing money so it's only a matter of time before the people Musk got to invest start making noise. It's in a downward spiral and there's no fixing it while Musk is in charge. I think it will survive another few years, but it's not going to be pretty.

[-] mastefetri@infosec.pub 22 points 5 months ago

They tried to appease the shareholders rapacious greed by changing their business model to include royalties and other random fees, but that failed so now they've laid off 25% of the workforce to free up a lot of cash short term. This is a desperation move and they're never going to be able to provide the endless growth the shareholders demand. But the shareholders will be appeased for the next few months. So I guess it's a win?

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