[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 97 points 1 week ago

If I recall from the articles about this event. The pastor, who is black, invited Trump. In a funny twist as well, the former mayor of Detroit (also black) was there to speak about how great Trump is. Which is fine, except that Trump pardoned him at the end of his presidency because the man was convicted and guilty of: Obstruction of justice (x2), assault of a police officer, racketeering, tax evasion, extortion, mail fraud.

However even at the event that Kilpatrick was attending with Trump, while singing his praises, didn’t endorse him.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 158 points 3 weeks ago

Pussy in bio ☝️☝️☝️👅

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 95 points 3 weeks ago

A cyber truck had a major malfunction and stopped working because it went into a car wash without being in “car wash” mode. The joke is that Cybertrucks cannot get wet.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 66 points 2 months ago

Even at 2500 that’s insanely cheap. You could print a brand new toilet when yours breaks. You could create furniture for guests custom fitted to their unique ass right as they enjoy a party. It’s beautiful

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 82 points 3 months ago

We told them there was an increased risk. They don’t need to know how we know or the specifics. They chose not to listen or act, and completely dismissed our advice as nonsense. This is on them.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 78 points 3 months ago

You just know this person complains about the government tracking them and the police state of America while simultaneously driving one of the most tracking capable vehicles.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 120 points 3 months ago

The cyber truck is a piece of shit. Tesla is an F-tier car maker and Elon can go fuck himself… but like this guy is just being considerate with this. If it’s not meant for walking, and it’s just crossed out due to issues with the building/garage design, then just scoot over a bit to give everyone else some space.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 67 points 3 months ago

Commercial displays cost more because backlight testing and ratings double or triple. You’re paying more for longer uptime since your display is likely to run 12+ hours a day straight and not for 1-2 hours a day with an occasional 8+ hour usage. You’re also paying actual cost, but a lot of it really has to do with testing and materials that are built to survive consistent and frequent usage, plus centralized management. Lots of people assume it’s the same shit, but it’s completely different and it shows when you buy a consumer off the shelf display and put it in production.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 67 points 4 months ago

I’m a politically aware person. I read a lot of news, I enjoy my American polling to find out what people align with. That interview of Tuberville is horrifying. I’m use to disagreeing with these fuck wads, but this is a whole new level of stupid.

Tommy Tuberville is one of the most dangerous politicians in America and that man doesn’t have two fucking brain cells to rub together. I’m not sure if this is a mark of the average Alabama voter (probably) but holy fuck is this man an actual idiot. Green, Bobs, Johnson, even Gatez are all incredibly stupid, but Tuberville is dangerous, stupid and mentally deficient with actual power. He’s crippled our military, made a mockery of our political system and put god over party and country (and if I recall he’s even said the system in his view goes God, Party then Country).

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 86 points 4 months ago

My guy in the bottom right. Just admit you’re gay.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 173 points 8 months ago
  • The US military heard it and didn’t necessarily want to give away capability of listening devices around the sea floor.

  • The sub was difficult to get to the debris field because it was at an incredibly deep section that few craft are capable of reaching safely.

It was frustrating they made a big deal about something we ultimately could have done nothing about in the first place. However it’s not like the whole “hearing the implosion” thing was something the military wanted to give away and at that depth we have to be careful. Don’t forget we’ve put more people into space than have been to the deepest point on the planet.

[-] mean_bean279@lemmy.world 70 points 9 months ago

With Russia leaving. They started this war. Fuck off with your “If there isn’t going to be any peace discussions from Ukraine … how does this ever end?”

Ukraine, and only Ukraine can be the one to talk about any negotiations. I’ll back their decisions whether it’s to fight to the bitter end, or stop and give up. Their people control their destiny. Russia on the other hand is the one that could simply bring an end to this by leaving. They could have brought peace in fact by simply never killing others. You’re victim blaming. Fuck off.

Perroquet by UZ (music.apple.com)

Saw this on insta and wanted to provide to my new home. Looks like the isoXO collab is coming!

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