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[–] -3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Okay let me ask you why you think Ukraine has held on this long then? What do you think is the reason? According to this article and statements being made they are out numbered, out produced in arms, why are they still here?

[–] -5 points 1 month ago (23 children)

So why hasn't Russia taken over Ukraine?

And why are you bringing Stalingrad into this? You are literally saying it's a good thing that Russia is producing more arms etc and then saying Russia doesn't tend to operate by trying to use overwhelming numbers? Huh?

[–] -3 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I mean the fact that they are still standing is a pretty solid endorsement. By your logic Kyiv should have fallen in the first week like Russia was claiming it would.

Specific example off the top of my head is the cruise missile strikes against the headquarters of the Black Sea fleet using Storm Shadows I believe iirc

[–] -3 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Mostly old Soviet stock piles and some western weapons. You don't actually believe that the entire Ukrainian army is being supplied by NATO do you?

[–] -2 points 1 month ago (8 children)

those munitions are not fifteen times as effective

By what metric are you basing this off of? What's your evidence? The f35 is an over priced money pit, but it will dry hump every other jet in existence into the ground before they even know they are there.,improved%20their%20scores%20as%20well.

Of course it's gonna be difficult or impossible to say how it would fair head to head against Russian fighters, but again, if Russia has these, why aren't they in use and how is Ukraine giving them such trouble?

Precision is important, but ultimately having cheap unreliable ammunition is better than having no ammunition.

I mean, duh? But that's not the argument, the argument is over is cheap unreliable ammo in bulk better than expensive reliable ammo in smaller quantities.

Small arms advantage guess to bulk as failures aren't catastrophic and the whole accuracy by volume thing is real.

Missiles, artillery etc? I'd say the advantage is probably soundly in the higher tech end because it makes it exponentially more effective.

Ukraine has been holding off Russia for how long now with leftover scraps from Western countries?

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Pretty sure they are claiming that in fact hahaha

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

That's not "healthier" in the general sense, that's like saying peanuts aren't healthy because some people have allergies to them.

Gluten isn't inherently not healthy because a sub set of the population can't process it correctly.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Sadly I know a couple people who actually would say something like this with a straight face >.>

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

That sounds real similar to what I was experiencing. Might be worth checking if you are a strep carrier, some people can have it without symptoms. Definitely no guarantee that it's related but may be worth looking in to.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (2 children)

So two things to add to what others have said.

One, compression socks are a game changer especially for longer flights. Helps me a ton.

Second, this might sound weird, but do you have your tonsils and have you had a lot of cases of strep throat? Both me and my sister both have had our tonsils out as adults and it basically magically cleared up a bunch of joint pain I had.

I used to have excruciating knee pain if I sat still too long. Like I almost collapsed getting out of the car once cause I had dozed off for an hour or two and it made my knees hurt so bad.

Now I don't have nearly the issues. It's something to do with strep liking to basically hang out and cause inflammation in your joints.

I'm not gonna lie to anyone reading this though, getting your tonsils out is fucking miserable... When I went back in for my post op checkup the nurse said they had a patient earlier who had a purple heart and he had apparently said he would have preferred to be shot again over having his tonsils out.

Still worth it in my case anyway (not just the knees, had an infection and tonsils were giant, inflamed shit heads that kept causing issues)

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