Looks to be really interesting, similar to the Everquest or WoW private servers with bots, or FFXIV's NPC dungeons, but actually designed from the ground up to be a single player experience where the bots actually play with you. Sounds neat.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 29 points 1 month ago

After this article I've started binge watching this whole channel. Extreme in depth analysis and code walking of NES games in assembly is so interesting. Really makes you appreciate how small and simple the platform was. "Optimizing" a game really feels like a noticeable difference. I also learned how Gameshark codes work, they're just editing addresses and OP codes directly.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 55 points 2 months ago

That was the Wii actually. It being a slightly up clocked Gamecube. The WiiU was a massive hardware upgrade from the Wii at the time. The WiiU just had a host of other problems.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 31 points 2 months ago

That jumped out to me too. Seems incredible that the reason the system exists at all, has become a "weird" way to use it. You can git clone the kernel just like any other repo on github, so no big deal.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 64 points 2 months ago

I am very patient, so I'm in no rush for this community. Time only gives us more content,

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 31 points 3 months ago

Surely tar --help is a valid tar command, right?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe to c/localllama@sh.itjust.works

Seems like a really cool project. Lowering the barrier to entry of locally run models. As llamacpp supports a ton of models, I imagine it be easy to adapt this for other models other than the prebuilt ones.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 29 points 7 months ago

Peertube doesn't give ad revenue sharing, so most content creators can't afford to make content for a platform with no return. If someone was uploading a video for their friends, or a school project, then sure, open platforms are perfect.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 46 points 7 months ago

It is AN answer, but also not the only answer. Generating and moving power around is extremely complex and just seeing "Solar cheaper per Watt" and defining it as the best in all cases is silly. If you changed the axis to be size per MWh, then you would draw a totally different conclusion.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 42 points 9 months ago

While the format is proprietary, the actual decoding and encoding processes can be open source. Like how a box can be locked, but everyone has the keys to open it and see what's inside.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 46 points 9 months ago

There's probably more nuance to it, but I consider someone an influencer if they try to sell me something other than their own product. Such as if they try to sell me their merch, that's still a content creator. Once they take sponsors and try to sell me something else not made by them, then they are an influencer. That's where I usually draw the line.

[-] meteokr@community.adiquaints.moe 68 points 9 months ago

Its merely off topic, Windows isn't Unix. OSX is, though only loosely.

Simply rebuilding code, without adding value or changing it in any way, represents a real threat to open source companies everywhere. This is a real threat to open source, and one that has the potential to revert open source back into a hobbyist- and hackers-only activity.

This quote is particularly damning to me. It's right in the preamble of the GPL "Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it." Emphasis mine. It's a legal right, that I can redistribute it, whether or not I modify it in anyway. Stomping on my legal rights is not a threat.

Just as instances can share their posts in one page, communities should be able to federate with other, similar communities. This would help to solve the problem of fragmentation and better unify the instances.

On this point specifically, I think this idea is good. Multiple communities sharing a pool of aggregates that can moderators opt into. Great, I don't know how feasible that is with ActivityPub, but I hope it can be worked out once the dust has settled.

However, "fragmentation" is neither a problem, nor do I feel exists as things currently stand. If different servers want to host communities around a similar topic, that's not a bad thing. On Reddit, you had Gaming, Games, Truegaming, etc. They're all about playing games, video or otherwise, yet if you look at them at all you'll see they cater to almost completely different audiences. I don't NOT want ultra dominate monolithic groups. I think if their existed a single "Technology" community then that would be a failure of the fediverse.

Right now is a period of extremes, so don't evaluate communities too harshly. In the long run, I want to see dozens, maybe hundreds of small communities that maybe don't get a huge amount of traffic, but are none the less, active and interesting.

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