[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 1 points 7 hours ago

So nice job of not addressing the fact that you didn't read the article and nothing I said indicated that I'm trying to sow discord. I will vote for Biden and argue that others should as well

But pretending that the debate helped that cause is worthless. We are losing and pretending we are not doesn't help. Stop fighting with people pointing out reality and be more vocal on why to vote for Biden.

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world -2 points 1 day ago

Lol did you? It literally cites a single voter and a poll showing Trump trending better among Latinos than previous electoral performances for that demographic. Nothing in this article actually warranted the headline and meta polls show Trump still ahead. Delusion will only hand us another 4 years of Trump

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 0 points 3 days ago

Yeah he's a creep and so are you

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

Do you know why there are sources discussing that it isn't? Admittedly can't really even find something reliable worth citing but see some historical Islam groups discussing Makka and Bakka as mentioned in the Quran and attributes to modern Mecca. But this doesn't seem to be in any mainstream articles or easily found academic paper

I'm not really familiar with the subject but curious what's the nuance I'm missing since it feels like there's a weird historical debate here I'd like to read up on

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 13 points 1 week ago

I don't know about unpolished, wasn't my cup of tea in a lot of ways but felt very polished in almost every regard I can think of

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 15 points 5 months ago

Tell me you are a Christian who is sad that people keep calling out how Christians have vitriolic hatred for their fellow man with telling me you are a Christian.

Also anyone get a strong feeling that by extremist, OP means Muslims not Christofacist in the US

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 141 points 5 months ago

Lol check out this bs: "The judge compared Littlejohn’s actions to those of the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, noting that, “your actions were also a threat to our democracy.”

“It engenders the same fear that January 6 does,” Reyes added."

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 41 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Really interesting topic actually but most early 'Christians' didn't really think of themselves as converts but rather just Jews who understood Jesus to represent the 'completion' of Jewish script and prophecy.

Best example is Paul who most definitely continues to view himself as a Jew.

Anyone interested should check out a book like 'Did Jesus Exist?' by Bart Erhman or a Marginal Jew (huge read). There's a better book by him on the topic but blanking on the title

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 28 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

For sure but that doesn't mean he couldn't be progressive especially for the time. Know nothing about him tbh but many historical progressive figures are pretty problematic

[-] mildlyusedbrain@lemmy.world 39 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Cool media is often a tool of propaganda. Can you showcase that this is false? Can you state why you brought it up here? Would you do the same for Israeli propaganda justifying genocide?

Here's a more direct source: https://www.undp.org/speeches/statement-killing-undp-staff-member-and-family-gaza

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