
joined 2 years ago
[–] 20 points 1 hour ago

I hope you and your family stay safe.

[–] 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

I'm not asking Iran to do anything. I stated what is increasingly fact: Iran has not deterred Israel or convinced the West that it needs to bring Israel to heel to avoid a further escalation in this regional war, and further, that its reluctance to engage in any sort of retaliation has only emboldened Israel and the West. And that means they either need to show they are willing to escalate/retaliate, and do so not on the West's terms like they did the last time, or capitulate. My criticism hasn't even been pointed at Hezbollah or Hamas or the Houthis, just Iran.

And, ironically, what I am asking Iran to do, which is nothing, is also what you are currently doing: nothing. You get to sit safe doing the same thing everyone here except for few are doing. And that makes it all the more curious as to why, when I state the simple fact that Iran's current path is not working as they intend, you think I am talking personally to you? You aren't there. Who is "we"? You are just as much of a coward as everyone else, and you aren't going to go be a foreign legion in Lebanon or Gaza more than almost anyone else here. And in your anger and shame and guilt, you run around this mega acting like an asshole, and then get even angrier when the people to whom you are increasingly unjustly an asshole to it back to you. Do you think you are the only person here who knows anyone in West Asia that is affected by this war? You think you are the only True Resistance poster on here, so that might be the case. And just like you are too much of a coward to go put your life on the life in Lebanon or Palestine, you were too much of a coward to respond to LargePenis in the same way you responded to me, even though we both said functionally the same thing. Because you don't have much to actually say other than to lash out in your guilt and shame and anger, and calling him a cracker wouldn't really work, would it?

[–] 21 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

10, we are already in one and have been for months.

[–] 24 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

hunter to break what's left of that old man's mind and heart.

[–] 26 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) (1 children)

There's a handful of people who are actually dooming about how the death of Nasrallah means the end of the Resistance, which is obviously not correct and based on a poor understanding of how groups like Hezbollah are structured, and then there is a larger group of people who are basically reacting not only to those people, but to anyone saying anything remotely critical of the Resistance, or certain factions within it, as being "doomers". It's been frustrating to see this community increasingly abandon any sort of critical analysis of what is and is not working for the Resistance and turn into a leftist version of The Watchtower over the past couple of weeks.

[–] 7 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

For sure, I'm not shit talking drones at all. I think the introduction of drones into warfare is going to go down along the same lines as the introduction of machine guns in WW1.

[–] 18 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Ask a Zionist how they feel about the intergenerational trauma of black Americans and whether they deserve reparations, and you will quickly find out how cynically they use the idea of intergenerational trauma.

[–] 13 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago) (1 children)

There's a lot of "non-boom" type stuff you can do/potentially do with aerial drones, like surveillance/scouting, line of site communications, mesh networking, targeting, propaganda/psychological operations, logistics/delivery. I just assumed we were talking about "boom" type stuff.

[–] 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (2 children)

It achieved nothing besides that.

Well I'm glad we are on the same page that Iran's actions have largely been meaningless propaganda moves that have failed to establish any sort of deterrence.

Every Iranian is locked in with the IRI and knows exactly where their government is at?

Oh sorry, I guess it's just you that is locked in with Iran. You are the one true Resistance poster here on hexbear and the only one with inside knowledge of what the Ayatollah thinks and what should happen next. My apologies.

Stupid doesn't have a border, nationality, or religion.

Clearly not, given your "expert posting" on a seemingly every country in the Resistance.

Do you know what a regional actually is?

Do you know what a regional war is? I guess a situation where Israel, with the explicit backing of NATO and implicit backing of the Arab comprador states, is attacking Palestine and Lebanon, where a joint force of Israel, the US, and Kurdish and Sunni terror groups backed by the GCC/Jordan/Turkey/NATO are waging war against the Syrian government, where the UAE, KSA, and NATO are attacking the Houthis, where the NATO/Israel backed Azeris are ethnically cleansing and looking to sever Iran's only land route to Russia, I guess is not a "regional war" because what, its not in the Regional War area of Europe. This must just be a sparkling geographic conflict?

Fuck you, stop dictating what western Asians need to do for our own liberation.

A regional war would be everyone bombing everyone, THAT would have casualties in the fucking millions. Fucking excuse Iran for not wanting a million dead Iranians in addition to millions dead in the aforementioned countries.

No one "dictated" shit to you. I told you what are the options appear to be at this point. If you don't want people to die, and you don't want Iran to respond or escalate, then surrender. Disarm Hamas, disarm Hezbollah, disarm the Houthis, recognize Israel, and capitulate. That will save all the millions of lives.

I have fucking family across Western Asia

Oh, I know, you have been going around for weeks now shit-talking anyone who makes even the most anodyne criticism of how Iran has acted. You are the only true Resistance poster, after all.

[–] 19 points 5 hours ago (2 children)

Dropping grenades into a trench is basically the poor man's artillery strike. Or the 21st century of it, depending on how you want to look at it.

[–] 22 points 6 hours ago (7 children)

You can do a "kamikaze" attack with a drone, as well.

[–] 5 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

What do you think Iraq and Yemen are doing?

What Iran is not.

Moody's dropped Israel to Baa1, the top third of the lowest tranche of investment grade debt. There are three more downgrades to junk grade debt, and even then that is going to likely take at least another year because there will be a lot of political pressure on Moody's to not downgrade Israel to junk status, despite arguably already belonging there.

Do you know how stupid that would be? That would only serve to isolate Iran further. They would have more enemies in the end and nothing to show for it.

Furthermore more isolate them from who? Who in your mind is currently sitting on the fence with Iran or is friendly with them that would change their minds if Iran killed an Israeli politician/diplomat/scientist in the UAE or Morocco?


Let us all reflect and embrace the posting that got us here on this special day.

EDIT: Apparently the prior portrait was not of Nat Turner, despite what Google and some other websites said.

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