[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 1 points 32 minutes ago

OEM have no incentive to ship Linux in their laptops. Plus they get discounts from Microsoft for using windows. So that's not gonna happen

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 12 points 3 hours ago

Microsoft is so confident in its desktop marketshare that they allow themselves to push the overton window on what users will tolerate.

The only competitor they can lose users to is Apple. And even then not everyone can afford an Apple computer, especially in the rest of the world

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 4 points 3 days ago

Keep on the good work. Those who advocate for defederation want echo chamber silos, this weakens the promise of Activitypub.

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

LineageOS kinda dead these last years they only do pixel phones. While the hoards of people using android are buying Samsung's and Xioami's budget phones

Edit: after reading the comments. I checked again and was surprised they have updated the list with newer models they weren't on the list a few months ago

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago

Are you using the eternity app ?

Cause I have noticed deleted comments showing up as blank. While on the web version the show up as "deleted by Creator"

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 56 points 4 months ago

Could you imagine this is what we are training AI with !

submitted 6 months ago by mtchristo@lemm.ee to c/meta@lemm.ee

Any news on why this is happening with this instance ? it might be harder to check if upvotes and downvotes federate to the outside lemmyverse .

other instances seem to federate better.

Don't the instance owners use it ?

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 114 points 7 months ago

So fucking much this. They have no respect for the owls

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 64 points 7 months ago

NZ: am I a joke to you?

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 51 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

For a moment I thought this post was about the LTT host. And was like they could replace him with any of his doppelgangers in the group and no one will notice.

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 85 points 9 months ago

It would be naive to expect Google to be broken by anti-trust laws, just look how microsoft dodged that in the 2000 and went back to the same practices today . this is a circus show

submitted 11 months ago by mtchristo@lemm.ee to c/foss@beehaw.org

Have you ever been scared or hesitant about reporting flaws or bugs to a community with a strong staunch fanbase ??

Obviously there are different ways of reporting and starting discussions, but I brought up the courage to report a flaw on a subreddit (not to be named) that I knew is very sensitive to criticisme, and I was flooded with downvotes and even was subject to gaslighting, so I gave up on that software and became even more hesitant about reporting problems on other FOSS communities .

Is this mindset very prevalent among all open source communities? have you faced something similar ?

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 60 points 11 months ago

The web is beyond bloated.

The heavy reliance on JavaScript has suck the joy out of browsing the web for me

[-] mtchristo@lemm.ee 75 points 11 months ago

The DRM will be so interwoven into the core engine that they won't be able to remove it. chromium is a sinking ship

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