[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 9 points 5 days ago

Quality not bad enough to hide that the guy in the picture has two right hands.

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 6 points 6 days ago

They should have put that one above the second horse funeral.

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 44 points 2 months ago

Imagine building the first receiver, and immediately have 20 people spawn within the same space

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 27 points 3 months ago

Water at home HAS NO FLAVOR!

Pompeii in pictures (pompeiiinpictures.com)
submitted 5 months ago by nailbar@sopuli.xyz to c/history@lemmy.world

If you're going down the ancient roman architecture rabbit hole, like I am, then this site is something ypu should check out.

It's filled to the brim with amazing pictures of cities and villas that were buried by the Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD.

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 27 points 7 months ago

It took me embarrassingly long to figure out how to read the title correctly. Like, you need a json file to enable Edge and Bing??

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 97 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Trying to figure out why it's named after him, I also learned that shapes such as cubes, octahedrons, etc. are Platonic solids, also named after him.

Apparently these things were just something he was philosophising a lot about, but it was not he who decided to call them that.

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 23 points 7 months ago

Or add wine before it.

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 46 points 9 months ago

Maybe it's their business model to have players fix the games for free?

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 122 points 9 months ago

He was the only player, the rest of them are NPCs.

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 29 points 11 months ago

I turned 40 this year. I pledged for Star Citizen when I was 20-something 🙃

It's still my dream-game, so I'm still patiently waiting.

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 28 points 11 months ago

Is it the Lemmy servers getting hammered, with all the new activity, or something?

[-] nailbar@sopuli.xyz 35 points 11 months ago

https://old.reddit.com/ still seems to work, and that one doesn't force you to use the app or login.

submitted 1 year ago by nailbar@sopuli.xyz to c/starcitizen@lemmy.ml

What do you think about the replacement station for Olisar?

They talked about, and acknowledged, what made Olisar so popular, yet the replacement only seem to consider the old station's appearance. No more direct access to pads.

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