[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 12 points 1 month ago

As far as we can tell that was never an order or anything. The CMs seem to be cracking under pressure.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 52 points 1 month ago

Steam support usually makes exceptions for situations like this.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 10 points 4 months ago

Local hardware horse here!

To elaborate a bit, the storage replicas will span three physical servers in realtime, all of which get snapshots hourly in case we need a rollback, and full backups weekly to a fourth system on mechanical drives with 2-disk failure tolerance. This should mean that data loss requires 4 simultaneous system failures.

We have a tape library for automated tape backups, but can’t afford a drive upgrade just yet to make it make sense. The drives are often several thousand dollars, but the tape media is cheap.

Offsite backups are currently in the works, though if anyone has recommendations I would love to add them to our list for consideration.

If anyone has additional questions or suggestions I would be happy to answer tomorrow!

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 22 points 6 months ago

Sounds like serious insecurity. A lot of these memes are more along the lines of queer folk finding an accepting community and having fun posting things that would normally result in cyber bullying.

Also the boykisser thing has always just been a joke. Don’t take it as an insult or something.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 10 points 7 months ago

Individual lawmakers have personal values and agendas. Humans are chaotic contradictions cloaked in a semblance of order.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 16 points 9 months ago

That is… discouraging.

For some background: I am a hardware and sysadmin junkie. my server rack is a homelab for learning and reinforcing skills around systems administration, virtualization, and now kubernetes. All this bad faith behavior on lemmy is killing my ability to focus on learning, and mastodon has nowhere near the same number of bad actors. Not sure what it is about a link aggregation service that attracts these people.

If things continue the way they are, whitelisting federation or shutting down will likely be our options.

Don’t get me wrong, i adore the idea of folks logging into the server in my basement and hanging out, I just don’t think that outweighs the current stream of bigotry, hate and CSAM being passed around.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 48 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

As an admin of furry.engineer, pawb.fun, and pawb.social (our lemmy instance) i have to concur. After just a few months, i’m just… tired.

Keeping the hardware happy is easy and fun, but moderation is nearly impossible. Also the waves of reactionary argumentative users from instances with open sign up are getting out of hand.

I’m about ready to switch to whitelist federation personally, but would need to build said whitelist. I will monitor and see where beehaw goes from here, because if our moderation team agrees, we will probably take similar action.

I have no faith in the lemmy devs to take these issues seriously. Has anyone looked at kbin to see what is different in terms of moderation?

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 34 points 10 months ago

What a telling perspective.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 30 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

This kind of issue is why pawb.social is not open registration. These low effort trolls cause a lot of problems, and i don’t want my server to be responsible for this crap.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 8 points 10 months ago

In the US? Yep! We really need working public transit that isn’t seen as a poor person’s “punishment”.

[-] natebluehooves@pawb.social 19 points 11 months ago

Linux on m1 is mostly exciting for gaming when the gpu drivers progress IMO. my m1 macbook is primarily a work machine, but it holds up fine for mobile gaming. Ffxiv is already a great experience in mac os, but more games compatibility is exciting!


GPT4All is amazing at generating quirky broken things like this. it seems to have a hard time changing subjects at times, leading to extremely weird outputs



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