[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 7 points 11 months ago

man, the whole elon musk/twitter situation seems less & less real the more it plays out

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 51 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

saw this earlier from an old twitter tab, thought my browser had been hijacked with some extension. what an amateurish logo, looks like what a tiny business puts up on their wordpress when they have no designers & are only making a logo because they have to, definitely not what i'd expect from one of the biggest social media sites in the world. elon has been fixated on the whole x thing for literal decades now & that's the best logo he came up with?

submitted 11 months ago by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/usnews@beehaw.org

tl;dr: republicans have pushed the CHOICE arrangement act through the house. this act which will push back regulations on "short-term" plans (which biden calls "junk insurance" because of how little they're required to cover compared to normal healthcare plans) & make them much more widespread. these plans, while cheaper, can often miss very important requirements such as prescription drugs, hospitalization, & mental health care

submitted 11 months ago by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org

a little late today because i fell asleep lmao

fuck the "history" channel

submitted 11 months ago by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

tl;dr: chatgpt for android is now officially available to register for download in the play store

submitted 11 months ago by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/android@lemdro.id

tl;dr: chatgpt for android is now officially available to register for download in the play store

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by nihilx7E3@beehaw.org to c/humor@beehaw.org
[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 6 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

you'd be surprised, I've heard from other reddit users that entire discord servers, wikis, & other communities would first start from reddit group chats so apparently there were a lot super involved in it. one of the big community partnered discord servers I was in told me the only reason they were on discord at first was because reddit chat made it hard to search old messages

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 10 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

good fandom sites are the ugliest & most bloated sites i've ever seen & used, & the only site that i've seen use 25-50% of the CPU (a wiki page with a lot of videos &/or gallery pages will do this every single time) while ublock is actively blocking ads. like, wtf

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 57 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

man, as someone who used to be so into foss/privacy i refused to use anything that i couldn't compile/host & giving out my gpg key to friends, & someone who used to always make charged, sweeping generalizations like the title of this article, reading this just made me remember why people didn't like to talk tech with me. i was so focused on always spouting why every app/software/os everyone used was "evil" (with poorly thought out & overcharged arguments, because i was coming from a place of anger & "justice" rather than logic) that i became insufferable to have a conversation with. i'm not gonna knock the author too much because i know it comes from a place of passion & morals, but this person has really fallen into the trap of radical black & white thinking that plagues the field of foss so much.

op, if you are the author of the post (or if the author happens to be reading), my advice to you if you want to reach people better would be to avoid generalizing/judging (& any non-logical statements at all) when advocating for foss/against propietary services. always blame the companies, not the users, because most users are just uninformed. remember that software is not a political or moral issue to most people, it's just a tool & they don't research or know anything about it beyond that. all that headline is doing is losing the target audience - no one likes to be told they're "morally lazy" for simply texting their friends & not knowing about issues in an app. if you are going to post sweeping judgements like this, then at least make sure the article is at least finished before you throw it out there, or else it's gonna leave a really bad taste in people's mouth.

on a positive note, the rest of the site is really cool; reminds me of the site i used to have up in high school. i really liked the "places" & "strong women" sections on the abyss page.

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago

same, back ~2015-2018 i was hangouts' biggest fan. now i avoid most google platforms in general aside from gmail, android & youtube. i can't trust anything else to stay around anymore, & even when they do keep an app alive they end up just endlessly shuffling them around like this for no reason

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 19 points 1 year ago

google's messaging strategy has gotten so bad that they now have to remind consumers which of the apps are made for them. i myself had no clue that the google chat app in the play store was targeted towards consumers, i just assumed that the app was google workspaces only considering they always push rcs & that the play store description doesn't go two sentences without talking about enterprise & google workspaces.

it's kinda wild when you consider that they had a 17 year headstart on this & still somehow lost the messaging app/site race multiple times

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

yesterday when I was walking the dog a kid came up to us & he was so excited to see him. he asked if he could pet him & play with him & I said yeah, & he smiled so wide it looked like it made his entire day. wholesome shit :)

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

if the rumors are true & microsoft is planning to make windows 365 the de-facto way to purchase windows in the future like with office, it'll be the dumbest move they've ever made & proof some new leadership is probably needed at some level. individual apps are one thing but no one wants something as critical & expansive as the os to just be a glorified rdp session, nor do they want it to be dependant on a subscription. i've told some of my non techie friends about this (all lifelong windows users) & they all said it'd be the one thing that makes them go to something else.

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 5 points 1 year ago

late commenting on this but finally, i'm so excited! sync is the only thing i'm still grieving from reddit, jerboa is nice & the devs have done a great job so far, but a bit too early stage for me atm

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

i don't think we have anything to worry about, the metaverse is never going to be the next phase of the web. as someone who was enthusiastic about the whole vr boom at first & jumped to buy a quest, the vision zuck is pushing where everyone just has a quest 2/quest pro & uses it as a general computer or for social gatherings is unrealistic.

vr headsets are uncomfortable as hell to wear for more than a few minutes at a time, doing everything in the ui is clunky because you have to deal with vr virtual mice/keyboards, hand tracking is bad at non-gaming tasks & so are the controllers, the people look low poly, low res & uncanny, the screens cause eyestrain & have weird lines/dots, i could go on & on about the numerous reasons why my quest has been in my closet since last year but you get the point.

imo we're simply not far enough technologically to create a good metaverse experience. and even if we were, well, most people still aren't going to want to spend most their time in a headset staring that close at a screen

[-] nihilx7E3@beehaw.org 17 points 1 year ago

probably a little bit of both

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