[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 2 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Heh, eating isn't the only time they have to worry about protein absorption.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 33 points 6 hours ago

In sum, a constitutional republic requires “moral and religious” business leaders like those of the World War II Era. Business leaders motivated by greed will destroy the country and its people.

It's funny, the only president to ever serve three terms and actually win a fourth, the one who presided over the entirety of WW2 save for the last month due to his death, who saw the country out of the great depression, was a Democrat and often called a socialist and a communist by conservatives.

It's almost like conservatives want everything to go to shit so that they can personally profit from the chaos, everyone else be damned. Oh wait, yeah that's exactly it.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 3 points 6 hours ago

This map, but for coal, tells a far worse story.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 2 points 1 day ago

When you let them know about their grammar mistake and they tell you it's a spelling mistake.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 1 points 2 days ago

My kids started getting into one piece, an Anime I admittedly never watched, so I watch it with them. I get the hype now, there have been several times we've torn through 8+ episodes in one sitting. Skip Intro makes it fly by.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 4 points 2 days ago

thank you, that makes sense now.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 1 points 3 days ago

Ah, well in any case, get those proprietary drivers installed, don't wait for your package maintainer!

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 6 points 3 days ago

The morales government built the pilot plant for lithium extraction, I don't get this meme at all.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 1 points 3 days ago

You can use Linux without Wayland, which is probably the root of your problem (I'm guessing).

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 12 points 3 days ago

"the cost and durability has been a serious issue."

That's probably where the idea died.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 11 points 5 days ago

I stole one of those huge rolls from college once. It dispenses just fine on the floor.

[-] nxdefiant@startrek.website 46 points 5 days ago

There are so many Java libraries that I would probably set on fire if they were physically tangible in any way.

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