[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 87 points 4 months ago

Maybe she should buy twitter and ban the guy, or is this the wrong billionaire I am thinking of?

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 33 points 10 months ago

I mean, if speed is the only reason to upgrade what would be the point? A phone can never make use of 6E speeds it's entirely pointless to have even faster.

Are there some other benefits it's missing out on?

Honestly though by the time wifi 7 is out in the world enough to be utilised the majority of Pixel 8 phones will be on the scrapheap.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 37 points 10 months ago

I mean honestly it's probably near impossible to discuss conservative politics online these days without the far right loonies invading, taking over and getting the place banned lol.

Also I wonder if conservatives would be put off lemmy given the political stance of its creators - even though that shouldn't matter being free and open and not controlled by any one person, you know how people are.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago

Imo admins have a responsibility to disable signups to their server if they feel they are unable to fund/crowdsource or lack the ability to expand capacity (lack of time or know-how).

As long as server admins stick to the above it doesn't matter if it costs €10 or €100000 a month really.

Its impossible to say at which point is the burden too much, because every person has their own threshold and every server can have multiple admins responsible for it, or might have business backing it or whatever really.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 107 points 11 months ago

In some ways maybe but the fact there is enough space for everyone and people don't have to fight for it kinda defeats the most interesting aspects of Place if you ask me.

submitted 11 months ago by o_oli@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

When you create a post, you can fill in a URL, an image, a title, and body text.

It seems if you do all 4 (maybe just the image is the issue?), the URL doesn't seem to be available anywhere on the post.

I have seen a few articles posted without sources and I am wondering if people are posting sources to the URL field as I have just tried to do now on another post, which is then seemingly not displayed either on lemmy.world or on Sync at least. Am I missing it?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by o_oli@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

Unless anyone knows another reason for this impressive increase in comments? Seems to roughly coincide with Sync launching. If thats the case, just goes to show the importance of good third party apps.

Source: https://lemmy.fediverse.observer/dailystats

EDIT: Looks like a confusingly labeled graph and I think this is total comments. I have no idea why that spike could exist though.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 144 points 11 months ago

More very real effects of global warming that will be ignored or blamed on other things no doubt.

Global warming will fuck us indirectly before the weather on a Sunday afternoon is actually the problem, many seem to miss that.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 37 points 11 months ago

All the more reason to use a vpn even for casual browsing I guess. Never know when someone wants to overstep and turn the most trivial thing against you. Even if this is the case now that its been denied, what's to stop this happening elsewhere or at another time? The fact it's been tried once means it will be tried again. No thanks to that.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 85 points 11 months ago

I would say they didn't really lose 80%, because they barely had them to start with. If you click a link on Instagram and bam you're now a Threads user all 'signed up' ready to go? I mean yeah the barrier couldn't be lower there.

Retaining 20% of those users is in fact impressive. That's many millions of people.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 48 points 11 months ago

Microsoft isn't giving up on assistants (as per the article), its just going down a different route, more AI focused. This is sensible because Cortana is a flop, nobody uses it, there is no need to leave it running.

I'm certain Apple has the same plans around AI, however people still use Siri all the time. It's not a flop, so it may as well stay running as more and more AI works its way over to it or its replacement.

It's really weird to me that anyone would want it shut down when it's so easy to just not use it.

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 37 points 11 months ago

I'm pleasantly surprised how many people are playing this game. I figured that DnD although popular, was still kinda a niche. Yet this is topping Steam charts which is great to see. Hopefully it means more of this quality to come, there is obviously a big market for it.

I can't wait to get home and get stuck in!

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 50 points 11 months ago

This x1000

I tried basically every app going on Android and they are all either buggy as fuck, unintuitive or janky in some other way. The user experience was just horrible.

I really do not understand all the people claiming Sync has an equivalent. It just does not right now in terms of a polished user experience.

Honestly it's just Linux vs Windows kinda situation to me. No matter how many nerds tell me Linux can do everything the same and is more customisable and better, it's just a worse user experience. Windows is far more intuitive and polished and there is a reason it has the market share it does.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by o_oli@lemmy.world to c/syncforlemmy@lemmy.world

EDIT: FIXED - Thanks to a helpful Discord user, it turns out this was a setting on Lemmy not on Sync. On lemmy.world settings I had 'show read posts' unchecked. I presume that's default unless I ticked it by accident. Whoops. I'll leave this post up incase it helps anyone else though.

If I read a post, it gets hidden (after a page refresh)

I can't find any way to disable that setting and I really hate it, because I like to revisit threads to check comments on occasion. Does anyone know how to do this?

[-] o_oli@lemmy.world 42 points 11 months ago

Those options are nowhere near the level of polish of Sync.

Nobody HAS to use it. Ultimately if you want a choice of premium apps there has to be some incentive for a developer, or multiple in some cases, to basically go full time to develop it. Talented devs don't usually work for years on end for no pay, and I would be surprised if donations ever become significant enough to compare.

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