Before Internet: chop wood, carry water.
After Internet: chop wood, carry water.
Before Internet: chop wood, carry water.
After Internet: chop wood, carry water.
Elementary OS
I just now discovered this. I think I will have a gander.
I like seeing cool things done with BASH. Hat tip to the Greek letters.
Same garbage in USA. A group of shell companies owned by one umbrella company controls access to legal case rulings. If you try to use Pacer at a courthouse you risk being harassed and treated like a terrorist--especially if it is a case you are working on for yourself. And let's not even discuss transcripts. It can cost arm, leg, and firstborn to get a transcript of a case. The legal profession and the courts are a racket designed to serve the rich.
One of the newsgroup moderators probably knows the answer.
- lilypond
- denemo
- musescore (has chord symbols and playback)
- songwrite
- tuxguitar
- chordii
- nted
- sweep
- rosegarden
It is not bridged. Info here:
They are explicitly not running it via 9fans bridge. Access is via NNTP only.
Thunderbird sports a very mature NNTP interface if you have a newer computer. Claws-Mail also has a very good and fast NNTP interface, even on older computers. SLRN is available for a terminal-based interface.
Beware neckbeards with pitchforks.