[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 14 points 1 month ago

Look if someone's having a bad time, it don't cost much to throw em a bone. Like sure, that last attack killed them a round early because everyone has had a moment to feel proud today but you. Or like the spellcaster who is feeling a bit shitty because every monster has saved against their spells by some fluke today.

Like if they aren't having fun, what am I doing here?

Video games do this shit all the time. Famously the first GoW gave new players a small boost in multiplayer. It led to a community and better engagement in the long run because people had more fun. BG3 has that goofy 'karmic dice' system, which is on by default. Fire emblem lies. etc etc

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 18 points 2 months ago

Also, it's cheap to speak total bullshit, but it takes time, effort, and energy, to dispel it. I can say the moon is made of cheese, you can't disprove that. And you can go out and look up an article about the samples of moon rock we have and the composition, talk about the atmosphere required to give rise to dairy producing animals and thus cheese.

And I can just come up with some further bullshit that'll take another 30 minutes to an hour to debunk.

If we gave equal weight to every argument, we'd spend our lives mired in fact-checking hell holes. Sometimes, you can just dismiss someone's crap.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 20 points 3 months ago

Hate it hate it. This game is so good, and it's like I'm playing my old favorite again. The fact that they marred my baby with MTX like this is just gross. DD1 should be more popular, and what they did to DD2 may keep it from being the powerhouse it could because people will see the "mixed" ratings and second guess. Or they'll open the store page and see a wall of MTX and get the wrong idea.

But that's just part of it of course. If this works for them, it'll explode. And it will work for them. And everyone will get these fucking MTX in their full priced AAA games. And then once sales on MTX aren't up to snuff -- or if they are up to snuff, but in a few quarters when sales are merely consistent rather than continuing to grow -- they'll start pushing it. Just like they did with Shadow of Mordor where the gameplay gave you a nasty grind and a quick "buy your way past it" option.

I'll never buy the "it doesn't effect you in a single player game" argument. It will, because the market incentives a worse experience for those less willing to buy in.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 18 points 3 months ago

There is a lemmy user who does the same damn thing for "moe" pics. I swear to God they made a new community for every single pic. I was trying to avoid blocking the user but it clogsv the "all" section really bad.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 16 points 3 months ago

When Blue users where getting pushed to the top. The vitriol was always bad, but it was altogether too much when you couldn't open the replies to anything without reading the most heinous shit imaginable.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 16 points 7 months ago

Bleh. I'd love to get excited but it's gonna be another live service game, or mtx online crap.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 23 points 7 months ago

Yup, it's why O(N+10) and even O(2N) are effectively the same as O(N) on your CS homework. Speaking too generally, once you're dithering over the efficiency of an algorithm processing a 100-item dataset you've probably gone too far in weeds. And optimizations can often lead to messy code for not a lot of return.

That's mostly angled at new grads (or maybe just at me when I first started). You've probably got bigger problems to solve than shaving a few ms from the total runtime of your process.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 14 points 9 months ago

Also good for cases where a website reads your active addons. Ublock users > users of privacy badger + ublock

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 12 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

2e is weirder and more sexualized

My man did not play the same PF1e that I did.

Also, both games achieve different things. Neither is "better', you just like 1e more, congrats.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 11 points 10 months ago

I wonder how easy it would be to make an extension and fake it's popularity? Make make it intentionally broken or something, so users immediately uninstall it too.

Sounds like an easy $10k, assuming the scammers would actually pay.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 19 points 10 months ago

Obvious Beehaw bias but I don't get the whole weirdness about defed. Like maybe it's a hammer where some problems are screws, but elegant solutions are for people with VC funding.

[-] off_brand_@beehaw.org 19 points 10 months ago

This is like seeing a negative steam review with 1.2k hours of playtime.

PS:T is good though, no guff there.

submitted 10 months ago by off_brand_@beehaw.org to c/steam@lemmy.ml

I dont honestly expect you to see this, but it was fun enough I thought I say something in a public space.

If you're a tuskan raider who was working with a gal doing belly flops and holding a big gun, that was me. I didn't think touching the world stone would change the map and make alchemist inaccessible, and I was hoping if we made a point to go back and intentionally die that the other guy in your game would see what was up.

I'm usually a solo player, and very rarely a mic player so I enjoyed the chance to hang out in a low pressure, no mic environment. I just wanted to mess around with my big ol engineer gun and enjoy big dakka. Thanks for putting up with me being actually incompetent, it was a good time :)


Like most folks with ADHD I have some spares for situations like the recent shortage.

Every so often it seems like the pill isn't really doing it's job. I start to wonder if I'm building up a tolerance, and need to ask for an increased dosage, and then suddenly I'm doing fine again.

Well, I was going through that recently, and I realized I just switched to my newest bottle. Now it feels just as strong, if not stronger than it used to be. As it happens, I tend to have some spares from days I forget and whatnot, so it's been maybe 2 weeks. That also means this last bottle was over month old, too. I wish I could remember if I'd just changed to the new bottle the last time this happened too.

I'm using Walgreens, and the shape of the pill changed last month, so maybe there's a different formulation? I just keep going through this feast and famine of medication efficacy, and Itd be nice to know if this is a problem I can actually solve without going to a higher dosage. Idk, maybe I'll keep them in the fridge while Im not using them or something.

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