[-] olav@theweird.space 7 points 2 months ago

@Trollception @aodhsishaj they do if there's a gov't clearance or you're touching corp money involved. But in most cases they'll let you explain what happened.

[-] olav@theweird.space 38 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

@aodhsishaj @metaStatic

If you think bankruptcy is bad, look at all the rich people and corps that do it as often as possible

Edit: I mean Herr Trumptard has filed no less than six times to avoid paying people

[-] olav@theweird.space 26 points 2 months ago

@aodhsishaj @metaStatic bankruptcy is by far not the worse thing you can do. Often trying to unbury yourself will take longer to get back to solvency.

We had to medical B out. Get cancer these days, particularly with a $6K+ deductible for a PPO and you're toast. We managed to switch to a HMO before surgery and we were still toast. And I had a Good Job.

File, get a pre-paid card then some high-interest you barely use, then some "normal" credit and it builds faster than you know

[-] olav@theweird.space 6 points 2 months ago

@Dave @oohgodyeah a million bucks is a lot of store brand mac and French's yellow mustard.

[-] olav@theweird.space 7 points 3 months ago

@deadsuperhero I'd love to see this adopted wildly if the protocol can be fleshed out. I did like Hubzilla for this; the servers are boggy and I didn't even want to get into the hosting lack of instructions

[-] olav@theweird.space 3 points 3 months ago


Countries will sometimes value their currency vs the US Dollar vs trading it on the more open market. Often it provides some stability, particularly when trading abroad

So basically, I say one Triganic Pu is worth 1 US dollar and 1 Ningi is 12.5 US Cents so at least the value of the currency is less of an inflation factor

[-] olav@theweird.space 5 points 4 months ago


They exist in the US but a lot of them are dead or dying. Among other things they have failed to innovate in the face of e-commerce so people can buy the same things without leaving home barring any other draw

[-] olav@theweird.space 3 points 4 months ago

@Maeve @til

Parents dropped you off with $10 and/or allowance money and disappeared for a couple hours. Good times

[-] olav@theweird.space 3 points 4 months ago


Your credit score company also sells targeted ads based on your "marketing data" (your credit report), and you have to actually email them to opt-out


[-] olav@theweird.space 3 points 7 months ago

@Ramin_HAL9001 @maniajack I generally respect CW but licensing is BS. I paid for it, I own it.

But the perversion is that like patents, CW is only as good as the lawyers you can afford. This is accepting that you can only get punitive damages if your work is registered. I mean you can win but it's rare.

But buy physical media directly from your favorite artists.

[-] olav@theweird.space 8 points 8 months ago

@GONADS125 @xkforce

To give an idea how serious, the Crew Dragons use it in their abort system, and the first thing when it comes back is guys in full suits and respirators checking the outside of the capsule for leaks. Pretty much no amount is "safe"

[-] olav@theweird.space 10 points 10 months ago

@Sektor @useless_modern_god this is well past AW status. I mean, AW is sometimes dumb "Look at meeee" None of them would subject themselves to this. No one that didn't need help would have. IDK but her title might be 'expressing the depravity' or some such which would surely bring in the dregs and the outcome inevitable

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