It's far easier to have a better candidate than change how 80 million people think.
One problem the DNC has is that they keep throwing boring ass lawyers into a game that isn't about law. It's about being a face the country knows to run the government.
You need charisma, you need to appeal to people, and you need to be human. Obama did this perfectly. Bill Clinton had it in him. Biden at least had such a long record in politics he could wing it his first term. I don't know how he managed to win, but he did.
Clinton, while being a lawyer, had already been the governor of Arkansas. Meaning he had the experience being that executive. He could convince people to work beyond their own interests. Al Gore, we all know, won the 2000 presidential election, but the supreme court let everything get fucked up.
Kerry? Never stood a chance. Hilary? No chance. Kamala? As much as we needed her to win, she was unappealing to stupid people.
Lawyers, by nature of their career, have to read and understand the most boring ass shit and then convince others that the boring ass text supports their side of the case. That means a lot of them are boring people.
You wanna know why Walz is popular? He fucking loves football. He can connect to highschool students. IDK about you, but if you've ever met high schoolers, they aren't the brightest, and bored easily. He's progressive, but he won't shove it in someone's face to be more righteous. Not many people can do that.
To win an election, you have to excite people. Trump, despite his rhetoric clearly being terrifying, was, unfortunately, exciting.
Me, freshmen year of college: "I'm going to major in computer engineering - with additional math and physics courses. Capable of designing all sorts of cool stuff, and get paid well"
Me 16 years later: "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, I don't know what the fuck management wants, I don't know what the fuck I want to do, but at least I get paid well."
And I have a coworker that asks why I panic every time he mentions that he got some code from Gemini.
My biggest problem with this movie is that we didn't get Biolizard.
But otherwise it was amazing
I call that one Old Gregg.
From what I've heard you've got a whole lot of immunities now
Probably not early. Probably late. Some states have vaccine requirements for public schools, I don't know if Texas does.
Ok what's the benefit Trump gets if Google is broken up?
Trains and highways are required for moving armor and men that far north. The moment movement is noticed, those tracks and roads will become a lot less vehicle friendly. A lot of those northern states would not take too kindly to our neighbor being invaded. Idaho, Montana, and Alaska are the only areas where they would face less issues with movement through the state. Maybe North Dakota and Maine.
It's not a brilliant move for the US to do. It wouldn't work. Its too wide a border.
It's not something we are going to change anytime soon. Far too many people to change to counter that.
Instead, we need candidates like Walz, who have a brain on their shoulders, and have a way to excite outside of putting on a show.
Bernie Sanders was another example of it. AoC is as well.