[-] peregus@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

My point is that you can't compare today's problem with 20 years ago! 20 years ago the access to the Internet was through the home PC for the amount of time the kid was allowed to use and with people in the house (usually); today the access to the Internet for a kid is 24/7 and everywhere. There is no comparison. Parents should be more present in the kids life? Sure! Parents should block Internet access to porn website at least until a certain age? Yes! But most of them doesn't even know that ths is possible. Maybe we (society, givernment) should work more here.

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

In fact I wrote:

The firsts with wide Internet access were the late millennials.

which seems to be you.

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 1 points 5 days ago

Thanks, I did't know that.

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Is there an Immich Android app that auto upload pictures?

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

2004 hardware -> dumpster! Seriousky, with the electricity bill of 1 year of that server running 24/7 you can buy a used Dell, HP or Lenovo PC (2/3 maybe 4 years old); you will have more power, way less power consumption and way less noise.

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

I run it on a 4GB Fujitsu Futro S920! 😆 All the RAM seems to be used by 3 VMs. Some SWAP is been used, ok, but the Proxmox overhead doesn't seem that much.

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

Totally agree! Also, at work we have some Synology and their web UI is soooo slow that it's almost unusable

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

30/40€ Fujitsu Futro where you can install OPNsense, the AP you linked and you're good to go!

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Guys, read the article first! At least try, at the beginning it says:

Unless you self-host at home on your own NAS

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

Wasabi have similar pricing to glacier, but without the limitation

[-] peregus@lemmy.world 2 points 6 days ago

Have a look at this video I've used a Fujitsu Futro S720 (30/40€ on ebay) and I've created my router with firewall, VPN, VLANs and so on with OPNsense

submitted 2 months ago by peregus@lemmy.world to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

My home server is a Proxmox machine with some VM one of which is Open Media Vault from which a Windows PC plays videos to my TV. I want to get rid of the Windows PC and connect the TV directly to the server with an HDMI+USB RJ45 extender, but...how do I get a GUI from it? Is it even possible? I would need to connect to a Windows VM because for what I know Netflix only plays 4K videos with Edge. Thanks!

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by peregus@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hi all! I've been looking for a selfhosted system that can monitor one or more email accounts and check if a certain email with a particular subject arrives every day (or every x hours) and alert me if it doesn't (or if the subject is different). I need this to check if backups from different PC have run or not. The best thing would be to integrate it with Uptime Kuma. Any idea? Thanks!

Edit: I'm switching all my backup software to Restic (Autorestic on Linux machines) so I can send a ping to Uptime Kuma when every single backup successfully ends.

submitted 3 months ago by peregus@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I've just discovered OmniGPT that seems to be a chat where you can interact with different LLM (Claude, GPT-4, Llama, Gemini, etc.) and costs $16/month (it was $7/month until a week ago 🤦‍♂️). I've read on a Reddit post that it uses the APIs of all the provider that is a thing that can be done for free using a personal account (since the API limit seems to be high). Do you know something like OminGPT that can be self hosted that uses users API keys?

submitted 3 months ago by peregus@lemmy.world to c/ai_@lemmy.world

Hi all! What do you think is the best chatbot to use for suggestion/learning vvvv, TouchDesigner and similar software? I will be using it also to check/suggestion on JavaScript/Python scripts. One where I can upload a file and let it analyze it would be very nice.


I have some sensors like this one:

  - name: "Sala"
    unique_id: "temp_sala"
    state_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/temp_sala"
    value_template: "{{ value_json.temperature }}"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"

Those sensors publish the battery status too, how can I add it? Thanks!


I have created this climate:

- name: "Riscaldamento"
  unique_id: "termostato"
    - "off"
    - "heat"
    - "cool"
  mode_command_topic: "home/riscaldamento_raffrescamento/TEST/mode/set"
  mode_state_topic: "home/riscaldamento_raffrescamento/TEST/mode/state"
  temperature_command_topic: "home/riscaldamento_raffrescamento/TEST/temp/set"
  current_temperature_topic: "home/riscaldamento_raffrescamento/TEST/temp/state"
  power_command_topic: "home/riscaldamento_raffrescamento/TEST/pump/set"
  payload_on: 1 
  payload_off: 0
  min_temp: 17
  max_temp: 28
  temp_step: 0.1
  precision: 0.1

thinking that the power_command_topic would be sent whenever the temperature would go over/under the one set, but nothing ever get send to that topic. How can I turn on the pump when the temperature goes under the one set and turn it off when it goes over?


Hi all, I've been using Domoticz for years and I've finally decided to move to HA. In Domoticz I could have a timer (fixed date, every days, every x days, and so on) for every single entity, in HA how I can do that? Thanks!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by peregus@lemmy.world to c/homeassistant@lemmy.world

Hi all, I'm pretty new to HA and Frigate. When I installed the cameras (they are all vertical, 9:16), they were correct, I could see all the vertical images. Since about a week they are all shrinked in a 16:9 images/videos, even if they are 9:16

Here is my config


detectors: # <---- add detectors
    type: edgetpu
    device: usb

#  streams:
#    camera_fronte_ingresso:
#      - rtsp://
#    camera_lato:
#    camera_portico:  
#  log:
#    exec: trace

    - person
    - car
    - cat
    - dog
    - truck

        - path: rtsp://USER:PW@ #rtsp://  #rtsp://USER:PW@
          input_args: preset-rtsp-restream
            - detect
        - path: rtsp://USER:PW!@ # <----- Add stream you want to record from
            - record
      hwaccel_args: preset-vaapi
      enabled: true # <---- disable detection until you have a working camera feed
      width: 1280 # <---- update for your camera's resolution
      height: 720 # <---- update for your camera's resolution
    record: # <----- Enable recording
      enabled: True
    snapshots: # <----- Enable snapshots
      enabled: True
        - path: rtsp://USER:PW@
          input_args: preset-rtsp-restream
            - detect
        - path: rtsp://USER:PW!@ # <----- Add stream you want to record from
            - record
      hwaccel_args: preset-vaapi
      enabled: true # <---- disable detection until you have a working camera feed
      width: 1280 # <---- update for your camera's resolution
      height: 720 # <---- update for your camera's resolution
    record: # <----- Enable recording
      enabled: True
    snapshots: # <----- Enable snapshots
      enabled: True

What the heck is going on? Thanks!

submitted 4 months ago by peregus@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

I have a couple of home server, both with Proxmox as hypervisor, one VM with Ubuntu 22.04 that does just Docker containers, one with Open Media Vault, one with Home Assistant (HA OS) and a couple of Windows VM to do some tests. Since I wanted to move from OMV, right now I see 2 options:

  • stay with Proxmox and find another NAS OS
  • use Unraid as NAS and hypervisor

What other option would you suggest?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by peregus@lemmy.world to c/homeassistant@lemmy.world

I'm pretty new to HA. I've set it up and I keep editing the confirmation and everytime I restart to apply the changes, all the switches, sensors and even the thermostat lose their values. The most annoying is the thermostat (classic thermostat entity) because I have to turn it on selecting heat/cool and set the temperature. Is there a way to keep all these values across restarts?

Edit: I'm using HA OS on Proxmox. All the sensors and switches slowly goes back to "normal" as soon as they publish their state, apart from some entities that have values provided by HA itself and not by the devices (like the thermostat).

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by peregus@lemmy.world to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Every time I try to access this community, ther's some kind of problem with the server. If you have a look at the status page, it's almost all orange/red. The problem aren't DDoS attack since the server is behind Cloudflare protection. Admin/mods, why don't you move this community to a different ~~server~~ instance? I'm not accusing anybody, I know that maintain a server can be a challenging sometimes, I just want to enjoy this community!



submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by peregus@lemmy.world to c/support@lemmy.world

This instance happens ti be down quite often. Why do the admin doesn't close the subscription and focus to keep the instance stable? It's not like there will be blocked outside Lemmy, there ar plenty of instances out there. From outside (and IMHO) it seems a power hungry needs (sorry,bI don't know if this does make sense in English). This is a question (that I hope will flow to a good conversation), NOT an attack.

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joined 1 year ago