
joined 10 months ago
[–] 27 points 9 months ago (4 children)

I live in Nicaragua (I'm American) and can say that while yes he does have his critics in Central America, he's overwhelmingly supported in El Salvador and the people are actually safe, which is not normal for the last several decades.

Sometimes extreme measures are needed. It's like he said when this started, (paraphrasing) "Where were all these countries when we needed help. Where was their training, money, equipment, etc.? Our people are dying and we've had enough! So the world ignored us before and now they want to criticize us. We don't care."

[–] 1 points 10 months ago

I’d have to read a guide on how to send a patch or apply one from somebody else.

The guide is about 2 paragraphs and you'd also have to read a guide for how to create an account, fork, clone, push, send PR, etc. for the new normal workflow.

Commenting on a line of code and following a discussion about it isn’t very legible.

It's normal email bottom posting usually, pretty simple to follow. The srht UI does a decent job of this for you as well imho.

There’s no way to mark a discussion as resolved, now way to have a quick overview of the status of all the comments left on a patch

In email specifically, no. Of course you can mark it resolved if using custom software (ie, srht) that supports it. Not sure what you mean of quick overview, unless you mean via a webpage which again, srht provides. If straight email, you have to cycle through the emails. Which for me, just means typing "j" or "k" instead of page up/down like you would on GH, srht, whatever.

is it possible to submit a patch with multiple commits and if so how does one see the final result?

Yes, of course. No clue about seeing them all in one final patch. I suppose that's useful though I've never had an issue going through each patch individually. Maybe a feature suggestion for srht.

Is it possible to sign my commits?

I don't see why not.

I've used email WF, then "github WF", and found srht very refreshing when it launched. I still stuck with BitBucket because I didn't want to take the time to move over but once they removed Mercurial support, we went all in with srht and no regrets. Our code review process via email is so much faster for us now and prior to this move, I was the only person on the team who'd worked with the email WF before.

Of course, I totally get it's a personal preference and that a lot of younger developers have no experience with the email WF and humans are naturally resistant to change. They probably wouldn't enjoy it either.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

Well there are many smaller projects than the kernel that still use the email workflow. To me it's simple, not archaic. You're right though, you definitely would miss out on contributors but that's just the reality of the dev world today.

[–] 8 points 10 months ago (1 children)

I hope I never have to look for a job again but with the way my business has gone lately, I may need to start thinking about it in a few years.

I've also been coding for 25 years, most of that professionally. I'm not sure I could pass a tech interview.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (4 children)

This is what I love about it. Also email is used in the biggest projects in the world (including the linux kernel). It allows anyone to just clone & contribute immediately.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago (6 children)

We run our own SourceHut instance because I hate all the social dopamine crap built into GH. I hate you need an account just to participate in a repo. I hate the heavy UI (sometimes it's better than others).

Also, srht supports hg as well as git.

[–] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Neat project. Following.

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