
joined 1 year ago

Hello everyone! I don't have much experience, but one thing I learned while playing Troika! with my friends is that the more I prep the more forced the game will feel (at least to me). I think it has to do in part with the fact that I will more or less voluntarily try to steer players towards content I prepared (it's some kind of sunk-cost fallacy I think) and in part with me kind of knowing what to expect, making the game less enjoyable to DM. The best sessions have been the ones where I had two or three ideas and winged it, building upon what the players did or said and generally improvising. The biggest con to this approach is that it's hard to keep everything consistent and I'm constantly afraid of contradicting stuff I said before or just plain forgetting it. I want to start taking notes, but I'm also afraid of being distracted from the players while I jot down stuff. So I ask you what are your tips for a more immediate, "plug and play" style of playing. I'm not too interested in having a balanced game or telling intricate overarching plots, and I enjoy strange situations that require creative thinking the most (plus cool worlds and creatures/NPCs). I would love to find a way to start playing out of the blue like one does with boardgames (well, the casual ones everyone plays)

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 1 points 1 year ago

I'm not OP and no, TikTok is absolutely a no-go for me. I couldn't care less about trends tbh.

I don't think giving up completely is the goal, it's just a temporary measure. When you're used to spending two hours a day on YouTube, you can't just watch a video because then you'll just watch another and another and another for two hours

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm trying to use this whole reddit madness to quit using the internet for anything that isn't intentional. The fact that I'm here writing a comment shows that it's not going perfectly, but so far reducing the time I spend scrolling or watching YouTube has definitely improved my headspace.

The simple act of not using my phone or any other screen until I get out of home in the morning makes me so much more energetic and my mind more clear.

It's a fucking addiction and most of us have it without realizing. The horrible part is that quitting cuts you out of so much stuff, but it really is worth it.

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 5 points 1 year ago

I'm Italian and I don't hate ska nor pineapple

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 11 points 1 year ago

I don't quite get how a "collective art piece" could get "hijacked". If it can be hijacked than it's only collective and collaborative for the ones that Reddit likes.

Of course this is the only way they could present it, but as far as I'm concerned the cool thing about r/place, in principle, is that you can see the chaos of the world, with opposite views, opinions, goals, tastes, interests sharing the same space, the same place, and interacting with each other.

I'd much rather see swastikas alongside sickles and hammers, stickmen being murdered alongside unicorns, dirty jokes alongside the Mona Lisa, than this corporate PR stunt.

I think it also shows that the protests have been somehow successful. Sure, Reddit won't fail, but if they decided to do another r/Place it's only because they know how loved it is by the community and hope to make people forget about the disaster.

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 6 points 1 year ago

Damn I didn't know about it and now I want it!

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

May I ask how old you are?


Quali potrebbero essere le conseguenze concrete sul cittadino?

Personalmente sono d’accordo con il punire chi lucra sulla ricondivisione di contenuti altrui, ma trovo non solo tollerabile ma forse addirittura giusta la condivisione fra utenti di una community a titolo gratuito e spesso (quasi sempre) in perdita.

Aldilà della questione pirateria in sé, la preoccupazione di molti è che questa legge apra le porte alla creazione di un “firewall di stato” con cui impedire l’accesso a determinati siti (anche e soprattutto in vista del limite di 30 minuti entro cui bloccare il sito dal momento della segnalazione in “casi urgenti”, che pare fatto apposta per essere abusato).

Inoltre molti siti che riportano la notizia, nonché i politici e le figure di spicco che ne parlano, pongono l’accento sulle partite di calcio ritrasmesse illegalmente, e personalmente non sarei così sorpreso se di fatto venisse applicata per lo più in quell’ambito.

Io nel dubbio penso che lascerò cento euro annuali o quel che è ad una buona VPN fuori dall’UE

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 1 points 1 year ago

Yup! If I'm driving and want to change station or volume I need to be able to know what I'm doing without watching, and it already feels distracting and dangerous enough to me. With a touch screen I can't feel the buttons or knobs and I must look at the screen to do anything.

I never had a car with a touchscreen (my current car doesn't even have an AUX or USB port) so I don't know if it's already like this, but probably an hybrid between the two would be ideal. You get a touchscreen to thinker with it and create presets or whatever when you're not moving, and buttons to change song/station/preset/volume/whatever when driving

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it's in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets "translated" to your own "thought language".

I think that's the future we will face if we don't wipe ourselves out of existence first. The "cool" thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can't really grasp at the moment.

The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 1 points 1 year ago

AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it's in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets "translated" to your own "thought language".

I think that's the future we will face if we don't wipe ourselves out of existence first. The "cool" thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can't really grasp at the moment.

The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 1 points 1 year ago

AI powered brain-chips is a concept that terrifies me but also fascinates me because it would avoid this kind of useless bullshit.

Imagine having a very advanced AI in your brain that knows you really well (because well, it's in your brain). You could have concepts and information explained in the most effective way for you, or (and this really is scary) directly written in your brain so that you suddenly just know something. Your colleagues would just have to think the information that you need to receive, and then their chip and your chip would communicate so that the message gets "translated" to your own "thought language".

I think that's the future we will face if we don't wipe ourselves out of existence first. The "cool" thing is it would be an actual evolutionary leap that would make us something we can't really grasp at the moment.

The scary thing is it would of course be a shit sold by corporations to transmit ads directly to your brain or some shit

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 2 points 1 year ago

I didn't know soulseek and downloaded music for the first time in ages, tried listening to some FLACs of songs I only ever streamed and damn now I think I understand audiophiles

[–] pieceofcrazy@feddit.it 26 points 1 year ago (4 children)

It's an old (early-internet?) joke iirc. And yes, I think that's the answer


Rats don't live long, the first result on Google says that they live 2-4 years on average and the longest living rat in captivity lived to be 7 years old.

I like to think that after the rat's death everyone will treasure the good memories and start another restaurant of their own. But it's more likely that they'll be depressed and miserable for the rest of their lives without being able to tell anyone their story.




I want to replay the original Fallout because when I did I cheesed my way through it (got captured by the master, save-scummed like crazy and killed everyone, game over without actually realizing what happened), and I was wondering what's the most the most balanced build to have most doors open when it comes to choosing how to approach a quest. I don't want the exact stats or anything, just some general tips.

Thank you all in advance!

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