
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

I like your example with that song. If we interpret the scene as both acting out the behaviour the've been taught, they are both reinforcing each others behaviours. Assuming that both wanted to be together but there was an established "dance" around it. They can only work together. What if one (and only one) of them had not done their part? If he hadn't, she would have left, possibly feeling that he didn't really want her to stay. If she hadn't, she risks being labeled "easy". In both cases, again if we assume they both actually wanted to stay and feel good about it, they don't both get what they want.
So... if we now, as a conscious effort from society, are trying to get away from this bad system, it seems to me that the only way is a gradual de-escalation from both sides. It also seems to me that if we only tell men to never "pursue", but do nothing about the "hard to get"-behaviour, then men who follow the new instructions or script will be left with no chance to meet someone.
What I think is missing from the discourse today is that it's a hard sell to young men to change their behaviour, if doing so is punished by the same people asking them to change. We're caught in a stalemate where we need to help each other simultaneously, with mutual understanding, trust, and care. In that very sensitive process, trying to move it forward by telling someone they are a potential rapist is probably just making men dig deeper trenches and refuse to listen. Some people want this, I believe. The conflict that lets you feel righteous anger and resentment. But it's not helping.

[–] 2 points 21 hours ago

For a while Debian had IceDove and IceWeasel due to trademark issues.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

If someone filled in the missing parts but drew Torvalds instead, would the complete picture be of Stallman/Torvalds, or Stallman+Torvalds?

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

gnuplot surprisingly also has a strange license, containing "Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to distribute the complete modified source code."

[–] 2 points 6 days ago (2 children)

What are main things you've found that BSDs lack to make you prefer GNU+Linux? What are things from the BSD world you wish that GNU+Linux had?

[–] 34 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Are you looking for a space to specifically discuss asexuality, or a space about general things minus references to sex?

[–] 4 points 1 week ago

I do both depending on level of detail in general. If every tree and trash can is marked and the roads have odd geometries, then clearly defining a residential area to be inside a block works best imho. But if there's a big area without many other features I just map it as a big residential area until more detail is added. Area nodes should never share nodes with road nodes though.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

You can have Albertus, there are several digitalizations, and some clones like Flareserif 821.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

How do you decide what to archive, and what is the long term plan? If Annas goes down it can be pieced together again? Or is it served to users now too?

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

The archive team sounds interesting!

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (4 children)

What can an ordinary user do at this point that would help?

[–] -5 points 2 weeks ago (9 children)

Norway is a rich country so the government can help people buy electric instead of gasoline cars. Of course, they got rich by selling oil, but yes.


... what should we do?
I guess it all depends on how it would be implemented, which is something I have a hard time imagining at this moment. How do you imagine day to day online life in a post-Chat Control EU world? Which ways of communicating would still be private? Is there anything we can do at this point to prepare for the worst outcome?


A video from openSUSE Conference 2024 about using distrobox on openSUSE Aeon.


I've been trying to navigate the differences and limitations in practice between the Arduino Nano ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico, and I'm at a point where I just want to get one of them and start experimenting. Possibly some other brand ESP32. My goal is to learn micropython and hopefully make some simple projects. My question is: is there a big difference for a beginner which I get in terms of online resources and ease of use, any pitfalls to be aware of or useful tips?


So, I'm just assuming we've all seen the discussions about the bear.
Personally I feel that this is an opportunity for everyone to stop and think a little about it. The knee-jerk reaction from many men seems to be something along the lines of "You would choose a dangerous animal over me? That makes me feel bad about myself." which results in endless comments of the "Akchully... according to Bayes theorem you are much more likely to..." kind.
It should be clear by now that it doesn't lead to good places.
Maybe, and I'm open to being wrong, but maybe the real message is women saying: "We are scared of unknown men."
Then, if that is the message intended, what do we do next? Maybe the best thing is just to listen. To ask questions. What have you experienced to make you feel that way?
I firmly believe that the empathy we give lays a foundation for other people being willing to have empathy for the things we try to communicate.
It doesn't mean we should feel bad about ourselves, but just to recognize that someone is trying to say something, and it's not a technical discussion about bears.
What do you think?


Congratulations to Andreas!
It seems like he has lots of ideas for how to improve things in packaging, and for communicating with other distros. Debian is a big ship to steer, and I personally hope the leader can facilitate people working together to reach our goals.


For example, I'm using Debian, and I think we could learn a thing or two from Mint about how to make it "friendlier" for new users. I often see Mint recommended to new users, but rarely Debian, which has a goal to be "the universal operating system".
I also think we could learn website design from.. looks at notes ..everyone else.

DPL candidates (

The download page leads to install75.img, but the front page still says 7.4.


I made this during a time I felt very lonely. Now I don't feel lonely anymore, I feel great (for reasons unrelated to crafting, but still).



Took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize that \directlua is first expanded before it goes into the lua interpreter, and that \% is defined through \chardef (in plain), which means that it's not expandable.
Luckily LuaTeX has the \csstring primitive.
Is anyone else doing any fun things with \directlua?

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