[-] prancing389@monero.town 1 points 19 hours ago

You make the assumption that you did it the right way and that is the ONLY right way. I suggest you cease the habit of scolding others and focus on productive activity that helps your fellow man.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 1 points 19 hours ago

I am discovering that they are only as good as the information the wokesters fed it when training it, so agreed.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 1 points 20 hours ago

Their job is not to protect us so much as it is to protect our individual liberties, for which they've failed in every possible direction.


I was doing some research on exchanges and found this on ChatGPT:

As of now, Monero (XMR) is not listed on any major US-compliant cryptocurrency exchanges. This is primarily due to regulatory concerns over its privacy features, which make it difficult for exchanges to comply with KYC and AML regulations.

Monero's focus on privacy and anonymity poses challenges for regulatory compliance, leading most US-based exchanges to avoid listing it. As a result, if you're looking to trade Monero and you are a US citizen, you will typically need to use international exchanges that may have fewer regulatory constraints but come with their own risks.

For reference, here are a few popular international exchanges where Monero is available, although they may not be fully compliant with US regulations:

  1. Binance (Global, not Binance.US)
  2. Kraken (Though Kraken is US-based, it has delisted Monero for US customers)
  3. KuCoin
  4. Huobi
  5. Gate.io

Please be aware that using these exchanges may involve legal and financial risks, including the possibility of violating US regulations. It is always advisable to stay informed about the latest regulatory developments and to consider the legal implications of using non-compliant exchanges.

Did I miss something, or this another authoritarian bit of hopium that made its way into the language model?

[-] prancing389@monero.town 5 points 1 month ago

Also, Monerotopia is once a week. I think there is room for someone to do another podcast, maybe not entirely dedicated to Monero, but something that is themed on privacy, yet rarely let's an episode pass when he/she does not mention Monero. Speaking of SHE. Where are all the WOMEN standing up for private digital cash? Is there something in their DNA that screams "I want to be your slave"? Oh, no, wait that must have come from last nights dream. Seriously though, why aren't more women speaking out about freedom. There's Mel K, Ann Vandersteel, and Sarah Westall, and Whitney Webb. all truth tellers, but never mention Monero. I personally would like to see Ann Vandersteel on an interview discussing Monero.


Why U.S. Citizens Must Act Now to Protect Their Wealth

In the tumultuous and unpredictable world of global finance, the stability and security once offered by the Bretton Woods system is rapidly deteriorating. Established in the aftermath of World War II, the Bretton Woods Agreement was designed to foster international monetary cooperation and create a framework for economic stability. However, as we face unprecedented economic challenges, the very foundations of this system are crumbling, signaling an imminent collapse. In this precarious environment, it is crucial for U.S. citizens to take immediate action to safeguard their wealth and prepare for the uncertain future. This article explores why converting U.S. dollars into tangible assets such as farmland, food, ammunition, firearms, precious metals, and privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero is not just prudent, but essential.

The Decline of the Bretton Woods System

The Bretton Woods system, once a bedrock of global financial stability, has been eroding for decades. The initial peg of the U.S. dollar to gold and the establishment of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank provided a robust framework for economic growth and stability. However, the abandonment of the gold standard in 1971 marked the beginning of the end for this system. Since then, the dollar has been fiat currency, subject to the whims of monetary policy and geopolitical turmoil.

Today, the U.S. and global economies are facing severe challenges: unsustainable debt levels, inflationary pressures, and a rapidly changing geopolitical landscape. The U.S. dollar, once the unchallenged global reserve currency, is losing its hegemony as countries seek alternatives to reduce their dependency on it. These factors contribute to a looming economic crisis that threatens to devalue the dollar significantly.

The Great Taking: A Real Threat

"The Great Taking" is a term used to describe the potential government actions to confiscate or severely devalue personal wealth in times of economic distress. This can manifest in various forms, such as severe inflation, punitive taxation, or direct asset seizures. Historical precedents, like the 1933 Executive Order 6102, which required citizens to surrender gold holdings to the government, highlight the real possibility of such measures being implemented again.

In the event of a major financial collapse, governments may take drastic actions to stabilize the economy, often at the expense of individual wealth. This makes it imperative for citizens to convert their vulnerable U.S. dollars into assets that are less susceptible to government interference and inflationary devaluation.

Assets of Lasting Value

To mitigate the risks associated with the collapse of the Bretton Woods system and the potential for "The Great Taking," it is wise to invest in assets that have intrinsic value, offer security, and ensure self-sufficiency. Here are the recommended assets:

  1. Farmland: Farmland provides a tangible, productive asset that can generate food and income. It is a hedge against inflation and a crucial resource in times of economic instability.

  2. Food: Stockpiling non-perishable food ensures that you and your family can sustain yourselves during supply chain disruptions or economic crises.

  3. Ammunition and Firearms: These not only provide personal security in uncertain times but can also be valuable barter items if traditional currency systems fail.

  4. Precious Metals: Gold, silver, and other precious metals have historically been safe havens during economic turmoil. They retain intrinsic value and are universally recognized as a medium of exchange.

  5. Privacy Cryptocurrencies (Monero): Unlike Bitcoin, which offers some degree of transparency, Monero provides enhanced privacy and security. It is less susceptible to government tracking and seizure, making it a reliable digital asset in times of financial uncertainty.

Conclusion: Take Action Now

The signs of an imminent collapse of the Bretton Woods system are clear, and the consequences for those unprepared could be dire. By converting U.S. dollars into tangible assets such as farmland, food, ammunition, firearms, precious metals, and privacy-focused cryptocurrencies like Monero, you can protect your wealth and ensure your security in uncertain times. Waiting for the crisis to fully unfold could leave you vulnerable to the adverse effects of inflation, asset seizures, and economic instability. Act now to safeguard your future and navigate the coming financial storm with confidence.


In an era of unprecedented economic instability and increasing concerns over privacy, it is becoming crucial for individuals to protect their wealth and financial autonomy. Traditional financial systems, dominated by fiat currencies and heavily monitored by governments and financial institutions, are facing growing scrutiny. As a result, many are turning to private, anonymous currencies such as precious metals and Monero. This shift is not only about safeguarding personal wealth but also about fostering a parallel economic system that can operate independently of centralized control. This article explores the urgency of moving wealth into these private currencies and the importance of building a circular economy around them.

The Vulnerabilities of Traditional Financial Systems

The global financial system, built on fiat currencies and centralized banking, is increasingly vulnerable to various risks:

  1. Economic Instability: High levels of national debt, inflation, and economic crises can devalue fiat currencies, eroding individual wealth.

  2. Government Surveillance: Increased government oversight and surveillance of financial transactions threaten personal privacy and financial autonomy.

  3. Banking Risks: Bank failures or freezes, whether due to economic crises or political decisions, can limit access to personal funds.

Given these vulnerabilities, diversifying into private, anonymous currencies offers a way to mitigate these risks.

The Case for Precious Metals

Precious metals like gold and silver have been trusted stores of value for millennia. They offer several advantages:

  1. Intrinsic Value: Unlike fiat currencies, precious metals have intrinsic value and are not subject to inflationary pressures.

  2. Tangible Assets: Physical ownership of gold and silver means you have control over your wealth without relying on third parties.

  3. Historical Stability: Precious metals have historically maintained their value, even in times of economic turmoil.

Monero: The Digital Age's Answer to Privacy

In the digital age, Monero stands out as a leading privacy-focused cryptocurrency. Unlike Bitcoin, which offers some level of transparency, Monero provides enhanced privacy and security:

  1. Privacy: Monero uses advanced cryptographic techniques to ensure transactions are private and untraceable, protecting users' financial data.

  2. Security: The decentralized nature of Monero makes it resistant to censorship and seizure by governments and institutions.

  3. Fungibility: Each unit of Monero is indistinguishable from another, ensuring that it is always accepted without fear of tainted coins.

Building a Parallel Economy

The shift towards private, anonymous currencies requires more than just individual adoption; it necessitates the development of a parallel economic system that can sustain itself. Here's how society can build this system:

  1. Acceptance of Alternative Currencies: Businesses and service providers must begin to accept precious metals and Monero as payment options. This can start with small businesses and gradually expand to larger enterprises.

  2. Education and Awareness: Public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives are crucial to inform people about the benefits and usage of these alternative currencies.

  3. Infrastructure Development: Building infrastructure, such as secure digital wallets for Monero and safe storage options for precious metals, is essential to facilitate their everyday use.

  4. Peer-to-Peer Networks: Encouraging the development of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks can help foster a community of users who trade and transact using these currencies, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem.

  5. Legislative Advocacy: Advocating for legal frameworks that protect the use of private, anonymous currencies can help ensure their legitimacy and acceptance in the broader economy.


As economic and privacy concerns grow, the urgency to move wealth into private, anonymous currencies like precious metals and Monero becomes increasingly clear. These assets provide security, privacy, and stability that traditional financial systems struggle to offer. Moreover, building a parallel economy around these currencies can help ensure their viability and sustainability, offering a resilient alternative to centralized financial systems. By embracing this shift, individuals can protect their wealth and contribute to a more secure and private economic future.


Good info for introduction for Monero

[-] prancing389@monero.town 8 points 1 month ago

I look forward to the day when all the people that "invest" in Monero have lost interest and moved on to greener pastures. Most of the folks in this community, at least the vocal ones, are more into expanding it's usage, promoting the build-out of the circular economy and helping spread the word to the "normies" without becoming brain damaged maximalists that can't really explain the value of their coin in coherent terms.

Another thing I look forward to is slowly phasing out any discussion of comparisons to and with Bitcoin. The ship has sailed and Monero WON. The two crypto-currencies now have less in common than they did several years ago due to several factors:

  • The delisting of Monero from Centralized Exchanges worldwide has removed it from the pick list for most CEX's, therefore taken it off the radar for those swapping in and out of various crypto's for profit.
  • The crackdown on any privacy tools associated to Bitcoin makes clear to the public that Bitcoin's authorized uses will be very minimal going forward, and being part of a circular economy in a peer to peer exchange will not be happening with BTC. This coin has been captured by the cabal and therefore, unable to fulfill any of it's original missions as outline in Satoshi's white paper.
  • The capture by the stock markets and Big Banking with the formation of numerous ETF's, based on derivatives which re-hypothicate (i.e. counterfeit) BTC to a point where it more closely resembles an over-valued tech stock than it does a bonafide cryptocurrency. Also, the ETF has affects on the price that DO NOT resemble that of crypto-currencies. It's like trading forex on the commodoties market, apples and oranges.

Interesting guy that is not a maximalist of any coin, but offers an open minded discussion of the options to those attempting to avoid Fiat currency.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 6 points 1 month ago

I predict ratting out colleagues, neighbors, even friends and family may soon become a part of our reality in the near future. Mind your OPSEC.


cross-posted from: https://monero.town/post/3124759

Good enough for North Korea...


Good enough for North Korea...

[-] prancing389@monero.town 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

When I hear about integration with any other centralized platform, I see it as a potential attack vector. I'd stay far, far away from this integration unless and until it's had years of rigorous testing. You do know that the NSA hacked Tucker Carlson's Signal account to discover and warn him against traveling to visit with Putin, right? Signal has been compromised by the same groups that are opposed to liberty and sound money.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 8 points 1 month ago

Bitcoin has lost it's status as a viable crypto-currency, starting when ETF's were created, which had the effect of fiatizing what was before immutable, now has adopted all the worst properties of fiat money, the concept of derivatives. Derivatives is simply fakery by large institutions to get the benefit from each unit of money multiple times. These large institutions have a monopoly on this behavior. It is not possible to behave this way on an individual level. Great care should be taken as any potential new crypto-currency intermingles with the existing financial system. The Monero community has the benefit of learning from each mistake made with Bitcoin, and preventing that with it's own digital cash.

[-] prancing389@monero.town 3 points 2 months ago

While I agree that all on the planet should have knowledge of these trends, it probably does not belong in the main Monero community room. Maybe in Monero Regulatory

[-] prancing389@monero.town 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I am running a full node with the Official Monero GUI and also mining. I have not broken that connection in several days since I own a computer that doesn't need a reboot several times a day, so I haven't noticed any problems yet. Will update thread if I notice anything after power restart.

As a point of reference, when I first sync a full node after installing GUI or CLI program, it's not unusual at all for the first sync to take three or four days. I've done it several times.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town


This started showing up the day Gabriel filled in for Doug. Are we leaving this up because you're planning on giving up your role as host?

submitted 4 months ago by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

cross-posted from: https://monero.town/post/2338565


I posted this on the Monerotalk room, but I got no response, maybe I'll try here and see if someone acknowledges it.

Is Gabriel going to be the new MoneroTalk host? His name has been up there for a couple months since he filled in one time for Doug. What does the future hold?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by prancing389@monero.town to c/monerotalk@monero.town

Is Gabriel going to be the new MoneroTalk host? His name has been up there for a couple months since he filled in one time for Doug. What does the future hold?

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by prancing389@monero.town to c/monero@monero.town

Does anyone in here use XeggeX exchange? Any cautionary tales would be appreciated. I normally don't do much without checking with others in the community since there is so much deception out there, nice to get the word of mouth and learn of the reputation of anyone I may consider dealing with.

Many Thanks..

[-] prancing389@monero.town 7 points 4 months ago

That's why I don't use Ubuntu, because of their over-reliance on snaps, which do NOT undergo the same quality controls as standard repository feeds. Stick with Debian, don't use untrusted snaps, appimages, or flatpaks. All of the three formats seek to circumvent the exhaustive vetting that gives Linux a significant advantage over Microsoft Windows. Wallets are especially sensitive for obvious reasons.

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