[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 1 points 12 hours ago

You’re just being purposely obtuse. If you see that she already has a commanding lead before the first vote is cast then you might just not vote if you prefer someone else. Hillary was the DNC’s person and they did what they could to give her advantages.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 2 points 14 hours ago

The race started with Hillary having a commanding lead because the superdelegates were allowed to pre vote. It was clearly intended to manipulate the voters. Let’s not feign ignorance.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml -2 points 19 hours ago

I don’t. She was predicted to be the weakest against Trump during the primaries.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 4 points 19 hours ago

The delegates all predicated their votes to make it look like Hillary had already won before the elections even started

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I wish the democrats didn’t force her, the candidate that was predicted to be weakest against Trump and the only one likely to lose, through the primary with every trick they could. The democrats tried to skew and steer their own voters and we all lost because of it.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 0 points 3 days ago

No one says it about Andor though. Star Wars really is bad now. Your meme is saying that Star Wars is just as good as it ever was and we’re wrong for pointing out that it’s bad. But it is bad. And it didn’t used to be.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 90 points 4 months ago

Everyone is joking, but an ai specifically made to manipulate public discourse on social media is basically inevitable and will either kill the internet as a source of human interaction or effectively warp the majority of public opinion to whatever the ruling class wants. Even more than it does now.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 164 points 6 months ago

“Democrats are liberal/progressive”

In reality, they’re pretty conservative.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 133 points 7 months ago

Aren’t performance improvement plan’s really meant to give the employee a task that’s representative of what they are failing to do, so they will fail, and then you can fire them with proof of poor performance?

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 140 points 8 months ago

Wasn’t he the one who made a bunch of ridiculous demands? This car seems like it was designed by Homer Simpson.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 120 points 9 months ago

Police need to be made to fear the law. Until they do they will continue to be sadistic monsters.

[-] pulaskiwasright@lemmy.ml 124 points 11 months ago

Or all billionaires are scum who have written the laws and ensured that the fine for this is no more than an annoyance and removing the sign without a permit was a worthwhile risk and the right call to make.

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