[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 8 points 18 hours ago

Rainbow vacuums, my parents had one when I was growing up.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

First off, in the world of Ghostbusters, ghosts absolutely are real, though their appearances seem to be somewhat sporadic.

Second, Peck was a man who abused his power and nearly caused an apocalypse.

I'm not saying the Ghostbusters were entirely in the right, but Peck absolutely went too far because of his own personal biases. When he first went to the firehouse to investigate, he started out just fine. When he asked to see the containment unit, Venkman asked a perfectly valid question, "why do you want to see it?" From there, Peck immediately went off on a tangent, accusing the Ghostbusters of being frauds, and threatening legal action, to which Venkman responded in kind.

The next time Peck shows up, he has barged in and shuts everything down without thought of the consequences. Even the people he brings along for support think it's a bad idea.

It's like somebody built a bomb in their back yard, and instead of properly defusing it, he insists they take a sledgehammer to it.

Imagine how this goes if he kept his cool in the first meeting. Venkman likely shows him the containment unit, and Spengler explains how it works. If it really does run afoul of EPA regulations, the Ghostbusters get a fine, and are asked to bring their equipment into compliance. Maybe they have to retrofit a few things, but in the end, there's probably no explosion of ghosts, and possibly Vinz Clortho and Zuul never manage to link up (as their meeting was facilitated by the chaos of the aftermath), preventing Gozer from entering our dimension.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 15 points 4 days ago

It's relevant in the context that helping China is explicitly something Trump says he's against. So the fact that his policies would actually help them is yet another example of him being an idiot and a hypocrite.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 49 points 1 month ago

It does fly in the face of the constitution, and multiple SCOTUS' have affirmed exactly that several times.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 61 points 2 months ago

The rationale for this actually makes some sense. You wouldn't want an incumbent to be able to remove an opponent by railroading them into a minor felony conviction. With the way Trump ran things, if all it took was a minor felony to make sure Biden was ineligible, he absolutely would have pressured the DOJ to find something.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 35 points 2 months ago

Are you saying that God is canceling Trump now? When did He become so woke!? (/s)

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 85 points 2 months ago

I think it's ok for them to have stocks, they just should be put into a blind trust to manage, and they shouldn't be able to make any transactions outside of that for the duration of their term in office.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 39 points 3 months ago

He's still on the hook for the full amount if his appeal fails, he just no longer has to put it all up to start the appeal.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 46 points 4 months ago

Are you really asking what Nazis have to do with killing? A group famous for committing possibly the most heinous genocide in the history of humanity?

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 34 points 4 months ago

I fully agree. In this vein, I also think that Romulans and Vulcans should prefer green-tinted lipstick rather than red. In a few episodes in DS9 they actually did this, but most of the time they just default to red and it really doesn't feel right.

Repetitive Epics (lemmy.world)

Garak asserts to Bashir that the Repetitive Epic is the finest form of Cardassian literature. I was wondering, is there any real-life literature that could be considered a "repetitive epic" in the same vein as "The Neverending Sacrifice?"

Vulcan Sex Workers (lemmy.world)

It has occurred to me that Vulcan must have some form of sex industry to handle those going through Pon Farr who aren't currently married or otherwise involved. Otherwise, they'd have constant issues with violence from those suffering the "blood fever" whose spouse was far away, or had died, or for some other reason had no one to mate with.

Given Vulcan attitudes towards sex, it's probably kept out of sight, and is only "officially" available to those experiencing their "Seven Year Itch," but it has to exist, right?

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 39 points 7 months ago

I'm sorry, but no. Not only does that invoke a ton of extraneous processing on both ends (when saving and when recalling the image), but the rest of the image is still important, too! Can you imagine taking a photo at a family gathering, and then coming back later to see randomly generated people in the background? A photograph isn't just about the "subject", it's often about a moment in time.

[-] qantravon@lemmy.world 52 points 10 months ago

Yes! Anyone in the custody of the state should be treated with a minimum level of human decency, regardless of their crime.

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