[-] quantenzitrone@lemmings.world 15 points 21 hours ago

their comrades ☭

Gradience mainly changes the looks of libadwaita applications and it only work on gtk3 and gtk4 apps if you use the adw-gtk3 theme.

There is an important difference between gtk4 and libadwaita. While libadwaita apps use gtk4 in the background, they cannot be themed through normal gtk theming.

I don't know of any way to change the compactness of gtk4 or libadwaita, sorry.

[-] quantenzitrone@lemmings.world 3 points 4 days ago


if you already own a computing device that runs a modern-ish web browser, its gratis

[-] quantenzitrone@lemmings.world 14 points 6 days ago

Unexpected Keyboard has A Ctrl key that does pretty much everything you expect

[-] quantenzitrone@lemmings.world 40 points 6 days ago

the batteries are empty

You may want to sit for this. (thejenkinscomic.wordpress.com)

I just created my account yesterday because feddit.de is so broken at this point that I can't use it anymore. At first everything worked flawlessly, but today I couldn't load my subscribed and local feed from Eternity and Voyager and now in the web version it loads really slow.

Is anyone else having this problem?


joined 1 week ago