[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 1 points 42 minutes ago

Because that list already exists on a RAID setup in Utah

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 1 points 50 minutes ago

Honestly, she doesn't seem terrible. She seems better than Newsom but I doubt she'd win due to coming out of nowhere and being a woman. Also since she's just a governor I haven't had my opinion of her tainted by her inevitably dogshit foreign policy.

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 4 points 5 hours ago

Shout-out to tiny Hasan webcam

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 9 points 7 hours ago

Gavin Newsom is the prop right now. He's a somewhat hot white guy that is only 56 so he has a chance.

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 1 points 8 hours ago

It's their 9/11. They knew about it but decided that if they got bloodlust out of their population, they could commit and benefit from genocide.

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 17 points 21 hours ago

Note how DC is the top priority

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 34 points 22 hours ago

Trump wants to kill millions of immigrants, Biden couldn't string together a sentence and they each said they could out golf each other

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 19 points 22 hours ago

4xx is always userside. 502, 503 and 504 are usually the overloaded server.

Also it works on my machine.

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 38 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Holy fucking shit

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 30 points 22 hours ago

Is it even possible to replace him with newsom at this point?

[-] radiofreeval@hexbear.net 31 points 23 hours ago

May dementia turn him into a shell of a man and may the reaper take his time in taking his soul.


Seriously, this is just depressing to watch. His pharmacist is not sending their best.

  1. Peak drug cocktail

  2. Pissing und shidding

  3. (D-PA) Eldrich Horror

  4. head

  5. Unclear as to what this expression is but it's something

  6. Defeat (wet boy cameo)

Also Trump just called Biden "weak like a Palestinian". Can comrade structural collapse do us a solid here?


Since Le Mans is coming up soon, does anyone know a good site to stream it?


Are those three bots open source and if so where can I find the source? I've been working on a bot recently and I've been running into issues with the login.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by radiofreeval@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

Year two is out now: https://hexbear.net/post/2720771

So, I thought of making a sequential fortress for Hexbear to play. The rules of a sequential fortress is that a user controls the fortress for a year (starting and ending in early spring) and then hands the fort off to another user and makes a writeup. This is the same idea as the infamous Boatmurdered.

Roomtheaters -- Expedition Leader's log, Year 1

Expedition Leader: Radio Free Val

Year: 101

Starting Population: 7

Ending Population: 23

Fatalities: 1

Achievements: Discovered caverns, started metal industry, reached Hamlet, didn't die

Summary: Strike The Earth! We have created a new fortress in a sparsely forested region with a small hill, a stream and amicable wildlife. After digging in a space for a trading depot and personnel exit (the 1 wide tunnel to the side, this is meant to be a cage trap hallway), the first priority was to create farms. These are done one level below the entrance to prevent anything from getting in after felling a tree (rip my old fortress where a titan got in through a hole in the ceiling where the roots used to be). Next, some stills and farm-related workshops before digging deeper and creating some rooms for the dwarves. These are glorified cells with a single bed and nothing else. But hey, it's better than cold stone. Then, we created stockpiles for various goods before finding a massive vein of magnetite and coal. This will be critical for any iron industry. We quickly established a smelter and forge to create materiel and other iron goods in case combat is needed. In the meantime, out leatherworker was taken by a strange mood and a leather shop was build to accommodate them, however they lacked the needed leather to create a project. We slaughtered a horse to provide some leather but it was not enough for the undertaking. They later died due to dehydration after falling into a severe depressive episode. In a lighter note, we discovered a massive carvers system and a human monster hunter now resides with us. After a horde of troglodytes ran up from the cavern and tried to kill a couple of dwarven children, we killed them and temporarily sealed off the entrance to the cavern until cage traps can be made to secure the fort. We also discovered a pillar of obsidian studded with diamonds but elected not to mine it due to the stone being warm to the touch. We survived the winter with ample food supplies and expect greatness out of Roomtheathers, best of luck to my successor.

Goals For Next Leader:

  1. Memorialize the leatherworker who perished
  2. Fortify the caverns
  3. Get more seeds
  4. Strengthen military
  5. Mine the obsidian pillar to the southeast at elevation 28
  6. Dig deeper

Whoever wants to take over the fort for the next year, speak up and I'll send you the save file and you can continue Roomtheaters.

Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18FJ8xCkc1GdBdzHCXen2cGnjumq5lYIY?usp=sharing I'll try to keep this folder as a repository of all the saves so people can download it easily.

To pick up the fortress, download the file, extract it and move it to your steam save directory. On linux this looks like:

tar -xJvf bearmurdered.tar.xz;
mv -v ./region3 ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Dwarf\ Fortress/save

First verify that your DF save directory does not have a "region3" directory BEFORE moving the file over. It will permanently delete your world if you have one there

I am handing the fort off to @PorkrollPosadist@hexbear.net for year 2. Strike the Earth, comrade!


My dumb ass didn't back up /usr and lost some wallpapers, share your desktop wallpapers in this thread

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by radiofreeval@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net


Whenever I buy clothes they always end up getting holes quickly, I burn through socks fast, my bags keep breaking, my phones magically shit themselves and my chargers melt. I'm sick of everything being a wear part and I'm wondering where people get things that last.

Man or Bear (hexbear.net)

Yes I know this is a stupid question but I'm bored

submitted 2 months ago by radiofreeval@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

Quickly please the plane is about to take off.

Also trans stuff is cool.

:icebreaker: (hexbear.net)
submitted 2 months ago by radiofreeval@hexbear.net to c/emoji@hexbear.net

this might exist but I'm not sure because names are hard

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joined 1 year ago