[-] randon31415@lemmy.world -4 points 3 days ago

But he was waiting until June!

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

There was a fix number of taxis (at least in New York) for a growing population. All the consumer wanted was more taxis - it was the businessmen that wanted all the regulations and safety rules gone.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago

How many years would his prison sentence have been if he was extradided the year he fled to the embassy? I feel like he would have been out by now. Wasn't he leaking early Iraq war corruption stuff? That was 20 years ago.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Come on year of Jubilee! At least do the law against charging interest on loans!

Anyways, ya, the 11 are group the first two or the last two. If you group the first two, you sort of lessen the impact of "I am your god" with stuff about idols - but if you group the last two "don't covet your neighbors property, such as: wife, house, horses, etc..." you basically are saying wives are property.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 11 points 4 days ago

Sadly, if you can remotely work from rural America, you can remotely work from rural India.

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 43 points 6 days ago

Better than South Korea's 69 hour work week

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 40 points 6 days ago

Is... is this reverse Fetterman? Did Trump have a stroke and become a democrat?

[-] randon31415@lemmy.world 0 points 6 days ago

This is where technology advancement need to be focused. I'm looking at smart home stuff right now so that I can automate as much of my house before I get old. Memory? We currently have AI transcription and context processing medallions, think of a decade of progress on that could get us to (please keep it opensource and the transcripts out of corporate hands). Walking? Well, lots of exo-skeletons out there. One might take off - I'm hopping for a balloon powered one. Dementia? Actual good use of context-aware genAI. Medications? Diabetics already have smart pumps, why not work on something like that for other medications?

I think once the babyboomers pass through the system, hopefully the next generations will finally begin to embrace technology and lessen the need for so many healthcare workers. I want LAN parties at my nursing home, not shuffleboard.

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