To get a better quality of product, you do have to pay more money to get the quality. Something can be a high price and be a good deal for the money. If the price exceeds the product quality, then don't buy, but also sometimes buying cheap is too expensive.
People can also buy the best quality product that they enjoy, whether it is import or domestic, instead of buying lesser quality regardless of where something is made or produced. If someone choose to buy import because it is made better, then they can. If the best quality is domestic, then buy that. Personal preference.
Why does it never go the other way and your side screams censorship when there are restrictions saying not allowed to mention climate change, not allowed to mention socialism or Marxism, not allowed to mention covid?
You blocking me does not qualify as censorship due to individual liberties. I can agree that if someone is frequently complaining about trans people, even some people who agree will grow tired of the negativity. There is a problem trying to public promote a service as an established service and attract new users, and then to say "No, we don't allow your kind in here, you are only allowed to agree with every word we say", that starts to look like a bait and switch scam and pushing dictatorial censorship.
Do an internet search for "mastodon censorship" and read through 10 different search results.
Do people have a right to disagree with you? When you comment on any subject or topic, whatever it might be, do others have right to not support what you believe in? No marriage or serious relationship can last with restrictions on personal thought. Successful marriages must have room for disagreements.
The entire fediverse is built on censorship of thought and opinion because no server is allowed to join the fediverse that allows posts criticizing transgenderism.
To get a better quality of product, you do have to pay more money to get the quality. Something can be a high price and be a good deal for the money. If the price exceeds the product quality, then don't buy, but also sometimes buying cheap is too expensive.