
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 4 months ago

Taking the expression ‘going out on top’ a little too seriously….

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

One persons nightmare is another persons fetish.

[–] 15 points 4 months ago

Before legal fees and taxes of course.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Assuming the mother/baby don’t die in the hospital waiting room bathroom because the hospital refused treatment.

[–] 22 points 4 months ago

Courtesy of the local tax payers….

[–] 21 points 4 months ago

Let me introduce you to simple login. Take that same concept and apply it to literally everything you do online. Never deal with spam again.

[–] 12 points 4 months ago (2 children)

And antagonist unfortunately….

[–] 20 points 4 months ago

In my opinion, therapists are like friends. You’re not going to be friends with everyone you meet, in fact, you probably won’t want to be friends with most people you meet. It’s hard finding good friends but once you do, they make everything a little brighter. Just like friends, it takes time to find someone you really click with.

You’re right, they can’t fix your problems or your environment. That’s not what therapy is about. It’s more geared towards helping you recognize your own thoughts, behaviors, and patterns that are not serving you and adjusting them to serve you better. For example, a therapist might help someone to recognize the early warning signs and triggers of a depressive spiral so they can take proactive measures to prevent falling into a dark well of depression. No one can eliminate depressive episodes, but you can learn to recognize it and actively work against it taking over your life.

I hope that helps.

[–] 35 points 4 months ago (4 children)

The transgender population, especially transgender youth. If one group’s rights can be stripped away, then any group’s can. They are the front line soldiers against the spread of fascism.

[–] 10 points 4 months ago

Agree completely. This will have huge rippling effects throughout a lot of industries. For example, anyone who has used pot in the last year is automatically banned from obtaining a security clearance, even if it was in a legal state or prescription. This change will allow medical pot users to obtain and maintain a clearance.

[–] 78 points 4 months ago (8 children)

Because for decades teaching has been marketed as ‘a calling’ not a job. People say things like, ‘teachers do what they have to’ or ‘no one goes into teaching for the money’ or ‘you might be the only person in some of these kids lives that care for them.’ These kind of phrases allow higher ups to continually slash teaching budgets while convincing teachers that they must fill the shortfall because of they don’t, who will? It’s bullshit.

[–] 9 points 4 months ago

I feel the same. I don’t do ads. If a product doesn’t have an ad-free product that I’m willing to pay for, then that product doesn’t exist for me. Similarly, if a paid product decides to introduce ads (I’m looking at you Amazon) I’m immediately cancelling.

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