
joined 1 year ago

Not sure about that. I saw a post today about’s admin, who’s also one of the main lemmy developers, banning people who said something bad about China for “orientalism”, then doubling down in it in the comments.

yeah when you get used to reddit sinophobia (which is a product of their "policy" department that's aligned with the atlantic council and other quasi-government think tanks) anything else feels like oppression.

I think we’ll see a temporary “return to normalcy” after the protest finishes and most subs come back online. But come June 30 and the end of third-party apps, we’ll see a bunch of users come back to Lemmy/Kbin again.

Knowing corporate, reddit is playing good cop/bad cop with app devs right now. Apollo and RIF had huge targets on their backs for being popular, profitable, and developers who aren't afraid to speak out.

meanwhile over at baconreader there has been radio silence from the devs, largely because i think they are cutting a deal with reddit for a much better rate in return for knuckling under. pricing terms of course will be under a NDA

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

reddit was always a piece of shit that benefitted from the death of traditional forums and the gradual enclosure of the internet

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wikipedia is set up as a nonprofit. They have annual fundraising drives asking their users for money. They also have an endowment and receive grants.

when you donate money, you're not funding wikipedia's operating costs. wikipedia itself is self sufficient. what you're funding instead is the wikimedia foundation- which is set up to not receive grants but to give them.

the drives are misleading, to say the least

[–] -1 points 1 year ago

correct, they have reconstituted themselves twice over and there's hardly any elements left of their prewar jäger, mountain, airborne etc. divisions.

[–] -1 points 1 year ago

no they won't lol

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

lol they're going to reconsider their antipathy for reddit when they show up here and don't have the entire reddit "policy" department putting their thumbs on the scales

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Only military capability will deter some actors as clearly evidenced most recently in Ukraine.

the ukraine was invaded therefore more military spending would deter russians from invading the ukraine?

blue ocean event is unavoidable this decade, hold on to your butts folx