[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 3 days ago

A spokesperson for the company said, "not even our planes rise, so why would we do that to our safety concerns."

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 3 days ago

How long does shipping take and how many can you sell before you commit to buying any stock? If you buy in enough bulk on Alibaba, they will add your branding to the product on their end but I've never used the service myself and it may take longer for customised items.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 days ago

I suspect the number of Indian immigrant doctors abroad is due to brain drain rather than an abundance of doctors/lack of need in India.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 8 points 3 days ago

R. Edward Terence. Ed for short and the R stands for Rupert but I don't really use that name except on government forms. Hence redtea, a play on R. Ed T.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 3 days ago

I thought you meant that. Just so you know, 'I can see an argument for that' usually suggests that you agree with the initial statement. It's like saying, 'I could also make an argument in support of that statement'.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 3 days ago

This is so the Brits can send their new conscripts over to fight Russia to protect their heritage rather than because NATO is getting directly involved.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 4 days ago

Joining in with pointandclick and Aru

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 5 days ago

To two generations of the same family.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 5 days ago

That's not necessarily true. Global north labour aristocrats get paid higher, and in this example significantly higher, than global south proletariats because of the global system of exploitation.

Through various mechanisms of global value transfer, labour aristocrats functionality exploit the proletariat proper.

Labour aristocrats are not necessarily being robbed of their labour so much as they are part of the process of robbing others of theirs; and upset that they aren't robbing quite as much as they would like because someone else, the bourgeois proper, is more effective at the robbing.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 74 points 4 months ago

If it wasn't collapsing, it wouldn't be in the red.

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 56 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

13* salty libs and counting upset that Palestinians will get the Mate 60 before them.

Edit: *

Hummus society (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 10 months ago by redtea@lemmygrad.ml to c/memes@lemmygrad.ml

Looking back through my cursive handwritten notes, I noticed my past self was very concerned with hummus society. What could this mean?

[-] redtea@lemmygrad.ml 86 points 10 months ago

People think Ukraine has a Nazi problem because western media was shouting about it from the rooftops for a decade before the invasion. Then they only whispered it if they mentioned it at all but they kept on posting pictures of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi insignia plastered on their faces or their equipment. Or photos of politicians with a portrait of Bandera on the wall above their desk. The gullible liberal journalists didn't even know what they had to censor out at the start of the war.

Unlike libs, the 'hard' left didn't start looking at Ukraine on the date of the invasion and they didn't wipe their memories clean of the historical context. A conspiracy involving Russian propagandists isn't needed to explain this.

Neither are Russian propagandists needed to explain that racist westerners are going to be racist against immigrants and refugees, wherever they're from.


It's not a Marxist list but that's perhaps to be expected from a list curated from other lists across the internet. I thought it was useful, still, as there are 200 entries, including lots of fiction, which could be a good way to engage with the topic or for recommendations to people who don't/won't read theory.

submitted 11 months ago by redtea@lemmygrad.ml to c/games@lemmygrad.ml

I like RPGs. Final Fantasy, Witcher 3, Fallout 3 and 4, Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion, etc.

Will I enjoy Monster Hunter: World? Is it good? Does it have a good story? Or is it (too) fetch-questy?

I'm looking at this one because it's available with Spanish audio and text whereas other Monster World games only have Spanish text, if that. So the others aren't an option, but feel free to compare this one to the others.


In 2018, Delta airlines unveiled new uniforms made of a synthetic-blend fabric. Soon after, flight attendants began to get sick. Alden Wicker explains how toxic chemicals get in clothes in To Dye For.

Employers caring more about image that health. Iconic duo.

Dedicated GPU? (lemmygrad.ml)

Hello Comrades,

Thanks for all your advice about setting up Linux. It was a success. The problem is that I’m now I’m intrigued and I’d like to play around a bit more.

I’m thinking of building a cheap-ish computer but I have a few questions. I’ll split them into separate posts to make things easier. Note: I won’t be installing anything that I can’t get to work on Linux.

Do I need a dedicated graphics card? I'd like to run an HD display as a minimum. (I don't have a 4k monitor at but I wouldn't mind upgrading later if I can save up for one.) Mostly, I'll be streaming or playing videos.

I wouldn't mind playing some games but is a dedicated GPU needed?

If I should look into a GPU (I can always add it in later), what should I look for? (I'm not really interested in the latest AAA games). I wouldn't mind playing HOI4 or Victoria 3 as I hear so much about them.

What are your thoughts on second-hand GPUs? This will obviously cut costs but is there anything to watch out for?


Hello Comrades,

Thanks for all your advice about setting up Linux. It was a success. The problem is that I’m now I’m intrigued and I’d like to play around a bit more.

I’m thinking of building a cheap-ish computer but I have a few questions. I’ll split them into separate posts to make things easier. Note: I won’t be installing anything that I can’t get to work on Linux.

Should I prioritise RAM or the processor? My budget is limited so I will have to make a choice between RAM and the processor. Would it be better to go for e.g. 32GB RAM and a slower processor, or 8GB RAM and a faster processor? Or is balance better? Say, 16GB RAM and a 'medium' processor (that's 'medium' between the 'slower' and the 'faster' option within my budget, not 'medium' for the market).

Intel or AMD?


Hello Comrades,

Thanks for all your advice about setting up Linux. It was a success. The problem is that I'm now I'm intrigued and I'd like to play around a bit more.

I'm thinking of building a cheap-ish computer but I have a few questions. I'll split them into separate posts to make things easier. Note: I won't be installing anything that I can't get to work on Linux.

Question about storage and swap memory.

I plan to install an SSD of maybe 128–256GB for the system files and a larger HDD for storage. I would partition the SSD so that I could install a few different distros without losing any installation. This way I can commit to some longer experiments before deciding which distro to use.

The question is: should I have the swap partition on the SSD (with the OS partition) or (separately) on the HDD?

And if I install multiple distros, do I need a different swap partition for each one? For example, if I install 16GB RAM, do I need a 16GB partition for, say, Mint, Debian, and Ubuntu? Or can I let them 'share' the swap partition?

Are there any additional security/privacy risks of installing more than one distro on the same SSD card?

Anti-racism reading list (folukeafrica.com)
submitted 11 months ago by redtea@lemmygrad.ml to c/socialism@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/986807

Here's a long list of texts about race and racism.

Anti-racism reading list (folukeafrica.com)
submitted 11 months ago by redtea@lemmygrad.ml to c/socialism@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/986808

cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/986807

Here's a long list of texts about race and racism.


Someone curious asked:

Do you know of any resources where I can hear the options of average Soviet citizens during the time of the USSR?

I linked Dessaline's GitHub page: https://dessalines.github.io/essays/socialism_faq.html#did-the-citizens-of-the-soviet-union-dislike-their-government.

And I suggested Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds but I don't think it quite fits the description.

Can anyone think of other resources, maybe a peoples' history kind of thing?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by redtea@lemmygrad.ml to c/leftistunix@lemmygrad.ml

I've wanted to go over to Linux for a long time but I have no idea how to go about it. I hear about incompatibility problems with hardware and all the different options for different Linux OS's and that's it, I forget about it for a while to avoid the headache.

So where do I start? I don't even know how to choose hardware or what to look for. The number of options with Linux makes things a little confusing.

And although others here have answered the question before, I'm unsure what I have to do to stay 'safe' on Linux. Are there extra steps or is it just the standard, don't open dodgy links and turn off Java script in the PDF viewer kind of thing? Does Linux come with a trustworthy firewall/antivirus/malware detection? Is there a chance of Linux e.g. sending my passwords, etc, to someone or just letting someone into my harddrive? I hear that 'open source' means people can check the code but how do I know if someone has checked the code—I wouldn't know what to look for myself.

I followed the Linux subreddit but the users the can be rather… enthusiastic, which is great, but I need something far more basic to get started lol.

Is there a good step-by-step guide somewhere? Or can anyone give me some pointers/tips/advice?

I mainly browse, type, and read pdfs and other text files. No gaming, although I wouldn't be opposed to it. No need to be mobile; laptops are terrible for my back so I always use an external monitor, anyway, so I won't be using it 'on the go'.

Edit: Thanks for all the advice. I got a machine up and running from a bootable USB.

Any others who read the comments here because they're interested in trying out Linux – if you have Windows installed and want to keep it on your HDD/SSD, partition your drive within Windows. Then boot from the USB. You can partition your drive (and keep Windows) from the bootable USB but it's a bit more complicated and it makes it harder to create a swap partition and a storage partition. I had to go back and forth a few times to figure this out.

Anniversary Thanks (lemmygrad.ml)

Omg I've been here for a year today!

I just wanted to thank everyone for making this place what it is. I've never been much of a poster elsewhere because I can't stand much internet drama. But here, where good faith is the starting point, I feel that I can talk as I wish and have meaningful conversations and interactions.

Take care, everyone.

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