[-] rist097@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

Thank you for taking your time to reply, but you misunderstood my question.

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

I am not looking for an instance that promotes hate speech. I am just looking for one that is not planning to defederate.

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

You guys really just want people who think the same way as you on your instance. You should clearly state that instead of letting people waste their time here.

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 21 points 11 months ago

After long periods of not using GUIs, I found myself very confused every time I want to do something. I was trying to insert a code block into Power Point yesterday, took me half an hour of googling and didn't manage to do it. With Latex, I googled and in 2 minutes I had a code block.

Salman I like him (lemmy.world)
[-] rist097@lemmy.world 5 points 11 months ago

Yes this is a honest concern, I tend to agree that there should be more freedom here, and things like piracy should be allowed. As well as total free speech, none of that paradox of tolerance bullshit everyone is trying to push whenever they want to censor someone.

However, I think though we can all agree that child abuse and CP is not allowed.

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 15 points 11 months ago

I feel like admins there are on a power trip, could be seen from their previous interactions.

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 39 points 11 months ago

Well maybe its unwanted by you, but it might be wanted by someone else.

I have no problem with anything having its space as long as its legal.

I never saw a NSFW post on lemmy actually, I have NSFW content hidden by default and it works great. Even though I am not interested in that content, I can respect that some people are.

This is also why I think banning communities because someone felt slightly offended is not the way to go. Lemmy already has a good way of moderating content per user, and you can ban communities and never see their content. I dont think instance admins should be removing anything other than illegal content.

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 76 points 11 months ago

Not the first time that person was looking around for reasons to be outraged and ban communities. I hope they decide to go isolated and defederate from all instances.

Illegal content should be removed in any case, but there is nothing illegal here.

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 75 points 11 months ago

Because it's an open Instruction Set Architecture.

Many different companies used to design their own CPU IS architectures in the past like (MIPS, AVR, PIC, ...) and of course the most popular ARM. Downside of this is that the software and ecosystems between these architectures are not compatible. Effort wasted in porting a library to one architecture cannot be always reused for another.

Recently we see a lot of companies adopting RiscV, and there is a big collaboration between them to ratify the specification and provide software support. This will in turn accelerate the development, and software and hardware support will hopefully overtake ARM in the future.

submitted 11 months ago by rist097@lemmy.world to c/earthporn@lemmy.world
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by rist097@lemmy.world to c/abandonedporn@reddthat.com
submitted 11 months ago by rist097@lemmy.world to c/general@lemmy.world

Is there any statistic on the number of users from each country on lemmy.world?

It would be interesting to see, I have a feeling that it is largely USA users. Maybe @ruud@lemmy.world has the stats?

submitted 11 months ago by rist097@lemmy.world to c/lemmyapps@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1100294

Lots of great changes have been added by our growing team of contributors as highlighted below. If you want to join the team come and say hello at the team discussion on Matrix

Please note that some lemmy servers are still under pressure, so you may see unexpected error messages.

Updates should appear on TestFlight and Play Store today.

v0.10.6 Release



Hello everyone! We heard you about the the full height preview issues. Just some context we were trying to fix some scroll jittery issues on the card view feed and one approach was limiting the preview height however turns out that's a desired feature so we're going to re approach the problem so we can keep full height images in the preview.

Change log

  • Bring back full height preview in card view
  • Fixed iOS photo orientation for uploads
  • Added horizontal scroll to post title in navbar like RIF had
  • Accessibility enhancement for upvote/downvote
  • Small bug fixes

What's coming

  • Comment Style customizations
  • Push notifications - we're gonna balance this and take our time on our approach as we want to maintain privacy focused permissions.
  • Ultra compact view. Really we will be adding a 3rd view type so we will have card, list, and compact. The current compact view will become list

Is there any website that shows the federation status between instances in some graphical way like Venn diagram or whatever?

[-] rist097@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

What an insightful post, thank you @ivanafterall@kbin.social. I used your advice this morning while saving a dead cat from drowning in a puddle while I was going to work.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by rist097@lemmy.world to c/lemmyapps@lemmy.world

I found this project on Github. People who like old reddit look might find it interesting.




cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/837950

Hey there, this community is to help test pre-release versions of Thunder!

I will be releasing pre-release versions here so that anyone that is interested can help out with general testing to find any major bugs or issues that would otherwise affect the larger amount of users who are currently in the alpha-releases.

As such, be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly. When testing a new pre-release version posted here, please try to limit the posts to bugs, and not feature requests.

As these are pre-release versions, I will most likely not use GitHub as a way to send out these pre-releases. I am trying to find an alternative site to upload the corresponding APK/IPA files, so feel free to suggest any sites that may fit that purpose!

Thanks again for all the support!

I would also like to ask if anyone is interested in becoming a moderator for this community or the main Thunder community. It has been growing at a incredible pace, and it is becoming more and more difficult for me to look through posts and answer all the questions that people may have.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/710694

Changes in this version:

  • Comments and posts can be edited
  • Added an insert link tool to the text editor
  • Added a settings screen with options for light/dark mode, dynamic color scheme and text size
  • Fixed some bugs related to account switching
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when clicking a link

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/740249

Fast follow release. I noticed a lot of users crashing so this release is focused on fixing a lot of crashes. It also fixes and implements more history related features.

  • Improve history search
  • Limit history page to 1000 to prevent app from lagging
  • Improve history tracking
  • Fixed a crash when tapping on certain image links
  • Fixed a crash when tapping on video links
  • Fixed a crash on the sign in page when an invalid URL is entered as the instance
  • Fixed a bug where the image can flicker when expanding an item in the community feed
  • Fixed a bug where tapping on certain history items would crash the app
  • Fixed some minor UI issues

This release is not live at the time of posting but the release has been submitted to the play store. It should be live in ~1 hour after this post.


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/703109

Hey everyone! We have been blown away by the response to Liftoff and we really appreciate the support of the community. We're passionate about creating an app that we want to use and we're excited with the progress. There have been a ton of updates and bugfixes this week and we wanted to share the latest state of things

v0.9.18 Release




  • Fixed issue where "Everything -> Subscribed" feed showed no posts
  • Added better compact view
  • Added Post Customization page in settings with live preview
  • Added ability to customize font size
  • Added ability to quickly toggle between card and compact view
  • Fixed mark as read not working, added mark all as read
  • Fixed issue with comment share link not being generated properly
  • Added Gesture Navigation (Thanks shocklateboy92!)
  • Added TOTP Login support (Thanks swmarks!)
  • Added animation configuration (Thanks johnc86!)

Known Issues (In progress)

There are a few bugs still that we're working through and we really appreciate all the support from the community helping us Beta test. Here are some of the known issues we're working on:

  • User and community link opening within the app is finicky #107
  • Separate default comment sort from default post sort
  • New sort in community page's posts sometimes not working properly
  • Unclear usage of everything feed causing seemingly duplicated posts across the difference instances.
  • Check here for a full list


[-] rist097@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

But how can I see kbin content from lemmy, I couldnt find an option yet. Also from kbin I cannot find lemmy communities

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joined 1 year ago