[-] root@aussie.zone 1 points 4 days ago

I have it on my Asus Zenfone 8 too. Sad to tink that my next phone upgrade will likely not have the 3.5mm port anymore. :(

[-] root@aussie.zone 16 points 2 months ago

Tipping is like paying for DLC / microtransactionw but not getting anything out of it.

Yeah... NAH!

[-] root@aussie.zone 17 points 2 months ago

If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it's not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.

  • H. H. Dalai Lama
[-] root@aussie.zone 29 points 2 months ago

Steam: Your friend has died 7 times fighting the boss.

[-] root@aussie.zone 68 points 2 months ago


submitted 3 months ago by root@aussie.zone to c/jellyfin@lemmy.ml

Hi all. Very new potential jellyfin user trying to set things up.

I have one of those mini fanless mini PC boxes with Proxmox and pfsense installed. Jellyfin has been installed as a lxc via one of the helper scripts. Set it up and it works fine.

I'm now trying to set it up to access an old Netgear ReadyNAS NV+ that I have lying around. It's been setup with SMB/CIFS as well as FTP access. I'm considering disabling SMB/CIFS access since I think I don't need that anymore. I think the NAS only supports TLS 1.2 protocol and it's probably safer to disable it security wise. After searching around, I've come across curlftpfs which seems to be able to mount a ftp server as a local directly which i can then use as a library for jellyfin.

Is this the best way or is there a better alternative I can consider?


[-] root@aussie.zone 17 points 6 months ago

If this post gets 666 upvotes hell will definitely break loose lol

[-] root@aussie.zone 15 points 6 months ago

Wonder if 80% of the images submitted will be photos of Zuckerburg

submitted 7 months ago by root@aussie.zone to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have an Acer XV340CKP monitor connected via Display Port to my GPU. I also have a old LG W2253TQ that I use as a secondary display. It only has a DVI and VGA port. I have a DVI-DVI cable together with a DVI-Display Port converter to connect to my GPU, which is an Asus RX6900XT. I am running Nobara 38.

I have observed that if I were to have my Acer monitor powered when I switch on my desktop, all the monitor buttons do not respond. None of the menu buttons, not even the power button responds. When I switch off the desktop, the monitor stays on. The only way to power it down is to unplug the power cable.

However, if I were to only have the LG monitor powered when I switch on my desktop, all the buttons on the Acer monitor works.

I believe everything was working previously in Nobara 37. I think this issue probably started happening in the recent month or two.

Is this even possible, where the graphics card sends a malformed signal to the monitor and prevents the buttons from working?

[-] root@aussie.zone 110 points 7 months ago

Bed bugs.

Positive outcome would be no more having to burn contaminted possessions (or wash them in very hot water many times).

[-] root@aussie.zone 16 points 7 months ago

Wearing jeans back to front.

Cross coloured jeans.

[-] root@aussie.zone 26 points 8 months ago

I would be nice if the game detects that it's been quite some time since I last played, and give a quick refresher of the keybinds as well as brief rundown of recent missions completed / story-so-far.

submitted 8 months ago by root@aussie.zone to c/snowrunner@lemmy.world

Yes, it's part of the gameplay mechanics but sometimes it pays to take the time to load the cargo yourself. :p

(In case it is not immediately clear, the very last cargo on the International Paystar 5600TS is packed. The 3 pieces of cargo closer to the cab is not, thus enabling carrying 4 pieces of cargo in a 3 slot bed)

submitted 8 months ago by root@aussie.zone to c/snowrunner@lemmy.world

[-] root@aussie.zone 15 points 9 months ago

I'm about to suggest another app for you to install. :p

If you're using an android phone (I don't know if it exist on iOS) install the DuckDuckGo app. It has a feature called "App Tracking Protection". It is supposed to block all trackers. I think it works as one of the games i have installed on my phone takes about a minute longer to load, compared to without the tracking protection. I think this is the next best course of action (apart from not installing / using the required apps).

[-] root@aussie.zone 25 points 10 months ago

Exactly. I still cannot fathom why a company which prides itself on sustainability ditch the headphone jack. Granted, I don't use the one on my phone often, but I'm very glad that it's there when I need it.

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