[-] root_beer@midwest.social 1 points 6 days ago

On the contrary, they don’t have any cognitive dissonance, that’s why they’re not bothered—dissonance suggests they feel discomfort in holding their opposing views

They’re just really good at doublethink

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 1 points 6 days ago

On the contrary, they don’t have any cognitive dissonance, that’s why they’re not bothered—dissonance suggests they feel discomfort in holding their opposing views

They’re just really good at doublethink

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 2 points 6 days ago

Don’t forget the abortion bans and the push from people like Elon Musk to have more children (with no financial incentive to do so, of course)

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 72 points 2 months ago

Because the Soviet Union was a communist dictatorship, which the GOP hated (the communist part of it, anyway), and modern Russia is kleptocratic oligarchy, which the GOP loves. Easy enough to tease out, really.

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 68 points 4 months ago

This A+ civics genius over here seems to be forgetting all the millennials that went to Iraq and Afghanistan, and when we (the US government) inevitably set up another meat grinder overseas, then there will be a bunch of “today’s youth” getting killed over there just like she wants. Christ.

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 46 points 4 months ago

Does anyone ask these psychos why they’re so utterly terrified of everything? He’s basically saying he’s scared of kids at his door. This is not badass tough guy behavior, I don’t care if you’re “not fucking around”, you’re a scared little pissbaby.

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 52 points 6 months ago

Cool. Vote third party. We’ll get Trump (or one of the other authoritarian dominionist clowns in the car), who will end up pushing for a nuclear attack on Gaza while dismantling every institution we have here, meager as they are, but people still need them. Then in 2028, don’t vote at all because you will probably lose your right to do so. At least you voted with your ~heart~<3 though, so have a nice cup of tea and give yourself a hug.

We do not have a system in place where your idealistic protest can do anything other than make things worse. Fix the goddamn system, put people in power on a local level who have a chance, and work up from there. Fuck outta here with any Jill Stein horseshit.

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 73 points 7 months ago

None of that artisan bullshit, read the truck

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 46 points 9 months ago

He knows that as soon as he retires, he dies. He’ll probably die in office, but not as quickly as he would if he stepped down now.

He can’t die now. He has so many more lives to destroy.

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 333 points 9 months ago

Nah, her behavior lined up with the values she’s always displayed. She’s trash, she acted like trash. Shrug.

[-] root_beer@midwest.social 47 points 9 months ago

That’s a tumblr post though, isn’t it?

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