[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 9 points 13 hours ago

She's gotta keep the money flowing so she can keep her refrigerator on and make sure all that delicious ice cream doesn't melt and go to waste.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 66 points 23 hours ago
[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 54 points 23 hours ago

Hilary Clinton's agents have struck. They swapped out the potion of focus and clarity, with a drowsy and befuddled potion.

It's her time everyone. hillgasm

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 33 points 1 week ago

It's only a real true invasion if it occurs on the Ukrainian plains, otherwise it's just a little sparkling invasion.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 28 points 1 week ago

Yeah but now he has merchandise... So everything he does is just a promotion to sell more of the crap that makes him money. Like his shitty chocolate bars that sell for three times the price of a Nestle or Cadbury chocolate bar. Chocolate is like the ultimate sin food. It's bad for you if you eat it, and the production of it was likely bad for everyone involved, and the money goes to ghouls who just want more money.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 37 points 1 month ago

Also an over reliance on data from averages which basically buries the truth that most people aren't seeing any benefit from anything. They continue to trot out wage growth being high but never seem to cite the data that proves it. Because it's damning, with it overwhelming coming from rich wage earners commanding higher wages while poor working class continue to not see any gains at all unless they have a union, in which case Biden is not given credit because he didn't do shit, the workers did that for themselves and Biden wants credit for workers striking while Biden offer striking workers contempt at best for daring to slow down his economy.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 38 points 1 month ago

Such freedom in America.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 24 points 2 months ago

At this point if you find a place in retail or food that isn't running on a skeleton crew to barely run the place then it's probably an accident of scheduling. Because about 15 years ago all the business managers decided that quality experiences in stores is expensive and what are customers gonna do? Shop elsewhere? No, you do the bare minimum, keep the employees miserable and try to force them to quit with terrible work environments so you never need to give them a raise because they all quit within a year. The suckers who stick around get promoted to supervisor and given a pittance of like 40k a year to abuse the shit out others so they will continue to quit within the first year. It's the cycle of retail hell.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 23 points 3 months ago

Last week after state of the union speech, redditors were all like, "well this is all the proof we need that Biden has still fucking got it! He could talk coherently, mostly, for over an hour? I can't do that so clearly he'll be a good president and mop the floor with trump." And like 10 variations on that theme. No mention of the policies he's pushing or anything, just redditors thinking back to their ice cream Joe memes and not caring about how everything is falling apart for the bottom 60% of people (probably more and rising). I fucking hope he loses, and dies. I hope America suffers and implodes so the rest of the world won't face the blowback, even though I know it will devastate everything because American tendrils are hooked into everything.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 28 points 4 months ago

Just look at r/politics and prepare to gag yourself.

Trump stories fill up 95% of it. You'll get the occasional other bad republican news piece too, and then once in a blue moon you'll have something the democrats tried to do and failed but spun into Republicans bad democrats good. They'll then wonder why trump wins... that's all you talked about was orange man bad, you forgot to talk about your guy at all. You forgot to make him do anything for you!

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 21 points 6 months ago

I'm sure it has happened because Florida has the huge spring break scene when college weirdos go there and do shit they'd never do back home.

Which is to say that they are leaning hard into Florida man bullshit. Every place in America has that insane weirdo shit happen, Florida media just has open access to police reports so they can comb through everything and find something insane to make a slow news day more exciting.

[-] ryepunk@hexbear.net 27 points 10 months ago

The most positive I've heard is that it is a by the numbers Bethesda rpg game. It doesn't try to be anything more. If you liked fallout 4 and skyrim odds are you'll like this.

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