[-] saze@feddit.uk 4 points 6 months ago

All over the place in Europia. From train station to public parks, in multiple countries, it is somewhat common for a turnstile with a coin slot for a small charge. Doesn't bother me if it allows for cleaner, safer facilities and keeps the riff raff out.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 4 points 6 months ago

The Houthi attacks on commercial shipping are literally an attempt to blockade Israel and coerce them into stopping the Gaza offensive.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 3 points 6 months ago

Fantastic! Thanks for putting in the legwork with the correction.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Great question! It sent me into a Google frenzy and here is what I found.

Q3 to me means three month period from 1st July to 30th September. During this time, there were 20 Starlink 'V2 mini' and 2 'V1.5' launches. Each 'V2 mini' mission contained 21-23 satellites, which I averaged to 22, and ~50 in each 'V1.5' mission. Further, each 'V1.5' satellite weighs in at 306kg and each 'V2 mini' weighs in at 800kg.

Phew! With all that out of the way, putting all that together ((20×800×22)+(2×306×50)), we arrive at a figure of 382,600kg. Uncannily, this is almost exactly the same as the figure reported in the graphic, ~~and of course there were a lot more Falcon 9 launches in the intervening period, leading me to believe the reported tonnage figure excludes Starlink satellites~~. See edit below.

This is all napkin maths done in the middle of the night, please feel free to (gently!) correct me if needed.

Inevitable correction: Q3 (as defined above) saw only one non-Starlink related Falcon 9 launch (source), therefore ~99.6% of reported tonnage was Starlink related!

[-] saze@feddit.uk 6 points 7 months ago

Users not reading shit I can understand but it makes my blood boil when it your own bloody colleagues.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 5 points 8 months ago

A world class intelligence agency, which would normally know the contents and length of your bowel movement, totally shits the bed and lets an egregious attack play out, while their media assets chalk it up to a "failure of imagination" .

Where have I seen this one before?

[-] saze@feddit.uk 4 points 8 months ago

No way, they have taped conversation from Hamas operatives admitting culpability.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 4 points 8 months ago

Having met many Israelis, no they do not. They (for the most part) swallow the government propaganda hook line and sinker.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 4 points 8 months ago

Bet they have proof Hamas did it.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 6 points 8 months ago

This has precedent, remember the time they found Arabic flight manuals in the abandoned cars of the 9/11 perpetrators? Similarly these fighters had written notes on them in case they forgot what they were up to on the way there.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 5 points 8 months ago

Given how shady both Egypt and Israel are, I am sure they knew exactly who planned the attack and for when because because the intelligence asset handler reported it in.

[-] saze@feddit.uk 3 points 9 months ago

This is what I'll be telling myself as I rock and cry myself to sleep at night.

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