Costs is the key thing. People know it's nice, so people move here, and costs go up. Expect 2000/month rents, and that's the low side in some areas

For me it's useful, depending how it's implemented. Being able to say "summarize this article" or "summarize this ToS and call out anything that's anti consumer" is how I use chatgpt

[-] 5 points 11 hours ago

Edgy McEdgerson is checking in!

[-] 1 points 11 hours ago

Which is why as an engineer I can either riddle with a prompt for half an hour... Or just write the damn method myself. For juniors it's an easy button, but for seniors who know how to write these algorithms it's usually just easier to write it up. Some nice starter code though, gets the boilerplate out of the way

[-] 15 points 16 hours ago

All crime TV is just godawful. Was just law and order and saw the tech person say "come on, you know there isn't a hard drive I can't lick"

[-] 34 points 18 hours ago

This was exactly my experience. Freaked myself out last year and decided best thing was to dive headfirst into it to figure out how it worked and what it's capabilities are.

Which - it has a lot. It can do a lot, and it's impressive tech. Coded several projects and built my own models. But, it's far from perfect. There are so so so many pitfalls that startups and tech evangelists just happily ignore. Most of these problems can't be solved easily - if at all. It's not intelligent, it's a very advanced and unique prediction machine. The funny thing to me is that it's still basically machine learning, the same tech that we've had since the mid 2000s, it's just we have fancier hardware now. Big tech wants everyone to believe it's brand new... and it is... kind of. But not really either.

[-] 28 points 18 hours ago

I've never seen HR use data brokers. I would think that could open them to a lot of risk, finding out things that aren't legal to know about someone before saying yes. All of mine have used actual background check agencies

[-] 20 points 20 hours ago

Learning about Gerrymandering was one of the first times I noticed cracks in our democracy.

I grew up in the Midwest, and I truly thought America had done it. We solved corruption and bad governments, why wouldn't the rest of the world want to know how to do it right?

Gerrymandering proves the absolute worst of our system. Corrupted officials carving the worst possible areas to make sure the person they want to get elected is elected - and the only time we get to change them is once a decade - when the same committee decides again.

[-] 2 points 21 hours ago

I appreciate it, and I hope your interactions with your father go better too. I know many many people who take your approach, just avoiding it. There's no real right or wrong way, because we shouldn't be in that position in the first place. I hope they stop bringing it up around you and respect your wishes about it.

Re: circles, maybe keeping it personal will help too. Turning off Fox news and sources will help, but my dad sure did shut up when I brought up the people he knew (and I know he liked) that he was talking about. They always go "They're one of the good ones", but then the reverse is "These policies effect the good ones too, dad"

[-] 18 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Then they wonder why I have 2000 hours in the $30 game Satisfactory and haven't logged anything in my favorite multiplayer games. Apples and oranges I know, but why do I want to be sold to constantly?

Xbox rediscovers social matchmaking. Oh shit, you mean noobs don't like getting 360 no scoped by some kid when they're just learning? Bravo Xbox, you figured it out after 15 years of matchmaking.

All I've seen them do is continuously push ranked, MLG, clans that practice, and expect people to play every free hour of the day. Now they're surprised that the only people who want to play their multiplayer are the try-hards.

I work 40+ hours a week. When I'm done I don't want to log into a game where I get yelled at for letting the team down, or be the obviously worst player in a lobby of pros. We used to have social, and for a few years it was great. There was no need to farm down there, it was just for fucking around. Now in Halo Infinite even the action sack stuff is rankable. Shit sucks for a casual gamer. My favorite franchise, I know everything up and down, have played since CE (and I mean CE and Custom Edition), and I can't get any joy out of the competitiveness of Infinite.

Oh no, there are millions and millions of boomers who are thoroughly addicted to that site and will happily consume AI generated content.

I went on there and saw a post about log cabins. That was some generic caption like "bet you wish you could live there". The image was very clearly AI generated with things like floating lanterns and walls that didn't need any support. Didn't stop the literally over 20K comments of "you bet!" And "beats the city!" And a thousand other generic cliche responses. Which probably about half are also bot related but just as many are brain dead humans

Taylor in Cardiff yesterday (

After a brief haitus I'm back in the factory! Currently working on our first big nuclear power plant again, and the resources needed for it. Today will probably be building a new quickwire factory to help that, and finishing automating turbomotors.

Shameless self promotion, you can watch (and subscribe on the fediverse) here: Owncast Link


Not that I use them anymore anyway, cancelling my old account, but name and shame any companies who conveniently can't support their free base. Also - it's VNC. It's a protocol. There's a dozen free clients out there.

I made this (

cross-posted from:

Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.

I made this (

Forgive the hastily made meme. All too common with us engineers.

Good fckin time man (
Loving Taylor's new outfit! (
I forgot Awards existed (
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by to c/

I just got this email from Reddit, and I just realized it's been a year now since I swapped over here, and I haven't thought about awards once. I always thought they were gimmicky and a way for people to throw away money. It's just really nice not worrying about them.

(I also have participated more in BuyMeACoffee and Patreon over here now, and I think my money is better spent that way)

Also, what is with that exponential scale, so screw you if you're a big time user apparently? And the expiration? The whole thing has corpo stink on it


Always call out Cloudflare for their bullshit. For those working for companies in devops, share this with your teams...

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joined 1 year ago