
Reddit is blocking vpns and invites users to create a ticket if they think there's been an error. I almost created a ticket with email address fuckyouspez@gmail.com saying i wasn't sure if I was using a VPN with the body text just being "fuckyouspez!!!!" over and over. I didn't submit it because I thought for a moment "would this be illegal to submit?" It probably isn't, but I am not sure.

People have died due to the greed and corruption of the leadership of Boeing. The people at the top have in fact gotten huge financial rewards by taking actions that were likely to kill people. There is no mechanism in US society to hold these people accountable. Are they going to get put in prison? Nope! Are they going to be PERSONALLY fined? Nope!

I really dislike how in Chinese society people are not able to criticize the government. I hope one day, everyone everywhere will have free speech. It's unfortunate to say this, but in China, this would be dealt with severely and and with impact. I am not saying their mechanism is right, but the US has no mechanism at all. We all know nothing will happen, especially because most of the deaths were foreigners. It's disgusting and makes the US look bad.

People who publish scientific articles should be forced to declare their religious views at the top of the article so that if anything is listed other than "none" then it can just be automatically discarded unless it's replicated by a non-religious scientist. Religion just ruins everything, like running a computer with Windows.

[-] secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world 20 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

this epitomizes all Republicans

they are just a panoply of mean, nasty people who are either religiously deluded into ignorance or avariciously salivating over class oppression or some combination thereof

gaslighting a colleague is no different than what all republicans do to transgenders every single day. i hope they all live long enough for tribunals to round these republicans up and try them for their crimes against transgenders after the constitution is changed to allow ex post facto laws for the limited purpose of fucking these assholes over for all the shit they are doing now to the trans community. the same hate they have towards transgenders we should all have towards these shitheads and ultimately, we the people write the laws and have a living constitution and should fuck these people over as hard as possible in the most lawful way possible about 20 years from now when the religious senior citizens who protect them with their religious delusions die off.

the only beneficent quality of republicans is supporting the NRA, which really should be a non-partisan issue since citizens need to be armed in case of tyranny

in the french revolution, moronic greedy oppressors were efficiently removed from power after the lower classes were pushed more and more into misery. luckily, unlike in france back then, we can vote greedy vile idiots out of office

unfortunately, we're going to have to wait for the deluded religious morons to naturally reduce in numbers by dying off to get rid of these fucks, since older people are more religious and easily deceived into voting for terrible politicians

this is exactly why i use linux

Climate scientists should have lit themselves on fire in public places to warn us.

It's their fault!

climate scientists have already lit themselves on fire trying to warn people and it didn’t actually do anything

people are too religious to believe in science


i vary my IP randomly to try to be tracked less on the internet by ad companies.

when using duckduckgo, i notice my results of certain searches seem slightly correlated to the IP I use if there's anything that could be impacted by location.

this is also not just country specific, where duckduckgo is narrowing this down based on country

i am not sure if duckduckgo is passing on the IP or if somehow bing has partnered with data centers or ISPs to try to guess the IPs going into duckduckgo.

I also may be sensing this correlation and it's just random and not there. i could be wrong.

Does anyone else ever notice this or wonder about this?

A large part of this is about control. E-bikes are affordable, easy to use, and make it easy and cheaper for anyone, even poor people, to get around. The upper classes do not want the lower classes free on any level.


from Dogsbody album

[-] secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world 16 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Oh... if only the scientists had warned us something like this could happen...

Oh... wait....

Well, if only the scientists had done something bigger and been louder to get everyone's attention, like saying global warming is bad and self-immolating in a public place to try to warn people we're all about to die...

Oh... wait...

Well, don't worry, the magic sky gods will all take us to paradise once it gets too hot, and they lived happily ever after, the end, Yay! 🎈 🎉

[-] secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world 50 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

she sounds like a really cool person and it's awful that happened to her son

this joke isn't making fun of her or saying she's a bad person. people can like porn like this without being bad or racist people.

but i'm glad you told us a bit about who she is. porn stars and sex workers do something really kind, in a way, because they are providing something people really want, but may not otherwise get, which is also a fundamental human need. i hope one day society changes and we glorify sex workers for being valuable members of society and i hope one day being a porn star is completely a choice and doesn't have to be disentangled from "late stage capitalism" or extremely unequal wealth distribution or whatever you want to call our current era. People who star in pornography, if not forced to star in it due to poverty, choose to become slightly public figures, in a strange way, and should expect possible jokes like this. this joke is not making fun of her, it's making fun of the play on words. it sucks she was trolled for a gofundme, however, and perhaps this joke should be seen in that context as therefore being unfair.

did the boyfriend get convicted? is she doing alright now? i hope she's doing well too. there are between 3-6 parents out there who owe everything to her right now and always will.

[-] secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world 15 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This really misses the big problem. For many people, the costs that are most inelastic (like food and housing) are the ones with the most inflation. For people in financial situations that aren't great, there aren't easy ways to lower costs.

Inflation statistics like the CPI also grossly inaccurately measure what an accurate basket of good is by including many things that are frivolous and so it totally misses how people are feeling. Did the price of a large television go down slightly decreasing the overall inflation a bit? Yes, but I still need to buy incredibly expensive food. I don't need to buy a TV. That makes me worried. I can't cut down on food.

This leads to having to consider things like: should I try to move to an even smaller place (since my tiny place is incredibly expensive), which results in moving costs? Should I look for a better paying job and is it likely I will find that and what happens if my employer finds out and fires me because I am searching for a new job?

There are also large feelings of uncertainty about the economy and about inflation. For those who own property and purchased it a lower cost than the market rate, things are fine. For everyone else, it's terrible.

Biden is doing a horrible job of being realistic about how people feel about these things. He is looking at ivory tower economic statistics and either he doesn't get it or isn't acknowledge it. The message from him is that he's doing a good job and things are improving. That isn't reassuring. It feels like a "let them eat cake" mentality. I'd much rather have him say "yes, certain things in the economy are problematic" and then either say how they will be improved or just bluntly say the best option is to not do anything because doing things (like market interference) is potentially worse.

I support the rights of trans people, and I like some of Biden's ideas, however for most lower middle class people who are completely stressed out, Biden seems like a terrible option. Even for lower middle class people who dislike Trump, they at least view him as a realist. I am left not knowing if Biden is ignorant of how people who don't own homes are feeling or if Biden is being so defensive with his record that he seems out of touch, but either way, he will definitely lose at his current trajectory.

He keeps not addressing this problem and it's a big problem for many voters, probably over half of all swing voters are affected by this. I wish I could advise Biden on what to say and do to improve his poll numbers, because many of the problems that bother large segments of the voters are things that could be easily resolved through the executive office without new laws while adhering to classical economic theory, but he's not going to make the needed changes, I have no way of suggesting things except sending a letter that will not be read but instead will just be summarized as a view (like "letter received, opinion is inflation is bad").

He is going to keep relying on ivory tower economic statistics because fundamentally he's a career politician, he believes his bureaucrats or lacks the ability to understand the real experiences behind the data, and Trump is going to swoop right in and pluck every disaffected swing voter or disaffected Democrat he doesn't reach. The fact that Biden is also doing cool or nice or interesting things in terms of other policy choices doesn't somehow make up for this major weakness in ignoring this.

The fact that The Guardian is referring to the public's "misconceptions" highlights how journalists and also politicians just regurgitate erudite statistics without reflecting on their real world implication, as though regular voters were just wrong or stupid. This is also a problem of Democrats at large who don't know how to take academic research and information and look to the real-world meaning of it and then communicate effectively with regular people or implement practical policies based on this data.

So yeah, Biden will definitely lose. Trans people should figure out how to organize now for possible fascism, which sucks. They should figure out how to technologically, emotionally, and organizationally prepare for a worse case scenario. I can't fathom Biden would win.

I am guessing "satanism and nudity" means LGBT people, and I am guessing it means a gathering of gay people, most of them dressed but some shirtless.

In a situation like this, it would be good to hear what they have to say. They are cut off from social media, completely deprived of the ability to communicate with someone to represent their point of view. This is terrible and the place is likely awful for them to have tried to escape like this. I hope one day when they get out of there they let people know if it was a terrible place.

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