
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I can’t get a handle on the gameplay. It is kind of broken in turn based mode, which is a shame because I’m not good at real time tactics mode.

I’ve only gotten through like half the game, and that was after a lot of struggle.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Designing coherent spaces is useful for game world designers to think about, but it could have been 5 minutes long and gotten the point across.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The atmosphere, taken moment to moment, or at individual locations was good. The coherency of the explanations behind a lot of things and the coherency of the world as a whole was pretty disjointed.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Both games do environmental storytelling, but with vastly different goals.

Obsidian approach is very constantly supporting a consistent tone and overarching setting. It is more desolate and feels more desolate because that’s what a lot of these in-between little areas are supposed to be. But the details in each area that are there so tell a story about what the area is like and how it function, they give a history to what you are seeing but it often isn’t over the top and full of little cute mini-stories you can follow. It isn’t bad storytelling, it’s telling a story you’re not into.

The Bethesda approach is often much more varied. Each settlement or location can have all these environmental stories, often will little miniature running plots. The variety extends to tone, and type of story. This does come at the expense of some coherence if you step back and start putting a critical eye to everything as a whole.

They are trying to give players different experiences. FNV a player can travel through a bleak desert, maybe only with hostile encounters as the Jungle Jangle radio plays until they finally hit a settlement and it feels like an actual refuge from the sun and rad scorpions to the player. The desolation builds that. Fallout 3 and especially 4 don’t want the player getting bored, so there is something interesting and different every ten feet to check out.

I suppose it says a lot about me that my Fallout 4 modlist turns the world into an extremely dangerous, ghoul filled place with dark nights, and rad storms. All of which makes travel on the overworld terrifying, and settlements feel extra secure in contrast.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

My god, it’s 50% movie/TV ads. The rest is clickbait with thumbnails for idiots.

Wow. I thought the frontpage was bad back when I made a choice to consciously curate years ago, but I had no idea this is what it turned into.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

It’s just a small multi-time fee of 500 morbillion dollars, jeez, just pay the redditorino CEO a fair price, you 3rd party bullies.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I had multireddits for my subscriptions, but I liked discovering new things. With the extremely amount of trash filtering I did to r/all, it allowed me to discover interesting places I’d have never found on my own.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I download a lot of videos when I watch on desktop. This gets rid of ads. It also preserves them, since videos can get taken down for very esoteric reasons.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

I’m pretty he just wants to go take a week long nap before answering any more questions.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I almost entirely posted on smaller niche communities and didn’t really pay attention to bigger ones. It was mostly relaxed. I remember once going onto r/entertainment and making a mild criticism of a show. I returned to find my comment like -70 and with essay length replies explaining how my opinion and lack of enjoyment were “objectively” wrong (Reddit comments did seem to love declaring certain opinions as objective). It was wild.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Constant swearing is like a replacement for cleverness. It wears thin very quickly.

When I see comments saturated with swears all I can think of are tweenagers who just realized they are out of earshot of their parents. I’m not offended by the swearing, just bored.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Depends on the bot. There are many that go into subreddits and repost old popular posts. Sometimes in subreddits you wouldn’t think of. Like, for some reason the King Of The Hill subreddit had a really bad reposting bot infestation. I guess those wholesome and kind of niche but moderately active subs are chosen because people are less likely to dig into it, but if you check on the post history it becomes clear it’s an account with no comments that is just reposting content back into subs.


I linked a Warlockracy video because I really enjoy his choice of games and presentation.

Other channels I really enjoy: Mandalore, Grim Beard, Civvie11, Oboeshoesgames, and Boulder Punch.

If you can’t tell, I like longform, scripted and edited videos on older games and niche games and mods.


I was thinking about a few games where I have broken the tone or balance. Wondering what other people have done similar?

My two examples:

This War Of Mine. A moody, atmospheric game about survival and the toll of war. The city is randomly generated, but depending on what locations are available it is breakable. The most common way for me is a super market location with the event of a lone soldier preparing to attack a woman. If the player has a knife, backstabbing the soldier is an easy kill and nets an assault rifle as loot. An early game assault rifle opens a ton of possibilities when you learn how enemy AI works. AI enemies can be ambushed by making noise on the other side of a closed door, when the enemy is in their animation to open the door they are easy pickings. I have used this technique to single handed wipe out an entire military base which nets more food, weapons, and supplies than I’d ever need. My survivors end up living in a comfortable, fully upgraded house.

STALKER Shadow Of Chernobyl. This is a more messed up break. In the early game the player starts in a village of rookies, and down the road is a small military check point. I take the terrible starting pistol and shoot potshots at the military patrol to aggro them, and I lead them back to the rookie village. Once the military and rookies start fighting I go hide near Sidrovich’s bunker and go inside if somebody finds me (enemies don’t follow into the bunker). Eventually the military kill all the rookies but take casualties themselves and are wounded. I pick up a few guns and finish off the military survivors. Then make lots and lots of trips to Sidrovich to sell him dozens of assault rifles and armor sets.


Like the title says, I’ve been painting figures with cheap dollar store craft paints (and a few other cheap materials) rather than “proper” hobby paints. Gauging if there is interest among people who might want to try mini painting but are intimidated by price or the idea of complexity.

These minis were printed on a lower quality printer, then primed with some kind of mystery spray paint during bad weather, then given to me. So this would be a guide in making tabletop standard baseline minis, and people following it would probably have better results than me but I’d do a starter guide if there is enough interest for me to take pictures and notes.

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