I eat a lot of raw kale in salads. All the brassica leaves are good with a quick hard saute with lots of soy and fish sauce!

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 6 days ago

Hohxa did nothing wrong

dimebag rule (lemmygrad.ml)
rule (lemmygrad.ml)


[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 42 points 1 month ago

I have a sci-fi fantasy of the U$ launching a nuclear first strike, and China safely downing all the missiles with advanced tech before they get close.

It would be a profound statement of the dawning of a new age.


Something that would be clear on a 2"-4" sticker would be nice.


I'm reading a copy of Che's Bolivian Diary printed by Pathfinder. It's got a lot of really great supplemental information in it.

rule (lemmygrad.ml)

I have fond memories of reading them when I was younger, but as I think about introducing them to kids I have some thoughts and issues:

  • The clear colonial bias - Narnia needing white British rulers to thrive.
  • Colorism/Xenophobia/Racism in the Horse and His Boy and The Last Battle.

Do the benefits of a neat magical fantasy world outweigh the issues? How would you approach it?

relatable rule (lemmygrad.ml)
[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 50 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

The revolution can't come to the West until the empire has fallen, and until the privileged position Western workers have (compared to the rest of the world) is no more.

I think it's been clearly shown that "liberating" a country doesn't allow for a stable socialist state.

The real revolution comes from within.

The empire is in the process of unraveling before our eyes.

Also, saying this:

Dear Xi Jinping, bomb the west, we need it, we deserve it and it would do a favor to the entire world honestly.

As if it's serious, on a new account, feels like atrocity bait so you can post about how awful the 'grad is.

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 69 points 8 months ago

calls to violence originating from the Lemmygrad instance.

Death to Amerikkka

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 42 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)


Historically and politically illiterate.

Any chance these two things are related?

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 43 points 9 months ago

It's got 97 up and 50 down rn

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 9 months ago

Imagine, if you will, a fascist Kermit the frog

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 51 points 10 months ago

We're down with Democratic socialism. They aren't the same.

Who the fuck is "we", shitlib?

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 66 points 11 months ago

It's a year old post about brigading Reddit, that garnered disagreement and a lukewarm response.

[-] simply_surprise@lemmygrad.ml 56 points 11 months ago

Absolutely hilarious that half the fediverse is preemptively running scared of hexbear (with no real reason), and we're worried about the 'grad being too ML for them.

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