
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Thanks for a brilliant idea! Jamming sessions with deck would be awesome !

[–] 2 points 4 months ago
[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Guess that will do! Something to log what was installed so i could backtrack instead of formatting ( since i wanted to see what wayland is like, then lets try sway! then some other versioins of wine and so on, i cannot remember what the hell i installed haha )

[–] 12 points 4 months ago (4 children)

Germany has a whole line of not milks, almost chicken, like chicken, thun visch and i can almost be certain i saw mjolk and moloko somehwere. I always chuckle a bit when i see it.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Same, took time to hunt for glyphs because this is to be my primary save. Got some nice looking freighter, looking forward to start doong everything but the main quest lol

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I cannot finish it on ps5 because i somehow have to wait till the community research milestone on planet 5 is done :S I dont know if it is a bug or something similar, but i wanted to finish it so i can start playing regular ( came back to playing NMS right when omega started )

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

Genau dass. Stinkbombe über 9000.

Es wird irgendwie als Fleischersatz in Currys verwendet, aber ich habe keine Ahnung wie, das Ding ist fast so schlimm wie Sürstrommung.

Ich habe mich mutig gefühlt und auch ein Durian-Eis gekauft, das gar nicht so schlecht geschmeckt hat, ein bisschen fettig wie Avocado, aber Mann, die Frucht selbst stinkt zum Himmel

[–] 10 points 5 months ago

Since i also use to login on tty and startx only when i need it, this will be awesome to add. Thanks!

[–] 4 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Ant the community is something else. I know there are other games that put emphasis on tactics and teamwork, in no other game i habe such an experience as in t2. Im in titan, shooting stuff - here fam, battery packs galore from team. I start pestering titans with rockets and laser - teammates storm to keep me alive. Its like clan arena again, just teamwork and its wonderfull, even tho finding game on ps takes longer now

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

Ich benutze Phonograph (ich glaube, man muss Pro haben, um nach Ordnern sortieren zu können - mir gefiel, dass die App genau das tat, was ich wollte, also habe ich dafür bezahlt).

Ich komme von foobar2k auf Windows, ich habe winamp weggeworfen, als das neue Ding in der Stadt war es versucht, Ihre Musikbibliothek zu organisieren, spammen Sie mit Dingen, die Sie nicht wollen und tun alles neben der Wiedergabe von Musik.

BlackPlayer scheint auch genau das zu tun - nach Ordnern suchen - Musik abspielen

[–] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Awesome! I still have a bunch of them primed, would love to have acess to 3d printer to do some terrain


I found my old CDs of starcraft and brood war, and managed to get them up and running, but everytime i exit the game - i3 stays on the resolution game used ( so it could even be xorg related ). Any tips on how could i set it to not do that


But its absolutely shit from sony to not have ANY info in the meantime, nor any means of contacting support.


Im missing a lot of charm that w2 and first starcraft games had, and i did not see any open engine recreations, nor clones that lived to this day. With warcraft 3 i only ever finished half of the game, by the time sc2 came out, i was already too old to even bother trying.


I use anysoft keyb, and i really like how it can be configured, i just wish there was an option to make spacebar even longer, or move dot out of the way there because with my short right thumb i type dot instead of space like 80% of the time and that annoys me to no end.

Really would appreciate any ideas that could solve my problem.


Like 3x3x3 dig tool, or terrain flattener tool? If not, how do you approach.larger projects? Im starting a bog basic cobblestone fort with the kid, and since two or three days playtime we havent got the foundation ready.

Its fun, but takes ages


The title says it all, looking for.idea son what could i run minecraft server for me, gf and kid to log into from time to time to play. For now i host on my laptop and then play from the same machine but was thinking about having that separate.


Are there any good video explanations how do you fo building fast spiral stairs to go down, because i have hard time doing that by reading the wiki.


Well not first, but third i guess, tho i did not finish the game.

First build was faith based, and i easily got untill Raya Lucaria, got bored, and saw that i sold or removed a bunch of incantations and ashes i could have used.

Now im restsrting as a more str than faith pve build, looking fot advice - what are some cool weapons to use? I like the morningstar for soem reason. I plan to either buff with fats and incantations and use some minor flames for giggles.

How would i level up? I plan to run to weeping peninsula and grab what i can there before i head off to Stormveil, making a detour around rotten lands too.


I know i could leave it stock, but i wanted to remove features it will not need, and have something that can use bluetooth speaker to play music, and i dont have to worry about it being stolen or damaged.

Streaming is not an option for me, first because i oft work either underground or in places with so bad reception that the battery goes down fast.

Shelling out 400€ for FiiO would be nice, but then i would not leave my shiny fiio lying around on construction sites. I would use my fiio m5, but for some reason it stopped seeing bluetooth devices and cannot pair at all ( updated to the latest possible fw, nothing helps )

Any other ideas ?


But can buy games from the console itself, no problems ? What gives, tried deleting cookies, does not work


I got that album thingy with inserts, but whats bugging me is - if im not aiming to collect a whole edition, how do i organise my cards? by color? by some other order? I have mixed WoE and Commander Masters cards, but would like to have them somewhere nice when they are not in decks.

If i like an ed and want to have it complete then its going into its own album / fold and sorted by numbers.

I kinda hoped ixalan would be it, but that mixed universe thing is so not my cup of tea...


I loved it for getting inspired, now its a few regular ads and then 10 chinese fake products that cut diamonds, paste that glues everything possible, gives you superpowers as a bonus.

Im seriously getting tired of it.

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