Looks like the maintainer has better things to do

In post on the Gradience Discord, the tool’s primary developer David Lapshin (daudix) explains: –

“Archiving the project […] will make it clear that Gradience is, well, unmaintained, and will prevent the issue tracker from being filled with duplicates asking when new release will be out/why nautilus sidebar is white.”

“And, if someone will want to maintain it one day, it can always be unarchived with a press of a button.”

Many fairy tales are. Especially the oldest. Some of them have direct references to historic people. This is what I got out of the story:

I think the sausage is supposed to be the rich class, safely hidden away, in a life of luxury, having others do most of her work. Leaving the safety of their own land without protection was no safe task for many nobles, especially with warring nobles around waiting for a chance to seize more power. With an excuse, the dog took out their neighbouring queen and left society to crumble.

The mouse may be an allegory for the church (as the church, nobility, and the laymen were often grouped together). Though the sausage clearly had an easy life, the mouse had control in the end, and could be persuaded by the bird (the common people doing the hardest work). The second bird was a (foreign?) revolutionary, infecting the bird's mind with dangerous ideas.

In other words: stay in your lane, just do your chores, and everyone is better off. Start shit and society will collapse, and everyone will suffer. Probably written by someone well off.

Threadly reminder that "German fairy tales" were as much for adults' entertainment as they were for kids. Just because a story has a moral, doesn't mean it's intended for toddlers

It's kind of the old school "cartoons are for children" vibe of stories. Don't let the evil mouse corporation trick you into believing fairy tales always have a happy ending!

Update your typescript definitions to make the field String|undefined|null and use operators like ?.. It's the only way to stay sane as a frontend developer.

If you're using Typescript yet, may God bless your soul (and you can still use all the nice nullability operators on most cases).

[-] skullgiver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl 11 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

And then, as I've heard reported in several European countries, when they notice your broken grammar they switch to English for both of your conveniences. Caught myself doing that to some poor student a while back because I was in a hurry and couldn't parse what they were trying to say.

And then there's the other language students, who studied very very well and now sounds like the voice of a kids' TV show with their perfect "standard" pronunciation. I love seeing immigrants who were so dedicated to their language skills that they end up speaking the local language way better than any local you'll meet. Sometimes it's difficult too, because random words won't have been part of their vocabulary training and they end up talking in-depth about the geopolitical landscape but don't know what "backyard" means.

Learning languages is cool, if only I had the patience to do it.

Am from the Netherlands. Can confirm TikTok hasn't been blocked yet. I think the ban only applies to some government officials, and I don't think it's enforced well for most of those.

Administrator is not root. NT AUTHORIRY\System probably comes closest. You rarely need to interact with that account because Window's security system doesn't have the same mix of authentication systems most Linux systems have (users + container APIs + PolKit).

Windows also supports mixed case filesystems just fine. It's not the default, so your programs will probably screw up, but it's just a flag. You can also mount filesystems like ext4 and btrfs on Windows (though booting from them doesn't really work).

Also, Windows runs Libreoffice and GIMP just fine. You don't need to, because you have better sofware available (pirated or paid).

As for security, Windows is MUCH better unless you're a cybersecurity specialist with too much time in their hands. Most major distros don't even come with a firewall enabled by default, let alone a firewall for outgoing traffic. And the best AV I've seen for Linux is Microsoft's enterprise version of Windows defender. In terms of hacking tools, they're mostly written in languages Python, most of them work on either platform.

For development, Linux has a slight edge, but with WSL2 it really doesn't matter much.

Running Linux on computers with Nvidia hardware proves that Linux and Windows both have their problems dealing with device drivers. Linux' benefit is that is has higher standards because the kernel devs need to sign off on driver, but that has downsides of turning away potential driver developers (as getting your code into Linux is a quite a complex thing just on its own). Linux also doesn't have many drivers in general it seems, unless your device has some kind of generic fallback that disables any special features.

My kernel panics generally don't display anything, the display just freezes and I need to force reboot the computer.

English used to have a word like that borrowed from Middle Dutch. Lots of Germanic languages have a word for bats that means something like "flying/floating mouse".

Revanced has that, as well as a load of other features. Can be used without root access these days.

They're teachers, they already have a full time job, they don't need a side job of syadminning their own laptops.

Upvoted for actually posting an unpopular opinion. I disagree with your reasoning, but at least your opinion has some arguments backing it.

Fuck Github for refusing to set up some kind of IPv6 proxy is all I'll say on the topic.

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