
joined 1 year ago
[–] 6 points 1 year ago

If a company stole your art and copyrighted it such that it no longer belonged to everyone, in the same way that a Beatles record cannot be freely and openly shared, would you be fine with that?

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (3 children)

A lot of people want you to be fearful. Fearful people make for very avid readers and sharers of media. Fearful people spend a lot of their precious time convincing other people to be fearful. Fearful people often don't make the most rational decisions.

I'm not downplaying the problem or saying climate change is some sort of fairy story, but I am saying that it is almost impossible to have a 100% impartial birds-eye-view of what is a tremendously complex problem, especially if you just ingest whatever random media crosses your door.

There is no point beyond which the entire game is lost and we should just lie down and rot. Things can always get better, and things can always get worse. So act, get involved in local action and put pressure on government to make the right calls. Act with the hope of a better future in your heart, and save the despair for when the end is known beyond all doubt. It's just another day at the office.

[–] 22 points 1 year ago (2 children)

One enables the other, or rather the snake is constantly eating itself. SEO content and clickbait were already plagiarizing and consuming human communication, polluting the web by crowding out actual information -- ChatGPT and LLMs calcify and turbo-charge this. Tech companies are reacting by piling their own LLMs on top -- ingesting garbage and generating yet more garbage. Soon enough, appending " reddit" to our search terms will not be enough to quickly and freely get human information from the web.

Meanwhile -- laymen are being told that ChatGPT is an oracle, an intelligence, by companies and enthusiasts trying to build a crypto-style hype train. And the laymen are reacting accordingly. They are being told that ChatGPT knows everything. It doesn't even know what a pineapple is.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

It's not exactly the same thing, but allow developers to have a "reverse sale", where the price goes up for a given period. It was mostly a joke feature, perhaps intended to provoke a little thought about sales culture.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I really wish more indies could take on the no-sales policy. It'd give me tons more peace of mind to buy a game when I actually want to play it, rather than always waiting and doing weird backlog hoarding when Valve decide it's wallet-opening-time.

But as the video shows, the policy was a risk for Wube even back in the day -- it's an even bigger risk now that everyone and their dog expects to wait for the sale, and especially if you happen to have a game that's not quite as incredibly popular as Factorio.