[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 16 points 1 month ago


— wherever you go, whatever you do, you create this one and only shape that has never existed in any time and space. Science is baffled by those shapes, as they are constantly popping into existence everywhere.

Theoretically they can be morphing from Anteyouzoids™ and even into Postyouzoids™ — those require further research.

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 10 points 1 month ago

Did you mean “When did FatTony replaced Google” or do you wish to show the results for “Will FatTony also replace Google?”

Showing one result:

  • Around 15:00 UTC, Thursday, 23rd of May, 2024
[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 17 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Screwdriver bits, any type of storage — drives or pendrives, PSUs.

Coffee, some snacks (like cheap/unknown brands of chips or chocolate) can be really terrible, even some spices.

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 15 points 2 months ago

Bunny Lake Is Missing (1965) — hard to say anything without spoiling the plot

Blair Witch Project (1999) — I just admire how great idea / concept extended beyond the movie itself. No-one can ever watch it again for a first time during ‘99 but it is iconic and great as a case study of having almost no budget and making something really impactful / special

Her (2013) — this one is my answer for the same question but asked in 2061..

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 15 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

There should be a special division in all patenting offices called Burning With Fire ™

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 12 points 3 months ago

There is no one-fits-all golden answer when it comes to sleeping but reducing heavy foods, any stress and overstimulation for at least two hours before planned bed time can help or be at least some form of a start..

If it is a problem with falling asleep, when you are lying for some prolonged time already — try standing up, doing some simple stretches, maybe drink water, slowly walk around, visit the bathroom and empty your bladder (don’t turn on too many lights etc.), you can even try some breathing exercises and then just try again.

Many people have a big problem with proper “coming back from work”, like reading some work related e-mails or chats / groups and so on — this can really harm your night / resting time. Make a holy boundary, cut-off time for those things or just fully turn off your phone and put it out of reach. If there are things like plans for the next day, some project that you need to do or a big deadline, physically write all this stuff that occupies your mind, “do the laundry, take the trash in the morning, call the manager and reply to X and Y about Z” — whatever fits your bill, write it down, put it on your desk or on a fridge — make sure that you feel it, do it slowly, be like “I am securing my plans because they are important to me and now there is no need to keep them in my mind, they will wait for me in the morning, right here” or something close to that.

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 10 points 3 months ago

This is one of the most influential games ever for so many different reasons.. I am definitely a big fan and have a lot of great memories with the classic one on NES, especially the 1v1 mode. It was a pure joy to play with my uncle, brother, friends or mom, she preferred Battle City tho!

This was long time ago, now if I play, I go for the Tetris Effect — which doesn’t change the main formula, it mostly builds around it or plays with it.

One of — counterintuitively — not so many games that you can just keep playing to get better at them, as your brain rewires itself and conscious decision making process goes into the deep, unconscious brain backroom magic. Of course to be the best there is a lot of technical knowledge or some tactical aspects but the base gameplay loop just keeps you in self-learning mode or more often than not, in the flow state.

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 10 points 6 months ago

Yeah, major bullet dodged there. Just when I started actually appreciating Figma and heard about the Adobe plans, I automatically felt like I just need to hate Figma to not get used to it too much — just in case.

Affinity is great and gets better, Figma stays great and gets better, for now at least, all fine with me. No Adobe logo anywhere in sight — good news for me.

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 13 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Yup, when I was talking with a few different Microsoft representatives, they just straightforwardly stated that they don’t focus at all on punishing or pushing consequences for “obtained/purchased windows instances via any existing alternative/not supported ways” when it comes to private/home users.

They surely and happily will put the idea of buying a key or official upgrade from their certified resellers locally or online on the table.

It is quite a different story with larger organizations and companies.

Of course all this info is based on just a few talks during the last decade and with incoming subscription (ugh) model a lot will change, I guess.

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 13 points 10 months ago

You mean Scaleberry?

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 10 points 11 months ago

Sir, not when I am drinking my afternoon coffee — please!

[-] somnuz@lemm.ee 13 points 1 year ago

Well, yes. This exist — I am really grateful for that, but.. This audio library now contains 15M positions. It is a big number, no doubt about it.

Then, Spotify has over 80M files in the library with around 4M podcasts.

Estimated existing music amount is unclear but around 90-200M and growing all the time.

And suddenly 15M is getting somehow small in terms of preserving, and this is with music only.

With movies I even remember some interviews with Tarantino and Nolan talking about how badly some movies are being mistreated, lost cuts, not even close to proper/safe long time storing, fires, accidents and so on..

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