submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

Here : https://x.com/NimerSultany/status/1798264979445207286

I just realized that Caitlin Johnstone also retweeted this. If you haven't read this post from her, then i think you should. Israel's trying to pass as the victim when every metric points to them as the tormentor, who clearly doesn't need to be so cruel, and (the current government/population )doesn't even seek/'believe in' a two-states solution, they're overthrowing&killing everything in the name of their survival(, and lying, so many lies, if this isn't the proof that they're ashamed of the truth...).
I'm sure that they can't really believe that they're "fighting Hamas", and certainly should consider Hamas' revendications as legitimate since palestinians are right to ask for more than what they're currently getting, i'm certain that palestinians could end up agreeing with Israel's existence as their goodwill was proven more than once since the Oslo accords(, and before). Antisemites could embrace the challenge of converting anti-muslims living in Israel, cohabitation is clearly possible. I think Israel prefers to kill&overthrow everyone because they're afraid that even the atomic bomb won't protect them, that making peace will only give time for their enemies to gather their forces. Which is why they should support a world peace(, world army, supranational institutions, ...), as well as making sure that they're forgiven for stealing the Holy lands, and doing what they can to be integrated with their neighbours, etc. Peace isn't impossible, yet they&we(sterners) have chosen the continuation of the archaic war that never made anyone safe : https://x.com/caitoz/status/1797585791989985668

(edit : sure, it's good and all to forgive this(, and even to accept that ?), but killing innocent israelis indiscriminately isn't less awful than killing clearly innocent palestinians, i'll trust the lex talionis to say that they're not terrorists but victims/resistants, and that this collective "punishment" is yet another stain on the name of Israel, and, more importantly, there's this unilateral loss of a two-states solution, while waiting for a day when borders wouldn't mean much anyway, a common state with jews, muslims, christians and whatnot, something perpetually better than yesterday is the goal i guess. Ukraine/'Anti-russians ukrainians' should give up on their pro-western stance because it obviously endanger n.a.t.o.'s ("strategic"🙄 )enemies(, or Russia should give up on its non-western partners), it's easier to do than giving up on a multi-millenial religion(, not that 'muslims gave'/'converting to islam would mean giving' up the jewish religion, even traditions could be kept by forming a new sect, oh well...)
(And she's decidedly very good

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/comradeship@lemmygrad.ml

List of Audiobooks : https://dessalines.github.io/essays/audiobooks.html
Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/@dessalines6388/videos

Don't miss out on his essays : https://github.com/dessalines/essays, https://dessalines.github.io/essays

It's just a little appreciation post, now you know if you didn't already

(and his username quite probably comes from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Jacques_Dessalines)
(If i'm adding a bit of stalking : he was a mod of /r/LateStageCapitalism if i'm not mistaken, under the username /u/parentis_shotgun)

... (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

Two examples among many to point out that the orders come from above(, or, as they may admit on the occasion, public-private partnerships), hate Youtube all you want but don't be blind to their pressure(, you could also remark that the government itself is taking orders/"advices" from other people, i.d.k.) :

I'm sure that you could find many more people than these, as well as examples of bot armies and wikipedia editing, but here's some other recent examples :

Of course, yeah, even if i regret that things aren't better, i'm also glad that things aren't worse. Unfortunately they're progressing towards the latter.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml

Here's the article.
The African Growth and Opportunity Act(, A.G.O.A.,) aimed to increase their exportation(, duty-free entry into the United States for certain goods), and create a leverage( as all aids are), even if the results aren't really there unfortunately :

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

According to the Gaza government media office, Israeli forces have destroyed more than 390 schools and universities in the first 100 days of war.

Gaza was home to seven universities, all of which have either been destroyed or severely damaged.

Israel has also destroyed Gaza's main courthouse, legislative building, and Islamic university, and dozens of other centres of administration : https://www.newarab.com/news/israel-destroys-gaza-courthouse-dozens-govt-buildings

195 recognized historical heritage sites have been destroyed by Israeli forces, including an ancient harbour dating back to 800 BC, a mosque that was home to rare manuscripts and one of the world’s oldest Christian monasteries : https://imemc.org/article/israel-detonates-last-university-in-gaza

interesting (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

Arab League : Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen

The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation :

(i stumbled upon this criticism a few days ago(, here), thought such info also kinda had its place here perhaps)

Good news (lemmygrad.ml)
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/worldnews@lemmygrad.ml


Too many of their natural ressources are still in foreign hands, we'll just continue to make them suffer for their rebellion, under the guise of human rights..

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

(good to know in advance)


submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml to c/palestine@lemmygrad.ml

Liz Magill, president of the university of Pennsylvania, was also forced to resign. The third person is Sally Kornbluth, academic administrator of the m.i.t., the only one who wasn't forced to resign, probably because she's jewish herself.
(wiki article)

No point in saying that she doesn't want jews to be exterminated, her enemies know better than her what she's really thinking, and there's no possibility to walk back on these specific words to specify what she meant, it's so stupid 🙄. She obviously interpreted the question(, of whether calling for the genocide of jews is against Harvard's code of conduct,) as something loaded since "from the river to the sea" manifestations would then have to be prohibited(, well, you can liberate the territory by killing 1% of the israeli population and forcing the rest to flee, we've learned recently that it wouldn't be a genocide, if such word means something). In retrospect she could have said that the only acceptable speeches on the campus are those calling for a two-states solution or something else that accepts Israel's possession of the holy lands, but as usual calling for the destruction of Palestine isn't as horrible as calling for the destruction of Israel.
Reuters article

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Massive defundings and privatizations in sight...

And :

And b.t.w., contrary to what is often said, the huge i.m.f. debt(, with an 8.07% interest rate, more than others,) is the responsability of the right, as usual :

more here

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 12 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

The title isn't exact :

Moreover, their relations were only re-instaured after the western-supported coup by J.Añez :

(Here's Colombia's president 6 hours ago b.t.w., among other examples)

(no need to point out that it would be safer for them not to take position for//against any side. The article also spoke of Argentina, here's an interesting 2mn-long point of view)

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

They claim to fight disinformation yet speak about a "technical glitch", classic, just like cops lying on their depositions, what a way to set an example.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

And weird.

People are saying that referendums represent the will of the people, as if it was unmoving. How many people would have changed their minds after the u.s.s.r. dissolution of 1991 for example ?

Also, i've looked at the opinion surveys for presidential elections of the last decades and it always moved a lot in the last weeks, a proof that they're consciously manipulative/lying i.m.h.o.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

From https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Australian_Indigenous_Voice_referendum#Advertising_and_media :
Mass media in Australia are highly concentrated, with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Australia dominating the landscape, owning over two-thirds of leading newspapers along with most online news websites ; three News Corp outlets occupy the top three positions in the nation, based on popularity and viewership.
The majority of News Corp's content was commentary, not reporting, so when the various articles and videos were examined together, around 70% of the coverage favoured "No" arguments.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Yeah, totally, they did what they could for n.a.t.o. to publicly acknowledge three times their demand from October 2021 to January 2022 but were ignored if i'm only relying on my memories. And they threatened Ukraine in the beginning of 2021 by amassing their troops at their borders but then retreated, so it wasn't some kind of unprovoked invasion coming from nowhere, our heads of state were clearly aware of the russian demands but lied to their population as usual(, because we're too stupid to be told the truth or sthg).
I'd have to find the sources here as well, but Ukraine already wrote in its constitution that joining the n.a.t.o. was a national priority, and as usual we'll have to thank Eastern Galicia for that(, so it's not a russian illusion about some imaginary threat, they possibly waited for V.Putin to step down before acting), and apparently european "partners" were much less insistant on Ukraine's admission than americans(, confirmed in facts but i still kinda doubt it), the most famous warning about n.a.t.o. expansion dated back from the Munich security conference in 2007, but it can be found since 1991.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

The opposite seems more truthful : the n.a.t.o. and e.u. were given every chances to welcome Russia, but they immediately took steps to establish their hegemony(, including the bombing of Yugoslavia, and the whole Middle-East), before "protecting protesters" in Lybia V.Putin already knew that we were the biggest liars on Earth, he saw what was hidden behind our lies and opposed Dmitry Medvedev(, almost every article from 2011 says that it was rare for him), who was ready to believe us one more time(, and quickly regretted his trust).
We(sterners) had more than one chance to be united in diversity, we still have this possibility now, instead we're opposing everyone who doesn't conform to our "values". If we(sterners)'re not stopped then neo-colonialism won't end and any country judged too diverse will be forced to conform. Also, Russia is considered too large/powerful and hence too difficult to control, thus a potential threat to western hegemony/"enforced peace", allowing western hegemony may imply a smaller and/or less powerful Russia.
There's more details on everything that Russia(, and even the u.s.s.r. before,) did in order to unite with the west, but we're so certain of our moral&economic&military&.. superiority that we won't agree to any concession.
It's a badly written comment, there's only two arguments and i'd have to search in my computer folders for any sources i may have(, i remember that in the first years after Yeltsin resigned, V.Putin took many measures to unite with the west, and obtained such things as the NATO-Russia Council). I still think that there's a lot of truth in writing that Russia had&'will have' to abandon its diversity in order to have a hope of uniting with the west(, in the sense of not being unfairly attacked by our politicians&medias since they're probably too big to be integrated into the e.u. anyway, they could join n.a.t.o. but they would have to agree with our goal for hegemony and apparently prefer to suffer than being immoral).

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)



They also passed a law to reduce the work week from 48 hours to 40 hours.

And he was among the most vocal support in favor of Julian Assange.

As a symbolic gesture, he also sold the (luxurious )presidential plane, that counts. Another symbol if i'm not misreading.

After nationalizing lithium(, calling for an alliance), he also nationalized 13 power plants, as well as in the oil industry, which was not appreciated(2mn video).

I remember many other examples of friction with the u.s.a., and of support for oppressed countries(, more on Cuba here.

Finally, on a topic not only related to Mexico, i found the sentence « If the country had continued to grow at this rate, it would have European living standards today », if these assumptions are true then it's the damnedest argument against neoliberalism, some would say "not a bug but a feature", and i couldn't blame their suspicion. https://twitter.com/BenjaminNorton/status/1676657181301547009

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's their independence day today b.t.w.(, 200 and one year since 1822).

I'm christian and i'm a communist, clearly in favor of liberation theology, and it hurts that you're right.
It doesn't make sense, but the Church supports the poors in words and ~not in deeds, perhaps because a lot of communists were anti-clerical, but still, you're right.

St Augustine of Hippo's epitaph is :

What makes the heart of a christian heavy ?
That s·he is a pilgrim, and longeth for h·is·er own country.

That's my words, and those of millions/billions before me.
Far-right christians supporters would probably say that societal (pseudo-)problems are more important than socio-economic ones, and that the inhabitants of communist countries are asking for our help to free them.
But if i ever stumble upon a christian supporter of capitalist political parties, i hope that they'd confirm to me that our vision of the paradise/'city of God' on Earth is mostly the same. Christianity is fundamentally compatible with utopian socialism. And if that's the case, then we only need to produce an effective counter-propaganda to make them realise the usual lies about authoritarianism, the efficiency of free market with its external negativities, the steal of 'lucrative properties'/'passive income'/'capital's revenues', etc. Longing for a better world is half the work of being a communist, and western societies don't even have a long-term vision to attain this utopia.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It ends a 56-years long uninterrupted rule by the Bongo family(, with suspicions of cheating).
And they apparently suspended french medias.

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Always the same map.

And also, apart from multilateralism/anti-imperialism, there's a (new) rise of left-wing politicians in South America :

[-] soumerd_retardataire@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

If Saudi Arabia was that much allied with the u.s. it'd have accepted Israel and wouldn't be criticized that much, and would also play its expected role against Iran, they also made peace with Yemen, i didn't expected that. Don't forget that S.Hussein was also our ally in the past, things change. As long as it's good news for them and not bad news for the others then it's a reason to rejoice i.m.h.o.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, are the three most important countries in the Middle-East, with a historical influence going back farther than England's influence in the European Union. The United Arab Emirates also have a lot of influence.
I just hope that they won't be sanctioned or something.

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