[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 25 points 10 months ago

I know it's hip to call Biden a 90's R because he didn't pass every policy the left wants with a slim majority, but do you even know what a 90's Republican is / stood for? Because that's when the party turned to Newt and I don't see him doing ANYTHING close to that.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 17 points 10 months ago

No-one's obligated to read trash. I don't read other tabloids in case they might have a point.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 13 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I admire your willingness to engage and respond to vague BS. Keep on keepin on, dude. (also get some rest)

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 19 points 11 months ago

The ad-free, no-cost streaming service will include live coverage of future launches, documentaries and new original series that will be exclusively available on the platform.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 24 points 11 months ago

Protip: it's better to respond to the article rather than what you think the headline means.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 19 points 11 months ago

Online services cost a lot of money. People don't realize how much because VCs and corpos w/ deep pockets have been subsidizing most major services for a long time. Now that the free money period is more-or-less over, these services need to start paying the bills with their users - commence enshittification

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by speff@melly.0x-ia.moe to c/gaming@beehaw.org
[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 64 points 11 months ago

What changed is he started becoming more public. He's always been a shithead. There were mentions of him abusing his employees back when I was in grad school in 2012. People on the internet just fell for his mythos and just kept ignoring signs to the contrary until he just...kept...talking.. and couldn't be ignored anymore.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 37 points 11 months ago

Easy - Godzilla 1998. 28% audience score just goes to show the public has no taste

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 18 points 11 months ago

If you want to minimize opinions of people who joined recently, try not being someone who also joined recently.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 21 points 11 months ago

The use of lead alloys in telecom cables started in the 1880s and the industry began to phase out placement of new lead-sheathed cables in the 1950s after developing a new type of sheathing," the trade group's website said. "Some of these cables still provide customer voice and data services, including connecting 911 service, fire alarms, and other central monitoring stations."

Sounds about right. So they did stop using it when the negative effects of lead started being more well-known. You know what happens when they try to remove that cable in favor of fiber? You get people who whine that the telcos are getting rid of landline copper connections.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 14 points 1 year ago

You’re not paying them… you’re not their mother. You don’t get to force them to do anything they don’t want to do.

I'm trying to think of what it would be like if one of my projects had a defined roadmap and then I suddenly get hundred of messages a day telling me I have to do something. lol, no. Maybe if I was actually being paid well for the project.

[-] speff@melly.0x-ia.moe 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

So... "fun" fact since I was following that shitshow at the time. When r/T_D got booted off reddit, they congregated to a site called thedonald[dot]win. That site later got renamed to patriots[dot]win. They were very much hyping up Jan6th in the days leading up to it and were absolutely looking forward to getting violent.

I don't think it's an exaggeration to say reddit's tolerance towards T_D was one of the root-causes towards what happened in J6th.

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